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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Brisbot

  1. I was surprised to find out my youngest sister (13) watches it. Also a cousin who is 14 says it is his favorite show. Uses a picture of Mr. Peanutbutter as an avatar on netflix. What's odd isn't their age but that they are very conservative. Though admittedly maybe they are too young to understand that Bojack has a good amount of liberal politics in it and how a lot of it contradicts conservative belief without explicitly pointing it out.
  2. btw talking about political leanings, not that he is doing well with the vote which you have stated as such a number of times. What would you describe yourself as politically? And yes I know your last post isn't a reply to my last one.
  3. The media don't user the Bernie Bros thing all that much anymore. However they do still insinuate that toxic men make up a massive chunk of his party: It's hard to believe you when you say this. The only positive thing I've seen you say about Bernie is that he has a good shot at winning and that you like him. But when talking about the actual subject I haven't seen you say anything good about him so I can't blame dr lopez for thinking that at all. The only reason I know you like him is because you have said as much, but I can't think of any other reason. However if you never said that you like him, I'd have plenty of reasons to assume you dislike him. btw I tend to not read long posts that don't pertain to me. And don't take it the wrong way, even though we disagree politically it's not a big deal. Even the people most like me politcally will disagree with me on 1 in 5 issues (guesstimate)
  4. Finally some interesting results. Bernie performed a tiny bit better than in 2016 with previous caucuses, but with Nevada he's finally showing how his popularity has grown: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_Nevada_Democratic_caucuses_and_convention
  5. The voters decide what a party is. Each party has changed many times and have never had this solid definition of what they stand for. The politicians who are popular are symptoms of where America is mentally and it is currently undergoing a major transition. The Republican party was fundamentally changed by Trump supporters. Republicans like Mitt Romney can argue until their face is blue that true Republicans don't act like Trump does and have honor. But the reality is that Mitt is now from a different era as Trump has basically taken over the party. Trump IS the Republican party now. Imagine if Trump ran as another conservative party instead of as a Republican. That would be incredibly foolish of him. The same thing must happen with Democrats. There is no way we will see a three or four party America in our lifetimes, so if we want to see change we have to take over the Democratic party. What it means to be Democrat must change if there is going to be change. Otherwise it's a complete waste of time voting for anyone but the conservative/centrist/"Jordan Peterson classical liberal" whatever you wanna call it Democrat. Because if a party could only ever be defined as this rigid thing, nothing would change. And if no one pushes for someone like Bernie, it's not going to happen. The Green Party will not win in our lifetimes. I'm a democrat who supports Bernie.
  6. This time around the main thing about my attitude that is different is that whether or not Bernie wins the nomination, we must suck it up and vote for the Dem nominee. Even if the nominee constantly eye rolls at our base and ignores us as Hillary did while trying to appeal to conservatives by the right pivot by promising stupid things such as revealing the existence of aliens. At least the Dem nominee won't get rid of Obamacare. yeah, the conservative democrats had nothing to do with it. It was the crazy liberals yeeeeaaah. Why didn't they just plan things perfectly and wait until 2030 to become a thing when they would have a much higher chance of winning? So their fault. They should have just voted for the Green party.
  7. Yeah let's not blame Bernie and his supporters. The only reason Bernie ended up being good for Trump is because of how the Democratic party treated Bernie Sanders supporters during and after the 2016 primaries. All they had to do is treat who they call "Bernie Bros" like legitimate democrat supporters and not a complete joke pretending like they were some fringe group. Then we would have had fewer issues voting for Hillary when the time came. Thankfully the centrist dems this time around have realized that they at least have to fake caring... except Biden.
  8. We will just say OK Bloomer is a deconstruction of Ok Boomer and call it a "post-meme"
  9. Jordan Peterson: Goes from self-help to analyzing Pinocchio archetypes in literature to saying that conservatives make the best businessmen and liberals make the best creative types, all in 10 minutes. He really likes to paint himself as the sensible centrist who can see how everything fits together from the middle, and you can too if you just clean your room and centralize your political leanings.
  10. I can't believe that happened as depicted! Even the crickets in the audience were bored. I'm a Bloomer now.
  11. That would be a nice outcome, but I think too many "workers" are wrapped up in conservative BS convinced trickle down economics works, and that illegals are coming for their jobs, for this to happen. I feel like the best we can hope for is for the current party to change... *sigh*
  12. Yeah it's pretty obvious that they're not particularly liberal. Though for many people who get their news from CNN or NYT, they're basically stuck thinking they're an unbiased authority when it comes to politics. I used to think were perfectly acceptable news outlets until I found out all the little ways they can skew opinion. They don't necessarily lie, and most of their non-political articles are totally fine. But they are 100% pushing that cliche centrist belief. They are very good at insinuating something that isn't true as true, or misleading by picking and choosing what they show (so they don't outright lie and get in trouble). "Some people say that Sanders wants to gut Obamacare and take away peoples current private insurance. What about the people who want to have a "choice"! Some people say that Sanders sympathizes with *insert well known past authoritarian socialist , or "poor socialist" country here, even if there are plenty of poor capitalist countries but w/e*.
  13. I get that, though it's a really bad point from these people if they agree with Sanders but think he's too old so they go vote for a centrist. I'm pretty sure Sanders is willing to you know, "pass away" in office assuming he gets elected. Secondly I'm sure he will pick a good vice president to take up the reigns if something bad happens. It's actually kinda sad that he has to run, showing that there is no politician that can quite take his place (yet). I'm sure many will start popping up in the next 10 to 20 years.
  14. Sanders is generally looking good in most States (haven't looked at every state or anything). However I wonder how much that will change as more and more people drop out of the race. I wonder how much the centrist DEM's voter base is spread out among what.. like 5 people, vs Sanders being spread out with Warren? I worry that Bloomberg would have a higher voter percentage if Biden, Peat Bog Pete, and Klo-whatvs dropped out. I imagine some would be Sanders supporters are in the centrist camp, however there is a weird cognitive dissonance for people who have Sanders as their second pick below Pete or Biden, etc. IF Bloomberg wins that will show that money in politics is that powerful of a force and how brute forcing name recognition is (probably) best way to win office in our screwed up political system. And even tho 90% of people are against money in politics, it ain't going anywhere, anytime soon.
  15. Interestingly enough he lost his first run for mayor by like 15% or so, then two years later he wins by about 6% (or so). Let's hope we get a repeat of that.
  16. That begs the question... what does mature angst/nihilism look like?
  17. +1. It's an awesome and riveting documentary. One of the better ones in recent years. It does help you understand the mindset of someone who would do this kinda thing. Actually I think I'm go watch it again right now.
  18. what if that is what hell is. People expect fire and brimstone, but it's just a really bad video game that glitches out constantly.
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