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Everything posted by Bechuga

  1. My older brother spent a lot of money on custom-made polo shirts with his company logo on them. His wife washed them and they shrank to the size of a tight Small. My brother is fat. I lolled.
  2. I agree, production is way too much, which is weird because the band spent years making it. Like, all those years were spent crushing every single dynamic out of the music? Don't get why bands do that. A shame. But the music is good. Even if all I can hear most the time is the bricks the wall is made of.
  3. This box is twitter for people too lazy to set up a twitter account

  4. The new The Faceless album is quite amazing. More black metal than death but genres don't matter imo when the music is this off the wall. Flute solo ftw: (might have posted this already? apologies if so...)
  5. Bechuga

    Now Reading

    Don Quixote is a total jerk! Honestly, he's basically a yob: attacking people at random for their belongings. And some of the detours the book takes is ridiculous: there's a section a hundred or so pages long where people in an inn read a novel they found. Kinda boring, and adds nothing to the story. No wonder the copy I have is 950 pages long. Also depressed to read that, even four hundred years ago, people dismayed of simple-minded works being so popular and more intellectual fare being ignored. Shit never changes.
  6. Completed Drakengard 3's Branch D, including the crazy final boss (which I did without looking at the screen!). Not the best Yoko Taro game, but it was fun. Now I have nothing left to play.
  7. Cut another large chunk of work from the book I'm editing (mentioned previously in this thread). This chapter was one of the main reasons I wrote the thing, so I feel all conflicted again about getting rid of it (which had to be done: it was too long, and did nothing for the story). Soon, there will be nothing left of the original idea!
  8. I had no liking for Trevor at all. In fact, all of the main cast of GTA V were unlikeable, and I found it interesting I was meant to find any of their motives relatable in any way shape or form. I was kinda happy when Trevor died. And Michael too. Niko > GTA V cast. In other news: Yoko Taro is asked to give his thoughts on a new game, and is honest as always.
  9. I agree in general, but global warming is a very real, proper end-of-times-kinda-soon scenario Which is kinda my point: remember when everyone was shitting themselves about that? Most people have forgotten, or think it's solved. Their brains forget the potential disasters of yesteryear and move onto other ones daily, each one worst than the last. Or what about SARS? The Millennium Bug? The death of all the honey bees, and the end of Mother Nature? The world ends every day, according to some. Yet...never does. No matter how bad the last bad thing was, there's new bad things to displace them. Whether or not they're genuine concerns or should remain things to be concerned about is rarely talked of.
  10. People keep talking about how times are terrible and the world is changing, but...it's always been full of bad things happening without much reason. Do they not remember history at all?
  11. I find randomly generating games are worse. It's more like I play the game and think 'ah, that was a dumb design choice' or 'that was quite clever!' I can never just shut up and play the game: I'm always deconstructing it, the decisions that went into everything, etc. Even in playing Drakengard 3, which is great (sort of), I keep deconstructing it rather than just playing. I can still play games, but there are not many I get immersed in so that I forget the fact it was made by someone. Do you approach books or other forms of expression the same way? I know what you mean btw and I've been in a similar trend. Everything in games seems so intentional, kind of transparent. Plot device this, game mechanism that. etc. Not sure if it's a sign of depression or what. Edit: I mean not being able to find pleasure or whatever in entertainment. P. much. I read a book and think 'ah, that was a clever bit of writing', or 'this writer knows how to structure well', and so on. Music is the only one I just imbibe without thinking of it too much. I can find pleasure in these things, even when I am deconstructing it, and continue to play games and always will, but that it was wrought by a human hand is a thought rarely far away. But I do play far less games lately...
  12. I find randomly generating games are worse. It's more like I play the game and think 'ah, that was a dumb design choice' or 'that was quite clever!' I can never just shut up and play the game: I'm always deconstructing it, the decisions that went into everything, etc. Even in playing Drakengard 3, which is great (sort of), I keep deconstructing it rather than just playing. I can still play games, but there are not many I get immersed in so that I forget the fact it was made by someone.
  13. 99% of posts I am about to post I delete, as I consider them pointless. This one almost didn't make it either.
  14. Finding it difficult to get into games lately. All I see is the game designer's plan for me. I feel like a rat placed at the maze's beginning and being told to find the cheese. I'm not really 'exploring', I'm just finding the stuff the designers hid.
  15. Are Ae aging as they get better?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus


    3. barbu


      puerto rico

    4. Joyrex
  16. Drakengard 3 has screen tearing. Never seen that on a PS3 game before! And the main character is an unlovable monster with no redeeming qualities. So...high quality Yoko Taro fun.
  17. that's awesome. i've written a few (terrible) short stories and it was really hard. i suspect you write everyday? anyway.. congrats. i hope you still like it too! Pretty much, sometimes take an off day but usually end up managing to write something (finishing a novel still takes months). I really enjoy it, but I can see how some would detest the process. Writing it is easier than editing / proof-reading the damn thing. And spellchecking, with my horrible grammar / spelling, is the worst... I hope I still like it too. Too many times I've spent months to end up with nothing.
  18. Finished another novel. Huzzah! Now to hope I still like it after re-reading it and editing it multiple times.
  19. Did double my word quota for the day, made a batch of great looking cookies and still have a few hours before bed time. Oh, and I don't have work for the next three days, my first time off (not including weekends) since June.
  20. Reddit has the power to make a change. It can change whether or not your point score is a plus or a minus. Also, you know these people will play it anyway. They have no willpower to resist, and EA knows this.
  21. I have had an idea for a book I wanted to write for a long time. The main drive for wanting to write it is a final scene, with a character reaching their journey's goal and giving a little speech, which would form the emotional heart of the book. It has never left my brain in all the years since I thought of it, and I have yearned to finally put it down into words. It was my white whale: something I thought I would never catch, and forever chase. Well, in June / July or so, I started writing this yearned-for book in earnest, to actually get to this ending scene and its dialogue, to make it a real thing, to get it out there. And it's gone really well! On Monday, five months later, I come to write this final scene, to put down these words that have been floating in the grey matter for days and months and years and get the scene done, to write this perfect ending to a book I've dreamed about, to achieve it and own it, and... It looks dumb written down. Like, super corny. So I delete it, and hey, the book suddenly feels better. Everything else is fine. Just that one bit that I dreamt of writing is the problem. White whale deleted. So. The main reason I wrote the book after years of thinking about it is the first thing I edit out. Because it's a bit dumb. ...
  22. The Drag-on Dragoon OSTs cause madness: cut-up orchestral music that loops until your brain dies. I don't know how he does it, but every game Yoko Taro makes ends up with amazing music. NieR:Automata also has a good claim on the best computer game OST ever made (IMO):
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