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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. Australian proto-house from Severed Heads https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qd6e7RELnRo
  2. Bad Timing is dark as fuck. The way it fucks with time & Garfunkel does bathing in rape uncannily well. The documentary shows Roeg had a similar understanding of coincidence to William Burroughs, plus his cv is unfuckinreal: Lawrence of Arabia, Dr Zhivago, Fahrenheit 451, Performance, Walkabout, Don't Look Now, The Man Who Fell To Earth, Eureka, Insignificance (& the Witches is a blast too) edit - if you like Performance have a look for Donald Cammell's "White of the Eye" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0094320/
  3. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ gotta love the RHK genius! summat a bit more 80degrees in the shade,,,,
  4. http://realitysandwich.com/168396/experiment_la_chorrera/
  5. BBC did a quality profile of Nick Roeg last night http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b0613d0c/arena-nicolas-roeg-its-about-time
  6. dont think you got the quote, its from Dennis McKenna and the ultimate hallucinogen warning, proper funny but will spare you the details as you'll scoff at whatevers articulated. cheers for the heads up though n everything bwlad
  7. Serious? He is dude, it was on the news and all over the internet. The guy was 93 though, it's not really all that surprising. i meant in terms of his infamous Dracula role for a few decades (who kept coming back from the dead all the time), its called a joke ;)
  8. did any1 check that Christopher Lee is actually dead?
  9. my guess is Carl Sagan woulda fantasized fucking both female replicants in an orgy of crack, anal sex & cheap bourbon
  10. I'm currently trying to learn my own native language, so the extended colonial irony of long term mega-pillage & raping processes (while trying to operate in a bilingually pc culture) has its demands/merits. The British empire (small e), well, ahem, awkward shuffle of thumbs, yes, i mean nooooooo,,,,, a universe of exploitation, greed & hypocrisy that is pretty staggering for such a small population. The lesson is guns and boats get you places. Britain robbed the world more fully than the Romans or the Yanks, thats why every H'wood bad guy used to be played a sneering/sleazy Anglo-Saxon. Now cunts moan about giving anything back. Sickening. ps: was in Bristol recently and as much as i love the place that city is stamped with more placenames of slavers and colonial murderers than just about anywhere outside London.
  11. the "nation" of global English speakers currently enjoying such a vibrant & varied lexicon ;) ?
  12. i honestly thought that was gonna be an impressionist/wind-up
  13. which version did you see? overall BR's pacing is spot on, for the early 80's its creative scope is incredible & it does mind-blowing justice to PKD's raft of dystopian ideas in summary, watch it again until you're subconsciously mouthing "like tears in rain" to all & sundry
  14. Sicario's out, if you can handle all the Latinos as gangstas stereotypes,,,,,,
  15. its an action filem, ie: not up to too much scutiny, but......... Mad Max made me wanna get back on a bike pronto
  16. if you like this,,,,,,, .......you might also like zis:
  17. more literature, some good reads here http://www.academia.edu/10234836/Liminal_Hymns_Zones_of_Derangement_in_Coil_and_Crowley http://www.academia.edu/10218522/Born_Again_Pagans_An_Industrial_Band_Discovers_Sea_Hill_and_Wood http://www.barringtonarts.com/GoldenAge_Bloodsports.pdf https://global.oup.com/academic/product/the-lyre-of-orpheus-9780199751402?cc=gb&lang=en& + the full version of the Microbionic & Radical Sound Art text is available as a pdf
  18. http://www.hbo.com/documentaries/requiem-for-the-dead-american-spring-2014/synopsis.html
  19. Claudio Rispoli aka Mozart https://vimeo.com/29956313
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