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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Brisbot

  1. followed, loverly remix there. Really like those textures. You should post more of your stuff from youtube on SC. It's real cool how timestretching/pitching naturally sounds adds to the textures themselves. *notes to self*
  2. The same thing happened to a friend of mine. It's not a top 10 album, but he want from 'meh' to 'wow this is addicting'. Though for him it took a couple months. I think you just have to be in the mood for it. Sometimes it takes years to get in the mood. I didn't listen to ambient music for like a year, then the mood came back and I suddenly started enjoying it again.
  3. Are you calling Ocarina of Time a bad game?!?!!? You have now enraged me!
  4. oh yeah, definitely. Luckily he mostly gets to work on fun projects according to him, at least since I last spoke to him. It's been 2 years, I don't know if he's even at the same place.
  5. People's impressions of NMS seem to be either 'real fun' or 'meh' I think it will become more fun when AI's are created that are able to 'create content' or rearrange a procedurally generated world so that it's more appealing. I wonder if that will be the eventual solution there.
  6. The guy doesn't really like or listen to this type of music. He focuses more on other genres, and what.. 3 different braindance artists?
  7. Yeah I have pianoteq 4. It's not that good. I haven't tried out 5 yet. Well, it isn't very good for playing the piano alone, if it's mixed with other elements than it works just fine. It doesn't sound... real enough as samples can. I'm excited to see where physical modelling will go. I can't wait to have realistic sounding instruments without needing 25 GB of samples and slowing your computer down tons. I want to mix and match and create my own piano, or combine the best qualities of 2 pianos, etc.
  8. Do you know what I'd like? A physical model of various pianos packed into one vst with the ability to morph between them, basically getting new timbres out of it. I could control the hammer types/volume, the types of piano strings, etc. Implementation? It'll happen one day I hope though. No, I have an acquaintance who works making ds/3ds games who told me about this, now that I think about it. He's a game designer and I'd suggest things to see if I could help in some way, and not much of what I said was practical probably. I haven't talked to him in a while so I've forgotten what I suggested. Speaking of working in gaming, being a game designer is pretty much a dream job, one of the few I wouldn't mind the 80 hour crunch weeks. Well, maybe. He's also said that occasionally you'll get stuck working on a game you don't enjoy, then the crunch gets unbearable, and for one game he said he was glad it was cancelled in the middle of development. Not many people on the team were interested in it. I guess it'd be like being forced to make.. generic house music.. or something.
  9. There's a saying in the gaming industry and I'm paraphrasing but it's basically 'Ideas are the easy part, implementation is the hard part'.
  10. I understand your frustration. At this point in time there are 0 multiplayer universe sandbox games where you actually feel like you're discovering new places in a universe inhabited by other people. Now that 'feeling' is diminished because you can't actually see anyone. Well, it makes sense why it wasn't implemented, you weren't expected to ever find anyone. It's insane that people 'found' each other in the first day. That said it's probably because of where/how you spawn. Somehow I doubt people could just run into each other first day by literal chance. I don't think it's a big deal. There might have been initial plans to implement it, and then it was decided there was no reason for it. Truth is, for a game like this to really work, you'd need a team of 200+ people so they could make this game as thorough as possible.
  11. Can't believe this thread is almost 2 years old (as well as the album). The past two years have gone by way too fast.
  12. In Suicide Squad there was too much gunning down black pimple no face things, talking, walking a bit, gunning down black pimple no face things, talking, walking a bit, etc. I really dislike the need in so many of these superhero movies to have the cgi fodder hoard that always attacks the heros for 20/30/40 minutes in a movie. It has always been boring. For some reason it isn't fun for me to watch superheros take out tons of easy enemies. It feels like I'm watching someone play a shooter with generic monsters. There was also WAY too many shots of characters slowly walking forward. Also too many retro 70s-90s songs. Guardians of the Galaxy handled that much better....er from what I remember. It also felt like the songs they chose were mostly random, not really fitting the situation/person. Throughout most of the movie there was also this awkward feeling, like scenes weren't being nailed right. Something was just off. I also never laughed at anything Harley said. I got this feeling that the direction they went in was a good one, but it wasn't executed right. That said I still felt entertained enough for 70% of the movie to pay attention and not be thinking about other things.
