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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Brisbot

  1. INTERESTING: Cheetah ep is a little over 33 minutes. RDJ album (an LP) is a little under 33 minutes.
  2. I really like the rhythms in the voice synthesis
  3. This one never listened. Liked to prance around instead of DOING WHAT I'M PAYING IT FOR.
  4. oh you got what I sent you?
  5. ^^ I sent various small mammals to come to your place of living and whisper that fact into your ear as you sleep. It's all apart of the plan...
  6. Man those are weird catagories Lane :P ^^ My guesses based off of evidence (and the lack of..) so far: It's probably just going to be a slower syro, with a few aesthetic differences. The art and feel of the two are somewhat similar, though I imagine it will feel more retro. Syro was weird in that, while it used retro synths and whatnot, I wouldn't categorize the feel as retro, whereas this one is probably going to actually feel retro. It will be about as good as syro, or not too far behind as he's releasing it with aphex twin, meaning he probably has higher opinions of the material than DJOS. Probably. Though he may also be releasing it on Aphex Twin as it may have more mainstream appeal, and Orphaned was more for the fans, or the people who like his more microtonal side. I really love the fact that he's releasing music this way. It gives you time to get excited about each and every release, whereas when he released just within a few months of each other, there was somewhat less excitement with the subsequent releases. Oh yeah, and I'm calling it now, those "2 unreleased Syro tracks" will be on this release :). Seems like the perfect candidate! Also, there will be a few quite new tracks on the release from the past year.
  7. The only reason I know that is from interviews where he brought up the fact that his mum was.. in a coma... for 10000 days. Hence the name of the album. Cheetah3 is my favorite of the two cheetahs :). Definitely in the top 10 of the SC dump for me. Cheetah7, which i still listen to, usually right after cheetah3, is also quite fun
  8. Isn't it his mother's name? It's at least the name of one of the songs off of... er.. a perfect circle.
  9. one of maynard's legendary dumps.
  10. heheh. It's ALL apart of the plan.
  11. Yay, new dave tipper brostep wubs? Sign me up!
  12. Cheetah1 Cheetah2 Cheetah3 Cheetah4 Cheetah5 Cheetah6 (closing piano track)
  13. hopefully VERY SOON. 3 weeks at the most plz WARP. *Maniacal laughter* Soon I'll have everyone's words right out of their mouths, and then I'll be able to anticipate ANYTHING EVERYONE COULD POSSIBLY SAY EVER!
  14. Well we won't know till its out will we? I don't see why a mastered cheetah 3 or 7 is out of the question :P Anything anyone is saying is pure speculation at the point.
  15. Ivan, I imagine cheetah 3 or 7 may at least be on the EP, and obviously probably 4/5 other tracks. I also imagine they're not all cheetah tracks, in that they have cheetah in the name. Though I imagine a cheetah is used on all of them. He seems to like 8 track EPs so.. :) Also, love that this is releasing under Aphex Twin ( I think ). It says a lot about how he feels about these tracks and what we can expect! Also, this has an aesthetic applied to it, kind of like Syro, but with a more retro vibe. It will be good times :) This EP might house those 2 newly finished Syro tracks he said something a few weeks ago! This release is one of the best candidates for them to be on.
  16. I seem to be missing a lot of things, are people seeing a tracklist? I can't seem to read this thread properly. Btw, what's the problem with releasing those 2 cheetah tracks plus some others? Why is that considered old?
  17. Lol, I initially thought it was marble then looked closer and 'thought I realized' it was carpet. When I was right the first time. Look, it's simple, I flattened the crease and took a pic of it on another surface. Then the dog ate it. So I stitched it back together. And took that next pic. (eww) Then I decided it was high time to start posting in short sentence paragraphs. I should probably mention my previous post was a 0 out of 10 in the serious department.... but this one OH NO. This one's a 10/10. All those things just mentioned actually happened.
  18. Ok guys, this is obviously some kind of hoax. I mean, if one guy got it in the mail, then surely if they're doing what RH did, then several people should be getting them in different locations...TODAY! I bet this will last one day before people start to realize THE TRUTH!!! Edit: OMFG GUYS LOOKIE AT WHAT I JUST GOT IN THE MAIL! What do you guys think of the marble colored carpet? My wife wanted it, and I was like NO WAY! So we compromised... and uh... got it anyway :(
  19. Knowing WARP, if this is real we will be waiting 1-2 months. I guess not too shabby. I like hearing about releases like.. a week or two away, not months :\. Also, I wanted the Cheetah EP the most out of his announced stuff so.. I WIN!
  20. It's "Soundcloud GO fuck yourself". (not you)
  21. ^^ I'm pretty sure that's a clothing line xD The age of more or less! The age of more-bidity!
  22. ^^ very lovely thanks for sharing And yes I understand what you're saying. Reminds me of Reggie Watts.
  23. What's wrong with being excited or looking forward to new tracks? It's not like we are ungrateful for what we got or anything. And it's not like I don't appreciate them, I still find myself listening to lots of those tracks now... Rdj suggested a lot of releases so I think it's normal to look forward to them. I said it was harmless fun, not wrong...I also said it's confusing, but not 'wrong' >.> He suggested releases but never gave a time span. I'm happy he's going it over a period of a few years, as that means it'll feel like an era, vs a few month period where he dumped a truck load of material on us, and because of that a lot of it could go unappreciated and more of it undigested. Also because he is waiting like this, we will get more new material since he'll be finishing new tracks up while he siphons music out. Also because he's sticking around longer, more attention over a longer period will be given to other similar artists. I don't think it's a coincidence IDM started going downhill in the mainstream (not in quality, in popularity) not too long after the release of Drukqs. Btw I am just an observer in that sense. What comes after the age of MORE?... MORE MORE?
  24. lol, no reason to be so serious, it's all harmless fun. I will admit, I am somewhat confused by the people who are saying 'MORE MORE MORE' when the guy has released 100s of tracks in a very short time span.
  25. Well aphex did say he had it. Aphex has been pretty decent with his word so far. yep, he will post it
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