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Posts posted by Bechuga

  1. Games are bloated beyond sanity these days. I see gamers whining online if games only last 35 hours. Give me 6 hours of content over endless fetch quests any day, I feel like games are just wasting my time recently because that's the thing to do. sigh. growing old is hard.


    I read a game developer say that most game design is creating mess for the gamer to clean up. In a sense, you're not exploring a world, you're just finding the stuff the developers have strewn about it.


    Most gamers are just janitors. :psyduck:

  2. Finished Mao II by Don Delillo. Pretty great, eerie to see how accurate he was about the current culture 26 years ago, especially terrorism. And it was nice to read a book that isn't 500+ pages for once.


    Next is Those Who Leave And Those Who Stay by Elena Ferrante. Which is a 400+ page book.



    It's about a man who trepanated himself. A trepanation is an operation where a little hole is drilled into the skull. He seeked to expand his mind and get to a higher level of consciousness by doing that - and it worked


    no it didn't


    Well, some would consider his mental state a neurological problem - but for him it worked, he feels high all the time now





    Summoned for jury duty.


    Are you officially chosen?  When I was summoned I was one among what seemed like more than 100 people.  They call people up at random from that group and then the defendant and prosecutor accept or veto who they want or don't want.  They had chosen the 12 before my name was called.  It was a pretty boring waste of an afternoon.  I was actually hoping I would get selected because it would have been interesting to see a court case first hand.  Plus I could tell the accused was guilty as fuck just by looking at him.  :emotawesomepm9:


    No, just received my letter, which I will be sending off tomorrow to confirm it. Hopefully I do my two weeks and go back to work but a coworker recently spent four months off work on a massive trial and I fear the same happening. Especially as I have two weddings at the end of June and would be horrified to find out it causes problems.



  5. Forgot to use my last few days of holiday up, before our tax year ends. Work policy is that if you don't use em, you lose em. But because I covered a lot over the last year for an injured coworker, I'm getting paid for the days I didn't use. At the rate of my recent pay rise, no less.


    What up. :catrecline:

  6. Of what I've seen of it, BotW does look good. I especially like how the game leaves you alone to figure out almost everything. Will definitey get a Switch...just not yet. Might get one for Xmas or my birthday.


    The map looks huge too. Makes me wonder if I'll suffer the same fatigue I felt when playing Far Cry 3 or Just Cause 3: so much to do, but do I really care? I'm sure I will.

  7. Taken a liking to buying cheap classical records from charity stores + other places. Bought some Satie, Rachmaninoff, Tchaikovsky, all for low low prices. Great reading music, will take a photo eventually.


    Swordfish Records has an entire wall of classical records for £3 each, plenty of everything there along with lush box sets. Will go back periodically.

  8. Payday 2 with buddy still, kinda cool to be the good player in a game for once. Also when the fuck did it become a forty gig install? Holy shit.


    Also reinstalled FFXIII-2 to scratch my RPG fix, which is still surprisingly one of the best FF games I've played. Fun in all the ways FFXIII failed to be. Just wish my computer was a little better so it ran 60fps constantly.

  9. Reading DNA: The Secret of Life by James Watson, which is for research (copy is stuffed with post-it notes). Also bought a copy of the complete works of Shakespeare from the same charity shop, a thousand page hardcover I don't suspect I will read soon but looks impressive.


    At work, reading Granta 106, which features short stories by Eleanor Catton and Ha Jin. Pretty good, might get more of these Granta magazines.

  10. Bought The Thackery T. Lambshead Cabinet of Curiosities edited by Ann & Jeff Vandermeer because it contains the last Ted Chiang story I have yet to read (but now have and feel sad there is no more Chiang to find :( ). Looking forward to reading the rest of the stories and hopefully finding a few new authors to follow.

  11. Technically, in the UK it is illegal to rip a CD you own to your computer, regardless of it being a personal copy. In fact, any kind of format shift is illegal here. Not that a single soul has been prosecuted but the law is still outdated and quite strange. iTunes is complicit in the crime too and liable.


    If I told a police officer I saw a man rip a CD to his computer if they would take action?

  12. Just finished Norwegian Wood by Murakami. My first dip into his realm and I honestly feel exhausted after reading it! I'm not sure what to try next if that was a measure of what his other literature is like haha.


    Wood is his most normal book I hear (yet to read it but will). Try Sputnik Sweetheart or After Dark, both are quite short if with additional elements of the supernatural.

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