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Everything posted by Bechuga

  1. Dillinger Escape Plan are still the best (when they're not trying to be Mike Patton/NIN)

    1. KovalainenFanBoy


      their ep with patton is still the best thing theyve released

  2. I ordered from Bandcamp but I'm a bit confused by your question. Do you mean should a download card be in with the vinyl? Surely the digitals will be in your PMU account. He means should the bonus disc be in the same parcel, and yes it should. My disc was inside the package when it arrived.
  3. Finished Death Road to Canada twice, managed to get my own Bechuga character to survive all the way the second time. Sure, I made it as a dog, but I survived!
  4. If you own a television, you have to pay a £145 licence annually for the privilege. Even if you don't, they try their damndest to get you to pay. They've now changed the rules so if you watch BBC television online, you have to pay. I do not do any of these things so I should not have to pay. At least, in theory, I shouldn't. I expect more letters soon enough.
  5. Received another letter from the TV Licensing people, demanding I pay up or inform them of my no license required status. Despite me having done so four times already. How can I put it into words how little I watch or want to watch television, especially the BBC? How many times can I tell them I would rather pour acid in my eyes than watch a tv programme? I love England, but this mandatory license business is fascism.
  6. Bechuga

    Now Reading

    Finished Against the Day! My arms are now thicker than a tree trunk! Now to read something less than a hundred pages long, with only a few sentences per page.
  7. Vinyl is good shit, loving this album. Hope more is to come from Timesig.
  8. Sell one or two, and before you know it you'll have sold a bunch. I did this with my comic collection and don't miss the ones I have sold at all.
  9. Bechuga

    Now Reading

    Honestly surprised they haven't turned IJ into a mega-dense US TV show by now. An entire episode about Eschaton would be nifty.
  10. To save time, Vinny Vinesauce streamed both No Man's Sky and Federation Force at the same time. Outcome: he died. [youtubehd]Hmn-hVzlhPk[/youtubehd]
  11. Bechuga

    Now Reading

    You're halfway! Keep going! *dabs at face with wet sponge*
  12. Mmale and Ffemale is my favourite of his and I wish that sound was still what he did, but this new album is peachy as it is. If he did more albums of this type--not forgetting that 19 track bonus disc!--I would be very happy.
  13. Bechuga

    Now Reading

    really? when I think 'Bech' I think 'books'. Can't really picture you not reading at this point Yeah, pretty much exclusively comics (if I even read many of those) for many a year before happening upon Vonnegut and Yasutaka Tsutsui (who I highly recommend) and tumbling back into books. After which I promptly began reading books that, unknown to me when I started them, were considered the most difficult to finish... not exactly making it easy for myself. And lol at IJ. There is an event horizon of interest when it goes from tedium to astonishment, which I suspect you're already at. Why does that book feel so slow to read, we wonder? Some mysterious gravitational property in the prose slows progress down to a crawl... IJ is one of the few books I would like to reread, will keep an eye out for a copy to just open and read from a random point, see what I missed first time.
  14. Some of the tracks remind of Richard D James Album, in a good way. Can't wait for my physical copy to get here, bet it sounds amazing on vinyl.
  15. Bechuga

    Now Reading

    How DARE you talk about books in the reading thread! *reported to Joyrex* But yeah, I only recently began reading after many years avoiding books. Hope you enjoy it as much as I am.
  16. Bechuga

    Now Reading

    Yeah, if you enjoyed Infinite Jest, Darkmans is a similar beast.
  17. Finished a run of Death Road to Canada, despite my namesake dying halfway through. I will make it myself one day, all the way to the end, to glorious Canuckland. Want to play Grow Up but there seem to be day one fuckups needing fixing. Once they're done, I'll be growing my stangely penis shaped plant to the stars one more. 8===D
  18. Baked perfect cookies--crunchy outside, soft insides, light as air--now I have the power of the universe at my fingertips.
  19. Bechuga

    Now Reading

    Darkmans by Nicola Barker is a strange fantastic compulsive book, feels way shorter than its 838 pages. A mix of hilarious, horrifying, embarrassing, disgusting and more besides, definitely give this a go if you're fond of the David Foster Wallace school of headfuckery that confounds but makes sense with a little rereading (although her prose is not as astonishing as his is). Definitely will read everything she has done, and looking forward to doing so (In The Approaches next). But first, The Story of a New Name by Elena Ferrante which I've been meaning to do for a while. Also have A Wizard of Earthsea on my kindle, for work toilet reading. Nice to have a short book to read for once. Oh, and Obligatory Pynchon Mention: on page 930 or so of Against the Day. This might sound crazy, but it feels a bit short, as if huge chunks of been edited out to make what was possibly a much longer book publishable and holdable. It's good, but here and there you can see where the razorblade was applied to get the book down to this length, which is pretty fucking long even edited. Still fantastic to read though, will be sad when it's done. After this, I only have V. and Bleeding Edge to read before I'm all Pynchon'ed out.
  20. Bechuga

    Now Reading

    Jonathan Franzen reading from the paperback Purity, which is sponsored by Adidas. [youtubehd]28M4UqEdCHM[/youtubehd]
  21. Managing to consistently write a good 1500+ words daily in the space of under two hours, leaving me plenty of time to fuck around with other stuff. Feeling simultaneously productive and lazy in a satisfying way.
  22. I'd be more interested in a game where the generation process was controlled by someone in real time, say a developer announcing a particular day would be the day 'God' interfered and everyone had to play the game as it was being morphed and fucked with by a human hand. As much as the concept is great, whatever a computer can churn out never comes close to what a human does, and have always had more fun with a singular crafted experience by a human than the sometimes fun but often empty feeling procedurally generated games where random runs free (that said, I'm really enjoying Death Road to Canada right now, and I will try No Man's Sky one day). Yes, I am bigoted against computer intelligence.
  23. Interested in Mormon's Sky but will wait for it to work / go on sale before adventuring out there. Would be amazing if they did what Rockstar are doing and continually roll out updates that flesh out the universe. Corrected
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