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Everything posted by Bechuga

  1. Trump will become a slang term for something... Like "playing the trump card" ??? ok, i'll leave In England Trump means fart. "Oh, who trumped?" So it already is slang. Depending on where you live. https://extranewsfeed.com/in-england-trump-means-fart-and-other-amusing-translations-of-the-presidents-surname-d8ae74f64797
  2. Some of the old webcomics I used to read are still being made and this makes me depressed somehow. Relevant: nostalgia is a bad trip for me.
  3. Bechuga

    Now Reading

    Jon McGregor's Reservoir 13 won the Costa Novel Prize, one that I think is highly deserved. If you have not read it, I recommend you do, as I thought it was one of my favourite novels I read last year. If you want a story told in a different way but not so different you can't follow along, give it a try. Excerpt:
  4. An in-depth technical explanation as to what digital currency is for those still unsure:
  5. Thanks, but waiting for an hour for my cryptocoin purchase of milk and cheese to go through is not the future. Cryptocoins may be worth a bunch, but my time is worth more. edit: also money is really boring
  6. Discussing world problems and what we could do to improve the situation does about the same amount of good as criticising a football team's last game and what could have been done to improve the score. All idle commentary after the fact. “During the Vietnam War, every respectable artist in this country was against the war. It was like a laser beam. We were all aimed in the same direction. The power of this weapon turns out to be that of a custard pie dropped from a stepladder six feet high.” - Kurt VonnegutMy comment is as pointless. All comments are pointless! Revel in irrelevance.
  7. Bechuga

    Now Reading

    Vonnegut: The Complete Short Stories. Nearly 1,000 pages of all his short work, including a few unpublished bits. Lush hardcover.
  8. My two weeks long Xmas vacation is over and I go back to work Tuesday. I am now too used to not working to want to return. Send bullets to my brain please.
  9. wonder how that happened god. Hope you aren't referencing that garbage OPN album. This is some sticky drama.
  10. How do you get to France from England?

  11. The weirdo you are told to avoid on the bus...I realised I am that weirdo. Welp.
  12. Once upon a time, there was a comic artist, of whom I was a fan, who offered to draw something for the comic website I managed. I was thrilled! "Holy shit, he wants to draw something for my site!" I said yes, eagerly, and awaited the comics. He sent me the comics and...they were random squiggles, barely readable, with colour work that had been automated by a digital program. They were...not very good. I said thanks, and then felt quite disappointed. That might be how that record label owner feels too, having received that track.
  13. Bechuga

    Now Reading

    Editorial notes for Milo Yiannopoulos' Dangerous have been put forward as evidence in Yiannopoulos' breach of contract lawsuit and they're pretty funny (if also depressing and horrifying). He sounds like a teenager ranting while he plays CSGO. https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/dec/28/unclear-unfunny-delete-editors-notes-on-milo-yiannopoulos-book-revealed
  14. He's like LimpyLoo except instead of being obsessed with philosophy he can't stop looking at teenage tits
  15. The key word to using the internet and still getting stuff done: M O D E R A T I O N Once you've gotten stuff done, you can use the internet to: L O O K A T B O O B S Not necessarily in that order.
  16. Video of someone playing the new Burial test press
  17. While proofreading my book, a section I had forgotten about made me cry. For reasons other than bad grammar / spelling, I mean. *starts writing Nobel acceptance speech*
  18. Cuphead is great. Next Car Game: Wreckfest is somewhat playable now, and seems to be nearing completion. My money wasn't wasted! If you bought it and forgot about it, give it a try, it's come a long way since it was launched. Platinum'ed Drakengard 3. It's the first game I've ever Plat'ed. Not the best Yoko Taro game, but I had my fun. Bought the DLC for NieR:Automata, after months of back-and-forthing on it. At this point, I'll take any extra Taro story I can.
  19. Burial's Christmas Crackles https://soundcloud.com/ex-musician/untitled-leak
  20. How the fuck would I remember a random string of digits?! Be reasonable.
  21. Just received my vinyl copies of the NieR / NieR:Automata OSTs and I'm continually blown away by how amazing the songs are. Easily the best game music I've ever heard.
  22. On a related note, I read the password card for my parent's router once - ONCE - and I remembered it forever. They call me up to ask what it is, and I perfectly recall it, every time. But...I can't remember the password to mine. :(
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