  13. Caze, the veritable MacGyver of rubber bands.
  14. Thanks, do you have any hacks for stopping my "severe" sleep paralysis issues? I get it every night have have seen and heard so much over the top shit. Just 10 minutes ago, incredibly loudly my brain decided to hallucinate some woman going 'shhhh' into my ear. Was scary. Very. Sounded realer than real since it was coming from my brain, like someone had perfectly mixed it into perfect headphones and it was feeding it monophonically into my left ear. In the past I've seen everything from the green goblin ( from spiderman) painting a picture of himself on my wall and laughing with his head twisted my way, to mr. rogers in a red sweater standing over me telling me that he's going to murder my family. Also seen more cliche things like a demon with a knife standing over my bed with this twisted smile on his face about to stab me. And WHEN he stabbed me this HUGE pain went through my body, and my whole body felt as if it were shaking/buzzing. Buzzing is probably a better description. It was intense. I was sure I was dying. I remember calling out for help, and I heard me saying it, but I wasn't able to move my mouth. So I couldn't have been saying it. And then suddenly when the paralysis lifts, it's all gone in an instant.
  15. I have this pickle jar I've tried to open 7 times this past week in the fridge. I'm too lazy to do anything beyond failing to open it, so I just call it a 'fuckin jackoff' and stick it back in the fridge. Now I am getting these really light cramps that end as soon as they begin. You know those cramps that pop into existence and pop out. They're really annoying because you can feel the cramp coming on, and you tense up a bit because you know you're about to hurt. Then it's over. fuck.my.life.
  16. SAme. Well Aphex was technical. It just easily can be one of those things where a lot of people have ideas, but not really specifics, you know?
  17. I am surprised all the knob twiddlers on here aren't excited by this latest development?? Well I read it and it was fun to read, but I think aphex has too high of expectations for random people on soundcloud. I wouldn't mind him posting his ideas though, I could have a crack at putting makeshift versions of his ideas together, or any one else's if they're intriguing. Also, his 'ideas' may give insight into his style, and what's important to him.
  18. Thanks for all the info juicec, that actually sounds like a good idea. It makes me wonder if there's a market for rasp pi's preloaded with specific things, such as all retro games from snes to mame to ps1 (I guess still not dreamcast or original xbox at this point) or anything else.
  19. I am the DM of a group that plays once or twice a month :). Sweet. I would like a ALL RETRO GAMES in 1 solution. I remember thinking I'd use the ouya for that, but I never bought it and haven't heard of it since. I guess I could get a flash drive and just put everything on there, but I'd like a small console and a few controllers that I could just plug into a tv and play, and enough HD room to store pretty much all the retro games before ps1.
  20. It is so hard to read her. Like what does she believe? I think she believes she just wants to be president. Her VP pick was just to 'appeal to white males' because she thinks the Bernie supporters actually care about the gender of the person running for office. I am both laughing and crying on the inside. He is going to outperform her in the debates. People will vote with their emotions. How does Donald Trump FEEL verses his motives.
  21. Yep, this election is. A republican vs a pseudo democrat (a republican who pretends to care about social values) I mean it just got really boring, real quick, didn't it? I haven't really checked in myself since Bernie was successfully eliminated by the DNC.. er sorry Hillary.. yeah hillary. Just gets me down to see the machine at work, and most people don't care, or are so far lost (in the Trump camp) to even remotely understand how they're being hoodwinked. What's sad is that it isn't hard to understand the machinery, but... Also in reply to an earlier comment of yours, how did Bernie lose you? I mean, I feel like what his endorsement is a strategy. If you can't beat them yet, stall. Hillary is essentially a 'stall'. Though she will probably be a more conservative obama. Ugh, can't wait to see what freedoms the banks get over the next few years.
  22. Oh no, it's basically.. 30+ new levels with modifications to feel more..modern, but still mostly doom. You have a higher degree of control. The levels are designed very well too.
  23. I was surprised that it had its own fandoms. Usually things with massive fandoms tend to be cringy, but Undertale is great. The music IS overrated, I mean it's mostly just theme music. I've never heard amazing theme music now that I've heard of it, but some of it is good, and most of it is alright. Very little of it is bad. Btw what websites do you go to for the 'chip scene'. There are lots of bad animations on youtube (some good ones though). Never look them up. Oh yeah, forgot to mention I also played through Brutal Doom once. I had more fun playing that than the new Doom. Definitely worth a play since it's free, and a great game really. I don't normally like games with just guts and gore, it's fun for 10 minutes then gets repetitive, but the fast pace and stuff and the way enemies attack you feel like these tiny puzzles you have to solve. If you play it you'll see what I mean (hopefully)
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