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Everything posted by olo

  1. Jaden & Willow Smith NYT interview. very IDM.
  2. Scott Ian from Anthrax to guest star in the 2nd half of this season. Hopefully a subplot to find his missing bandmates. I'll respect this if it's Scott Ian playing Scott Ian.
  3. Hannibal season 3 pushed back for late/spring or early/summer airing. Looks like they are filming mostly in Toronto & shooting exteriors in Italy. Bummed about the late airing. Was looking forward to having something to watch this winter.
  4. It's gonna end with a closing shot of Daryl entering a hallway in the now secured hospital. Carol is standing there. Their eyes lock & Daryl & Carol both make their signature happy smirks. Beth then walks out of a room behind Carol. Daryl stops smirking. Camera pans from Beth back to Carol. Shit just got real. End credits.
  5. thoughts on finale? Yea, only 3 episodes left for mid-season finale. Probably just gonna end up at the stupid hospital for fuck sake to rescue Carol. I watch it for shits and giggles (and for the backwards of it all). Also, every now and then there's a slight hint of something that's almost cool. For instance, the last shot in the opening is of a zombie walking around alone in the field. I think that shot is from one of the earlier seasons but it's probably one of the coolest shots in the show of all times. Nothing happened in that scene. It was just Shane looking out of a car window staring at this zombie walking around doing nothing and for some reason it was very atmospheric. I'm surprised no one has pointed out how fucking terrible the blood splatter looks? Worst compositing ever. truth in every word. I love that clip of the lone zombie with the setting sun.
  6. He kinda has a "rainman " quality to him. I also enjoyed his peeping tom pervness.
  7. Eugene was the be-mulleted savior that Hulk Hogan needed in his time of muscular, sweaty darkness. There may be some truth to that. They were very touchy/feely on Talking Dead. Yea, I watched it...yes. I'm ashamed.
  8. I don't know, I probably would have still pulled the trigger if I saw that fuckass stumbling toward me down the street. edit: the mullet arc was unbelievable television. And it was actually meant to be serious. Bravo writers.
  9. olo


    doesn't relate to syro, circlont14 is darker then bloody hell Your darkness is my light, then. :) You also only quote a song, I was talking about SYRO, the album. I don't think Syro is dark and evil, but it has that positive, trippy, awakening, next level non dark vibe going on. I think he's right in saying that it's so much easier to make dark and evil music in this day and age while making positive music that's not cheesy is the real challenge. I don't know, I think there's a lot of positive music out there that isn't cheesy across many different genres. Music really runs the gamut right now. And music is such an abstract thing that is really dependant on the listener. My positive, is someones negative & vice versa.
  10. a 5 second loop that lasts for an hour basically I would imagine.
  11. pointers. http://www.videocopilot.net/tutorials/ site saved my ass many a time.
  12. olo

    Share your dreams

    Had my first Richard D. James themed dream last night. He moved into a duplex in an old subdivision I used to live in. It was sky blue & the architecture was that kind of Southern California stucco faced home. This type of house is not indicative of the home style in my old subdivision. I have no idea why Richard moved in, but a group of people including myself somehow got invited to his home as a "meet-and-greet". Vaguely thinking it had something to do with the Joyrex imminent announcement. He greeted us, hair tied back to ponytail, t-shirt, baggy cargo pants & sandals. Not pretentious by any means & pretty chill. His place was sparsely decorated & I only noticed a massive record collection. We talked wax for a little bit. I don't remember details of the conversation. There were no wife or children?!? He put on some hip-hop record, where Greenkingdom (old watmm member) & myself started doing the "Kid-N-Play" dance. It was pretty sloppily done & my equilibrium was off. There was a section of more discussion, but I don't recall what was discussed again. It seemed like many of the people I came with had now left. Richard then setup a series of small crystal like blocks in a straight line. Very much like a row of dominoes. The first & last block were completely clear. The blocks were all wired electronically at the base. He fired a blue-green laser through them which revealed an image on the wall much like the appearance of a topographic map. If you moved a block, it would change the shape of the map. He explained that the laser was vibrating the crystal in a certain way & was recording the frequency. He would then move the blocks to slightly different positions; thus making different sounds & different imagery. I could not hear the sound in my dream. At this point I was alone & went to the restroom. An old lady came down stairs & was complaining about the noise Richard would make. She was a neighbor in the duplex I thought in my dream. When the lady got closer to complain, it turned out to be Phyllis Diller. *woke up*
  13. was just about to post this. "Can I help you with somethin"......."Yesss"
  14. Got a feeling from the preview of this weeks episode, you're gonna get your wish. Plus, he & the ginger soldier dude are on talking dead. Bad news for one of them, maybe both. meh...
  15. Three Floyds Dark Lord. The sweetest stout I've ever had. Possibly the sweetest beer I've ever had. Like drinking Fudge. Definitely malty. Some flavors I couldn't quite put my finger on. Very chewy. Glad I tried, but the sweetness was too much for me.
  16. The only reason I started watching that show was for Alexandra Breckenridge. She's a mink. And yes, I know it's shallow. No need to watch anymore than you have already. The show has gotten progressively worse & the only redeeming factor to it is the title sequence for each season.
  17. Been banging on that show since it aired. Season 2 is supposed to be the backstory of Lou? going back to the murder case he worked in the 70s. Pretty excite.
  18. My buddy knows a brewer at a local brewery in MI. This guy made a pilgrimage to the actual monastery by a scheduled reservation & picked up an undisclosed amount. It was quite good. Very unfiltered, but don't give a shit about that. I didn't think it was heads & shoulders above anything really. Very much in line with the plum/fig notes & other taste profile like most Belgian/trappist quads ( Bernardus, rochefort 10, etc.) edit: my friend, who I drank one with, is working to be a cicerone & we share similar tastes. He kinda felt the same I did. Great quad, but really nothing above & beyond. Bare in mind we just drank that quad & didn't have others on hand to compare to. Just going by memory. Actually out of all quads I've had. I prefer straffe hendrik. That one speaks to me. Thanks maetl; always wanted to try the Westy given its reputation, and was personally getting fairly hyped when it went on sale in the States briefly a few years ago, but it seems like I should just happily accept one if ever offered to me (or if I find myself in Belgium) rather than pine away for it over here. It's a Trappist Quad and it tastes like one, basically, hah. I've never seen Streffe Hendrik in the wild in/around Los Angeles, for some reason. Will remember to grab one if it should turn up. Gladly take a westy, but no need to let it eat at you. You'll be just as fine off with the names I mentioned. I think just the mystique, somewhat rarity of it, makes people who are lucky to grab one, think it's the best beer eva. A psychological thing. Same thing happens with Three Floyds. Straffe Hendrik Brugs is tasty. Kinda has a port like quality to it which I enjoy. That one definitely has a different feel than abt12/ rochefort 10. Knab one if you find it around town. Seems like a great beer state like CA, you should be able to find one. Depends on distribution I guess.
  19. My buddy knows a brewer at a local brewery in MI. This guy made a pilgrimage to the actual monastery by a scheduled reservation & picked up an undisclosed amount. It was quite good. Very unfiltered, but don't give a shit about that. I didn't think it was heads & shoulders above anything really. Very much in line with the plum/fig notes & other taste profile like most Belgian/trappist quads ( Bernardus, rochefort 10, etc.) edit: my friend, who I drank one with, is working to be a cicerone & we share similar tastes. He kinda felt the same I did. Great quad, but really nothing above & beyond. Bare in mind we just drank that quad & didn't have others on hand to compare to. Just going by memory. Actually out of all quads I've had. I prefer straffe hendrik. That one speaks to me.
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