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Everything posted by olo

  1. no. Unless you actually like it I guess. Probably down with your predator score. I always preferred the first 2/3 to the final act. Still pretty much awesome for the village shootout/forest decimation alone. Feels for that.
  2. Prometheus - no/10 Finally got around to watching this. I didn't want to dig out the old thread to give watmmers grim flashbacks. Made it through the first hour - hour & a half. Ridley Scott needs to be wheeled off to his house in the country & stick to home movies. (Throw in Lindelof with him). his time has long passed. From what I watched it was utter shit. Stupid characters doing completely ridiculous things that no person with only a modicum of intelligence would do. Terrible pacing. Shit acting. Taking your helmets off! seriously. I could give a fuck about special effects in regards to all things stated prior. A whiney bitch scientist who has to drink himself stupid because the engineers weren't alive when he found them. Listen asshole, you just found an alien race on a far away moon, they built structures & murals & housed casks of something & are terraforming a moon. You find they were running away from something & are all mostly dead. Not even the least bit interested? a little...No sense of mystery even gives you a little rise? I'm going to drink & cry, kick my feet like a five year old, take it out on an android & just complain I want to go home. Fuck off dude. Seriously fuck off. I'm not going to bother with the 2 dumbfuck scientist/geologists dicking around in the dome. Garbage so far, I'll probably finish it just to have closure if nothing else.
  3. Been awhile. Time to rehash the thread. Recent entries for me: Brewery Vivant - Wizard Burial Ground BB. Pretty damn good. Still a little hot possibly. Oddside Ales - BB Imperial Mayan Mocha Stout w/ habanero,cinnamon,nutmeg & coffee - Fucking awesome. So many feels. Goose Island - 2014 Bourbon County Stout - Always fantastic
  4. I thought South park was done years ago, but this latest season is really doing it for me. They weave themes through one episode to another. Not 2-parters. But, for instance, Randy is Lorde. It kinda pops up in different episodes. It really has been a strong season for this show imo.
  5. Evil sasquatch village for a change of pace. Like that one MacGyver episode. Maybe zombiesquatches. Also, when do you think they'll do the "Group meets an actor who plays himself episode" ala Bill Murray in Zombieland.
  6. bahaha. They're still "on the road" Herr jan. No worries, Robert Kirkman says the show is going to change "drastically" in the second half & feel like an entirely different show.
  7. South Park (current season) Am I the only one watching the latest season of South Park? I tuned out years ago & caught episodes here & there. But man, this latest season is pretty damn fantastic & last nights episode was totally relatable to watmmers with kids on computers.
  8. I was pretty optimistic it would be a decent show. Wasn't completely sold on the pilot, thought it was uneven, but the show became a beast & thoroughly enjoyed. So many great moments throughout it's run. My goods are at half mast with excite. Any ideas when we can expect the new episodes? That was a damn good series. Awesome film too. Gotta love dem Coen breddas. Not sure on new episodes. I was hoping for spring/summer. But if they're just casting now, probably a while longer than that unfortunately.
  9. Getting pretty excite for the next incarnation of Fargo. Nick Offerman may be signing on. http://www.nme.com/filmandtv/news/-parks-and-recreation-star-nick-offerman-offered-r/365198
  10. Well, Dawn did say it was an accident before she caught one to the dome.
  11. According to Jan Harlan, Kubrick's bro-n-law, Room 237 is all bullshit. http://www.fastcocreate.com/3038921/stanley-kubrick-sort-of-demystified-10-insights-about-the-auteur-from-a-new-doc
  12. Saw these last night. Glad Mike seems to be a regular. edit: Thought he'd just have bit parts here & there.
  13. caught only a few episodes. Strange cartoon. Is it from the same guy that does Steven Universe? Animation seems similar. Unrelated: Looks like Mike Ehrmentraut will be a regular on Better Call Saul from latest trailer.
  14. That's funny. Especially if you caught Talking Dead with her last night. poor girl. also, poor daryl.
  15. This. Whew man she looked good on the talking dead. That lipstick... wowzaa wowzaa.
  16. Dragons? What? BRILLIANT!!! Please, o PLEASE, let this be good. :/ Well according to that article, he's gonna work on a new type of alien & lose the xenomorph. I guess that may be interesting if properly designed & it's not CGI. Has to be tangible.
  17. olo


    Sirius XMU rock station was just playing Minipops 67. It's a rock album after all.
  18. South Park - Cock Magic aired last night. Thoroughly enjoyed. The Oculus Rift episode from last week was good to. Kinda tuned out of this show years ago. Glad I came back to it.
  19. terrible editing. especially with the POV from inside the van. but what's new about WD... They should have never shown the van hit the ground & just cut it to them getting out of it upside down.
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