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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Brisbot

  1. If the episode "Bart gets an F" doesn't make you emotional I don't know what will.
  2. What's the best documentary to watch about it? Honestly the Bush stuff was before my time. Only got into politics during Obama era.
  3. He also mentioned that Trump being an "asshole" is irrelevant and that many of his voters are aware he's full of himself.... still horrible logic but at least they are aware it's horrible? I dunno.
  4. That is the reason one of my best friends, a conservative, gave me. He voted for Trump to protest the evil liberal establishment. Which is a reason with 0% foresight. Only reason I could see it being a reasonable protest vote is if the presidency was a figurehead thing instead of being THE MOST POWERFUL POSITION IN AMERICA. A Bush 2.0 would have been better than Trump.
  5. For many of his voters it's a "you've made your bed, now lie in it" thing. Where he does a million stupid things and they just shrug it off. Where they see nothing wrong with a poll where the most negative option is 'very good'. They voted for him so him failing is a direct reflection onto them. That is too much, if I focus too much on the politics stuff it starts to put me into a negative frame of mind, lol.
  6. Holy crap, okay I'll bookmark it, lol. The Great Divide/Great Hack sounds like a nice start.
  7. Wonder how many conservatives saw this and thought there was nothing wrong with the poll.... also Wuhan virus... ugh.
  8. Seriously. The aphex twin band need more drops in their music instead of just drums with random patterns....
  9. Lol I said exactly this the other day... in a message or something. Need Vol 2-5 now! haha
  10. For whatever reason his staffers seem to like to hide him. It may be a bad idea to try to get the attention of the public during the pandemic. There is nothing he can do except complain about Trump anyway. I imagine he will come out of hiding in a month or so.
  11. oh I didn't realize it was a thing. I just thought he came up with it on the fly, and it always stuck with me. I remember laughing pretty hard after he said it (and the only one laughing from what I recall). True. Not really talking about Biden though in this context. Conservatives definitely seem to be the ones controlling the overton window here in the context of influencing centrist political opinion, and the far right in particular. It's actually a goal of the alt-right to shift the overton window enough so that they can dump their red pill loads on the jewish question all over the centrists faces. I doubt it's a goal of the left to shift the window.
  12. I think he's just talking about people who consider themselves centrists because they think there is a 'reasonable/level-headed center' between the two parties, by virtue of the fact that there are two parties they consider as the two extremes, and so "the middle" must be the answer. IF that makes sense. It's pretty silly logic. Though many self proclaimed centrists who say they are centrist tend to be mostly conservative, or agree with the conservative party 80% most of the time, but may be somewhat socially liberal. I know a few people like this. Don't know any liberals who say they are centrists. Oh god I just remembered a funny thing a self-proclaimed centrist said when I was in high school. Obviously most people in HS are "inexperienced" politically so it's no surprise that they said this. They said paraphrasing "Well you have the left wing and the right wing... and you can't fly without two wings". Lol.
  13. A pointless thought: review systems are weird. Generally out of a scale of 1 to 10, anything above a 6 (or 7) is considered the minimum in terms of whether it is worthwhile to listen to or watch said thing. While leaves all this space 1-5 or 6 which denotes something generally being bad. That's half the scale. I've heard in Japan their implicitly agreed upon ranking system is more even, to where something that gets a 4 or 5 out of 10 (or 2 out of 4 stars) is generally considered good and worthwhile, and "bad" territory would be like 1-3 or 4 stars. Ah that sucks, it really does. Insomnia is one of the worst things. I'd say you should keep taking stabs at trying to find some kinda solution or cause. There's gotta be something you can do.
  14. I do think he could regret it in the sense that it reflects badly on his image, and for no other reason. I don't think he would regret it in the same way a normal person would.
  15. This is one of my favorite tracks ever.
  16. I wonder how badly he is regretting not stopping travel and whatnot when it first started popping up in the US, like any mildly competent president or person would. Instead of lying and saying it doesn't exist.
  17. IF I were you, and I'm not, I'd let myself wake up one day, take a few mg of melatonin and see if you go back to sleep. I mean if it ends up helping at least you know the cause. If not, then nothing lost or gained. You could also get a blindfold and wear it to sleep when you know you won't wake up till a few hours after sun comes up. Just make sure it isn't a weak one with holes that let light come in.
  18. Random question, are there any good documentaries on Trump and/or his supporters? That go into depth about the whys and such.
  19. That's why I think it could just be melatonin levels. It only takes like 20-30 minutes for them to dip enough to force you awake. Is it usually after sunrise? My sleeping problems in the past were caused by melatonin levels being off, barring stress or too much caffeine. And BTW I wouldn't worry about those dreams (if you are). There are some well backed up theories that dreams are anxiety inducing on purpose in order to 'prepare' you for situations involving anxiety. It isn't proven or anything, but I've had enough dreams where my teeth fall out to think it's at least a lil accurate.
  20. I don't think so. The only reason I'd recommend any melatonin pills is to test it out. If you take one or two and fall asleep that could be the reason. However the pills are neurotoxic over time taken daily, and you will become tolerant to them quickly. Maybe test it out with a small bottle, and if it works try to find ways to influence melatonin production, such as not watching videos before bed, or lower caffine intake, etc.
  21. You'd be surprised how dependent on melatonin levels sleep is.
  22. I'm listening to it right now. IT's just a bunch of noise stiched together I don't get it. And these track names, seriously. I'm not gonna remember anything if I happen to like it.
  23. I get what you're saying, but being in the center of something is relative. Einstein proved it even I think.
  24. Can't wait to reap the benefits of the trickle down.
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