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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. and to keep it Soviet, The Ascent is a ripping yarn + not quite as bleak/visceral as Come And See http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0075404/?ref_=fn_al_tt_2
  2. i don't usually reply to users with such pathetic join date but that borgman guy you quote might be on to something about tarkovsky, googled this one: http://people.ucalgary.ca/~tstronds/nostalghia.com/TheTopics/Symbols.html i often thought i don't get his films because they are overloaded with symbolism (that part for example: ) and such shit, but he pretty much contradicts that notion completely in those quotes. hellooooo old timer, humour me a lil with this Trawkovsky bloke & the themes you linked, i dunno what it is exactly, Stalker & Solyaris get at moods that arent encountered in film too often, they almost transcend symbolism, thats why they pack such a punch. Considering the domestic political climate of the era they were made in too, you cant help but wonder at the luck of it all. similarly, have you seen any Sergei Parjanov filems? Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors & The Colour of Pomegranates are time well spent http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0058642/?ref_=nm_flmg_dr_10 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0063555/?ref_=nm_flmg_dr_7
  3. its not often i drink, but god damn this special delivery was delicious, 2 finger's worth w/ice........... come to butthead
  4. and cheers for TOOC lp and Aquirre soundtrack links in t'other fred..... just as long as Klaus Kinksi doesnt burst in, eyes bulging, during this play back all should be well
  5. "Dare To Dream" is proper......his better produced 4/4 releases remind me a lot of Omar S & Jamal Moss aka Hieroglyphic Being, although i prefer the latter. 1 of his Occult Orientated Crime mixes has been on virtual repeat these last 2 weeks bloke clearly has loads of ideas, just hope he develops & pushes the spooky atmospheric house sound he's touched on more often cos thats an area with huge potential
  6. this is full of strangeness: http://www.discogs.com/Current-93-Dreamt-By-Andrew-Liles-Like-Swallowing-Eclipses/release/2333713
  7. Not so much forgetting,,,,,Current 93 are a different kettle of fish i dont think Tibet (by his own admission) has the widest vocal range & Steven Stapleton/Andrew Liles are the real sonic talents. Tibet is a lot more like a conductor. Dont get me wrong, Maldoror Is Dead (the start especially) is 1 of my favourite tracks and the recent Nick Cave/Shake the Shadow tune was 1 of the best things C93 have put out. Overall though & to appropriate a sporting analogy, not many C93 tracks would replace or get into the Coil starting line-up
  8. oops https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lE-nHkeQSOg plus the start of The Gimp (b4 Sometimes kicks in, time-stretching or not) and Journey to Avebury is bubbling perfection https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHQ3ldeYhiY overall, the best British act in aeons
  9. some top Sun Ra picks & they all got swing at varying levels
  10. Not at home sooooo, from broken memory...... Algerian Basses is a bit like Egyptian Basses = mint. Have you seen the Derek Jarman vid for that? Saw a doc where DJ was onnabart slowing film frame-rates down to a specific rate (summat like a 6th speed) to create a completely different mood..... & it fuckin works! Stephen Thrower says he couldnt abide by tracks like The Snow, but imho its a great tune. Also, "Where Even the Darkness is Something to See" is prob 1 of the few tracks to successfully incorporate a didgeridoo I love the sequence of "Something" into "Higher Beings Command", just for the balance (!) of soft repetitive vocal weirdness (something what exactly?) to headfuck electronica Coil as Zos Kia had some beauties, "Stealing the Words" is simple & otherworldly in the best way https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQnOzMd0tPc Coil/ELpH - pHILM: softer, drone, whateverthefuck pieces, well they're a universe unto themselves,,,,, Magnetic North, Under An Unquiet Skull pt1, Enochian Calling, Glowworms/Waveforms, My Angel (Director's Cut w/COH),,,,,, some favourite compositions that guided me thru some of life's sketchier periods https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMNOsZaMywM the COH/Stephen Thrower (and Coil?) release with Prayer For Russell is a wicked track Last but not least, off Time Machines, Methoxy-ß-Carboline (Telepathine) and Indolol, 3-[2-(Dimethylamino)Ethyl]' Phosphate Ester (Psilocybin) are incredible https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6IR90tgtDI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lE-nHkeQSOg
  11. ^^^^^^^^^^ along with the Spaghetti selections & Josey Wales def 1 of Clint's better westerns....proper motley crew of bad guys, the usual array of early malpaso supporting actors.....& an ace n eery soundtrack too.... F8/10
  12. courtesy of my old man's sunday afternoon jukebox favourites, (grain alcohol optional, but refusal may cause offense)
  13. https://andrewliles.bandcamp.com/track/the-milky-way-seen-through-the-cripples-telescope
  14. Red Skeletons for slo-mo warped wonky grooves/sounds and a cutting line in love gone wrong, been meaning to lob it in a mix for far too long ,,,,,theres too many, sketchy day/try again tomorrow
  15. Tangerine Dream soundtrack on the former is a blast all of these & Prospero's Books are mint. Drowning By Numbers got on my tits 1st watch, re-watched couple of weeks later & got completely lost in the madness in the best way.
  16. deliveries from France held up by migrant activity round euro-tunnel fuckin selfish cunts
  17. summer pap - The Bones of Avalon & The Heresy of Dr Dee (by Phil Rickman), simply cos Dr John Dee is the lead, i'm a sucker for magic/bs & the 2nd title is set around the landscapes of the Welsh borders i know so well....fuckin loathe crime fiction but the 1st of these has started excellently...... Musicophilia - chippin away at this mind blowing opus by Oliver Sacks, guy writes so eloquently for a clinician, if you live for music these tails are simply staggering The Buried Giant - Kazuo Ishiguro's flawed but still entertaining delve into the frontiers of Britain during the Anglo-Saxon invasion. Lots of parallels with UKIP today, collective historical amnesia and broader/shared values/cultural heritage. Just wished he'd trusted that weirder tone he strikes at times a bit more fully. plus some archaeology toss, but no-one deserves any summaries of that brain rot
  18. aye but can you do a Hetfield "yeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaoooooooooooeeeeeeeaaaaaaaah"?
  19. sounds like the Valleys, just swap beaten to death instead of shot much more civilized
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