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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Consul

  1. There's no set schedule for releases; record pressing queues are quite backed up. Plus still sorting out some contenders for release. There's all sorts of Aphex stuff new/old... there were quite a few of the ravey soundcloud ones I'd really like to have on vinyl. Doesn't even necessarily have to be only one release by any of these guys either. Everyone has so many good tunes. Make Rich or Tom (I'm still not sure who did the track) release the Rome track somehow please I beg.
  2. Well, let's hope this actually happens. I'm still not %100 sure it will. I just hope and want.
  3. This is also available in Boomkat just so you guys know. https://boomkat.com/artists/autechre?q[format]=Vinyl&q[release_date]=last-month
  4. I miss the days when Richard uploaded tracks on SC. Make it happen again Rich! (hoping for a Drukqs dump)
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JN8Y9eji0s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBXUxjARm98
  6. Mine still hasn't shipped yet. WTF?
  7. I wonder when Rich will start uploading tracks again. I missed those times of excitement.
  8. Is he preparing tracks to upload all at once? Because it seems so.
  9. I only had one problem with Bleep. I once ordered Windowlicker CD from there and it didn't show up for a while and they sent another one. Other than that, I have no problems with Bleep honestly.
  10. I feel like this album is gonna turn out better than Venetian Snares' modular album. I love the fact that they're giving a bonus CD which has 19 tracks in it. Can't wait for this to release!
  11. Consul

    elseq 1-5

    Lately there wasn't any piece that I enjoyed fully (by that I mean a full album or such). elseq 1-5 changed that.
  12. Consul

    elseq 1-5

    Does the word "elseq" mean anything in any language or is it gibberish?
  13. I might just buy this as digital but my heart says "Buy the CD"
  14. I'm hoping that Richard will make a good use of the new "Albums" section sometime.
  15. Favorite track so far: 2X202-ST5. Damn that track just makes me dance like a freak!
  16. Was the first two tracks unmastered or is it me? "[Mastered]" is added on every single track's name and they sound better. This EP is lush as fuck!
  17. yep, mine is on the way too
  18. 2X202-ST5 is sooo good!
  19. I just can't wait to replay this EP a bunch of times.
  20. 2X202-TS5 is at 01:56:16. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b07gygp2
  21. It's also available here. https://bleep.com//release/72757-aleksi-perala-the-colundi-sequence-volume-1
  22. CIRCKLON3 can be downloaded on Bleep!
  23. The stream happened here: https://www.periscope.tv/w/1OwxWppoVmwKQ People on Twitter:
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