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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. if i wanted to be in the cocknoscenti i'd have an aphex av anyone who dislikes Under The Skin i openly mistrust their taste in filems, cinema & culture
  2. after the impeccably high standard of that particular sunday roast i feel unable to offer anything coherent to this debate pass the Burgundy, its 1 of those 3 times-a year-nights when alcohol can take a strut in the house
  3. have any of you spent any length of time in a country like Denmark & to a lesser extent France? rather than use a model like Cuba for health/efficiency, Denmark is a beacon of a modern mixed economy, which would prob be conceived as borderline communism by some here go there, let the culture & high income tax & quality infra-structure show you a different path.....
  4. presume this, summat labouring to pass as a conspiracy under a huge weight of excrement http://www.channel4.com/programmes/utopia
  5. Britain's NHS like a brand new Roll's Royce in some areas, Dickensian in others
  6. i'll wait for the shortest darkest year in the calendar for that Nebraska ;) just to test my resolve
  7. i really dunno how you could put Filth (0/10) and Utopia (1/10) in the same bracket other than nationality. all the BBC does is costume wank and high-def nature docs, oh shitty panel shows, and shows based on cooking competitions.....real film school gear. Peaky Blinder was like the BBC trying to a Boardwalk Empire or summat, and as for the so-called Brummie accents they could just overdubbed Ozzy Osbourne and used more period appropriator music too....if authenticity counts for owt these days Ben Wheatley's done some good gear, but he couldnt have made something like UTC simply cos he has his own oeuvre. A Field in England is a solid 7/10, KIlllist similar and Sightseers fallls into its own class of horrors bahahahahahaha cerebral sci-fi was a world away from Sexy Beast (classic gangsta filem) but if you find nothing in Under The Skin except mockable wank then you need your fuckin ead' read mate neverthless, a well thought out response Mr L, the last time i gave an honest opinion in this thread i got banned, so i'll leave you to your self-satisfied chortlin. At least mutual husband & wife criticism has apparently saved a marriage, but still doesnt get close to undermining what few good films actually get made these days. Maybe Pacific Rim would suit you better
  8. it was part live action/part fly on the wall, thought it played well against the 99.99% of detective wank that has a female victim, the way it captured the drunken menace of Glasgow at night film school? ouch, that film was 10 years in development and has superb cinematography each to their own
  9. Under the Skin was a once in a 10/20 year film cant quite believe the lack of lurrrrrrrv shown for it ITT didnt you like the way it fucked with the female predator/male victim role reversals? The Mic Levi score was genius & every time SJ aroused sexual summat or t'other k'blam.....black liquid death for you it was like sci-fi meets Attenbororough (sp?) nature doc meets a great ass with a slightly dubious ending that brings it down from a perfect 10/10 to a 9.5/10
  10. there seem to be very different perspectives on what socialism is and what it does or doesnt provide for depending on which continent you reside in ITT
  11. i owe my old man all/any jazz education exposure yesterday he was cooking the sunday roast to this with a fuckin nice Pinot (& i rarely drink): http://www.discogs.com/Miles-Davis-Live-Evil/release/372913
  12. black tea, 2 sugars (cow juice in tea is WRONG) vape of mind bending concentrate can i get a "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh"
  13. her with planet Portillo & Andrew O'Neil on whateverthatshowis is some of the most cringe-worthy telly ever made
  14. was challenging as some bbc3 kinda shiz we're gonna have to agree to disagree here..... Meadows is 1 of Britain's best film/program makers, bar none. Yeah he's a bit Ken Loach at times, but i'd take his realism over the aspirational wank of 99% of other tv content every time he gets the the right blend of humour/jokes and darkness spot on and as an ex resident of Nottingham you gotta champion local talent. BBC3 is possibly the worst insult you coulda thrown.....which is a tad unjustified, cos its the complete opposite of that reality-TV gone wrong shiiiiiiiite plus i'm coming off a range of pain meds which is where the real intricacies and unsettling reality reference was to BBC3.......? Honestly?
  15. i fucked the gravy for tonight's sunday roast by letting the root veg the bird was resting on burn tried red wine = fail tried port = fail tried cranberry jelly = fail like one of those Masterchef moments but where no-one actually gives a fuck and calls you a mong cunt instead
  16. about to watch This Is England 90, but you know with any Shane Meadows production the dark shadows will look back at you at various times and coming off so many meds might be the wrong time for the weight of whats coming
  17. he just got the job, so its all technically conjecture for the time being although if you read the hysteria around the man you'd think the love child of Stalin and Grotbags was stalking the land, baby munching, as i type this veritable list of bs
  18. they couldnt have invented a better antidote to Blair's legacy, not that thats going away any time soon T
  19. decriminalize certain laws so i can get concentrates more easily he'd hoover up so many votes
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