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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Brisbot

  1. Sometimes when listening on headphones, to music or a tv show - though mostly music. I'll hear a background sound that sounds like it isn't coming from the headphones. Just now on music I was listening to I heard this random one-shot esque grating bass that startled me that sounded like a far away explosion, and is mixed to. So I got up and immediately started trying to figure out what THAT was, then after a bit I'll choose to ignore whatever it was. Then I sit down, only to hear it again in my headphones and be startled again, tho obviously now I know it's from the mix of the track due to the haas effect, which was why it didn't sound like it came from my headphones.
  2. I just don't want Trump in office. I don't think Biden will do much of anything, but at least I won't have to think about politics till the midterms instead of keeping up with all the shit Trump get into. I would vote for an empty water bottle over Trump, as a president that does zero things is better than Trump. However I don't think Biden is going to accomplish much of anything. Well, maybe he will do one, and then harp on that as his 'accomplishment', like Obama did. And I also imagine he will roll back changes Trump made, back to where they were when Obama was in office.
  3. while this is true. if it turns out Hunter did do all those things, it would definitely effect Biden negatively by a few points I would think.
  4. I REALLY hope it's fake. IT seems convenient they can't show the recordings to some authority because they are just too bad. Republicans will take conjecture and truth if it's repeated enough to them. They are being trained to believe BS.
  5. I don't think that's true. We need to dig deep to unearth new jokes. We could go all alt-right 4 chan and start so many meme jokes that posing about our in-jokes would become dog whistles. Or we can just stop visiting this topic unless there's new music. we're talking about weed though. It would be an odd tangent to start talking about added sugar. Nah, it's just that this thread is the new Chatmm Nah, it's just that this thread is the new Chatmm
  6. unrelated to video: My Uncle who's a moderate Republican, told me he's voting for Biden. His wife is voting for Trump and believes in Pizzagate/QANON you name it. My uncle thinks all that crap is ridiculous. So my uncle and I were going to pick up food, not with his wife, while I was visiting, and he told me he hated Trump and feels like he has destroyed the Republican party... so he is voting for Biden... like the minute we got in the car, lol. His wife and I had debated previously... really argued, and I was trying to convince her that democrats aren't trying to make pedophilia legal, and my uncle didn't say a word the whole time. Then the moment he's not around her he starts telling me all these reasons Trump is horrible and an obvious fascist. Lol
  7. it's okay, it comes and goes. This is a forum. The music is mostly talked about when he starts posting new stuff, but if nothing new comes for a while, that's when it goes off-topic often
  8. I'm addicted to this channel over the past week since it's a lil novel to me. It basically just has a bunch of interviews of Republicans giving the middle finger to Trump. Most of the videos are interesting to watch so I'm just going to throw a random one:
  9. yeah. I wonder how alt-righters can watch this and think "YEAH I'M ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF HISTORY"
  10. I wonder if the news will call them "militias" or what they actually are "Domestic Terrorists"
  11. Yeah I can relate to that. The reason the Republican party is so effective is because it preys on people who are incredibly fearful of everything and their shadow. Which eventually leads to a con-man getting elected through the spreading of bite sized conservative "logic" through memes/conservative platitudes/etc as most Trump supporters can't really think for themselves. They may be a minority in their numbers vs liberals, but when they are convinced voting democrat means the world is going to end, 99% of them are going to show up at the polls and have a good shot at beating the democrat through gerrymandering and democrats (on average) more apathetic view when it comes to voting, leading to a large percentage of them not voting.
  12. Can't tell if your post is ironic. But the guy has been campaigning for his 2020 re-election since 2016. It seems he's happiest when he's on stage and his supporters shower him with their attention. I also find it funny how the song that is playing is saying "Young Man", which is what Donald thinks he still is.
  13. Lol I expected this kinda reply. Hey, just because you smoke cigarettes doesn't mean you'll get lung cancer. Same with anything. btw feel like I should mention I never said it would affect you negatively.
  14. I know the general consensus is weed doesn't effect you. But it's got to change the "wiring" in your brain to some extent if you smoke every day for 20 years. If anyone does anything for 20 years, there will likely be some kind of effect on their body. EDIT: I feel I should add, that I am just saying it has to change your brain chemistry somehow. Not necessarily negative or positive. And it probably doesn't change that much if it does.
  15. Does anyone know the admissions rate of the "Real School" Trump is attending? After he spoke about the real school it made me realize I went to the fake one, and so now I am thinking of going back to school where Trump is at school.
  16. I wonder how he will downplay the virus after he gets out. Probably say something like "Wow that wasn't even as bad as the flu"... even if he becomes very sick and recovers.
  17. If Trump ended up passing away or becoming sick enough to warrant long hospital stays, it may come off looking bad for people on the fence. Beat a man while he's down kinda thing. If people don't see the hypocrisy of Trump downplaying the virus for months, and then getting it, I don't think an ad will help them see that.
  18. When I got Covid, all I had to do was down some bleach and hydroxychloroquine. I don't understand why Trump opted for some "experimental treatment" lul https://www.newsweek.com/hydroxychloroquine-doctor-furious-donald-trump-took-experimental-antibody-stupidness-1536161
  19. I dislike the DNC, however I dislike the RNC about 10 times more.
  20. I still don't understand how Trump gets away with everything. Everyone around him could go to jail for one reason or another, but not him
  21. Brisbot


    I've been trying to get back into reading Fiction again, and have never read Dune. The trailer looks cool, so the books have shot to the top of my list of books to read. At least the ones being covered in the moive. I have basically done nothing but read non-fiction for the past few years so I am looking forward to it.
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