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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Brisbot

  1. You are literally the first person to verbally complain about it, to me, or to the other 2 dozen watmmers who have a track in their sig. http://forum.watmm.com/topic/75676-what-video-games-are-you-currently-playing-part-ii/page-435? Look at this page on this thread, scrooooll down an look at everyone who has tracks in their sigs. I've actually asked squee how to make the smaller ones because I think the tracks are a little too big in the sigs but it's only a mod feature. I messaged joyrex into making the SC link customizeable but never got a reply. I don't see it as a big deal. As a matter of fact I barely notice it.
  2. Yeah I just had to clarify because when I read it now I definitely can see why it can easily be misinterpreted. I don't necessarily think the Caretaker is bad either. IT isn't a deal at all that he made a song I don't like once. I've made plenty of tracks I don't like. Worse than the mashup. No one's perfect, so when someone makes something beautiful or great then it's all the more special.
  3. gah my last post didn't post. I SHOULD CLARIFY: I said the mashup was bad ( I only heard the windowlicker mashup track btw), not v/vm. I haven't heard his stuff standalone so I don't have an opinion of v/vm at all. 0% opinion of v/vm. I've never really heard a good mashup. They always end up sounding like Frankenstein's monster or something and unfocused. The taylor swift mashup for instance was AWFUL. The post was supposed to be purposely overboard and not meant to be taken seriously. 0% seriously. I was in a particular mood I guess and went too far, but the reality is that I don't like it, but I'm not questioning god over it and my equating to youtube poop is of course ridiculous. I forget sometimes that what you intend doesn't translate fully thru the internet, and words are definitely more DRY than they are if you said them in real life.
  4. Ok Triachus I'm sorry. I promise to fully google the ins and outs of whatever thing I happen to be inquiring about at any one time, lest I am told to shut my fuck upward.
  5. holy shit wtf did I do to you? Forget to google something? I'm sorry? I didn't realize it was that big of a deal. Wow I really need to think about it before I do something so unforgivably deep next time. You seem to miss me over-reacting in a nonsensical manner is a direct response to your over-reacting in.. whatever manner is going on with you right now. TL;DR, you need to chill. Apparently I missed something because I have no clue why you're acting the way you are. It's totally left-field.
  6. I swear REVENGE on you Herr Jan! If your chocolate chip cookie ends up tasting like peanut butter, then my revenge will be COMPLETE.
  7. omfg Herr Jan you made me type in 'aphex twin' after you typed in v/vm for me. Sounds like the youtube poop equivalent for Aphex Twin. I regret wasting this time. There can't be a god when he lets me waste that much time hearing that crap. Tetraedit: wait a sec, it's on discogs too? WTF IS THIS. It WAS RELEASED?! Ok now I know there isn't a god, or the god that may or may not exist HATES me.
  8. I did and nothing of interest came up. I also don't support our future overlords. First search engines, and then the world!
  9. I really like the way this was promoted, it's as if it's almost solely about the synth, with the music being kinda secondary. Like an exhibition on the sounds the cheetah is capable of.
  10. omfg. Ok I was gonna go listen to the stream, but nevermind I'll just wait till I can DL the whole thing. It's weird. Usually I wouldn't give a fuck what quality the music is or whether its been summed to mono, but this particular music needs it for whatever reason.
  11. Whatever you say, DOUBLE FAKE RICARDO! One uppt. oh yeah I remember. Can't believe it's already been like 8 months or whatever since that album.
  12. Didn't they fuck this up last time with ODS? Or maybe it just leaked in mono. Dunno. I don't have the leak. I don't think it leaked actually. The bleep stream is 90% mono. This may only be a problem on my end. If I had the leak I wouldn't be complaining about the mono because a lot of leaks are summed to mono for whatever reason.
  13. If you'd actually pre-ordered cheetah, you could download a lossless version of 7b. Fake richard. It sounds way better than the sc version. Lovely stuff. And basically an ode to Larry Heard/Mr Fingers. I haven't downloaded them, I preordered it from bleep earlier today to listen to the stream and didn't see the DLs. I basically just jumped on the stream. The bleep stream sounds mono. Still. This is an issue with all the tracks in the stream and we have to wait another week to hear it in its stereo goodness. I mentioned 7b was mono as well in the stream because I was comparing the two. TL;DR the stream sucks. What is a fake richard? IF you're referring to me then I am very confused.
  14. The cheetaht7b from zane whoever's stream was real lush and stereo-y, however the stream of the same track from the bleep stream is nearly mono, which honestly is ruining it a bit for me. It definitely sounds better in stereo, and that's kinda the point of the track, imho, to envelope you. I'm not sure if this is just an issue on my end. And if it is really basically mono we still haven't heard the damn EP for what it's worth. I should clarify that it isn't 100% mono, like 7b sounds like ther is a bit of stereo in it, but.. that could just be an illusion since I've mostly heard it in stereo.
  15. ugh, is it in mono for everyone else? :(
  16. It's good that he's defusing the hype a little. It'll allow him to release a larger spectrum of his music in the future. I wanna hear all his amazing stuff, but also all his 'alright' stuff too. Cheetah is definitely not an ep you can just put on whenever. You've got to wait till the atmosphere is the right chill.
  17. I doubt this. if it was for cash we wouldn't have gotten 200+ free tracks..
  18. Does this somehow negate what he did with Syro/Drukqs/RDJ album/ICBYD? Honestly Cheetah 7b could have been on syro, maybe as a chill 'transition' track to calm the album down before one of the crazier tracks bumped it back up. I think it has always been obvious that aphex makes music all along the spectrum just like anyone else, from absolutely amazing to... shit. Though he tends to make absolutely amazing stuff a lot more than other folks. I'm sure he still trudges through the occasional shit track. That all said I'm glad he's releasing a greater swathe of his music, I don't just wanna hear his really good stuff and above, I want to hear his decent-good stuff as well, which was shown to us in the SC dump. Though I consider both cheetahs really good so far.
  19. OH yeah, with that 2x202, I'm willing to bet it's been turned way down for the radio play. It just won't sync up with the two other tracks if it's really this low. It is interesting to see him practice such restraint. He could have easily layed another part on 2x202.
  20. now I like 7b more than 3, where with the SC I liked 3 more. And the mixing differences changed that. Wow that rarely happens. Both have been beefed, but 7b needed it a lot more than 3.
  21. *stabs lightly* stab stab stab stab stab
  22. Anagram for what? Milf? A very straightforward anagram but I had actually managed to stop reading it as 'milf'. sorta ruins the song.
  23. I had actually managed to pretty much forgot that flim was an anagram, but now that you've reminded me.... *destroys immediately living area*
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