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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. if she was a Betsy Kettleman i'd have given them a loud round of applause at the finale
  2. its great for glugging plus i'm putting it on a pedestal a bit due to not having access to it these days not everything has to be refined Trappist splendour
  3. Crabs, crab-cakes, crab-houses, pitchers of sliced orange bobbing Shock Top & Old Bay encrusted everything from round the Chesapeake, snort a line of Old Bay as a toast
  4. neighbours who rowed for the best part of a few hours and who are now fucking as loudly too just fuckin cum already
  5. Brendan will be unemployed by January
  6. one thing i dont get is folks who let their dogs lick them all over their faces, when 5mins ago the dog was licking out its own ring-piece and.....
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGC7NbAPOmI
  8. The common link between certain breeds and biting is they're "trained"by assholes who are looking for a muscular breed to intimidate other humans with. Therefore, theres always going to be a distribution bias. I've re-homed rescue dogs for a good few years and their transformation over a few weeks via consistent training to a new home & active healthy life is 1 of the main reasons i keep doing it. Never been bitten, but been scrammed to fuck plenty of times by cats owned by mates. Now those are some sneaky evil cunts,,,,,,,, Haha quality, hardcore nut allergist spaz here and i get that from the peanut lovin missus all the cunting time
  9. not trolling, creaturing with the craythur
  10. kinda gets a fist-bump for sheer blend of Darwin-Award/historical context of duration since last attack
  11. if you like Paris Texas .... ,,,,,,check out The American Friend (with Dennis Hopper): http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0075675/?ref_=nm_flmg_dr_44 and Wenders did a funny 10mins short for this compilation of directors which is superb across the board (Spike Lee, Kaurismaki, Jim Jarmusch et al): http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0304808/?ref_=nm_flmg_dr_18
  12. insomnia, opiate pain-meds lean & Sun-Ra
  13. nobody's seriously condoning murder and if it were purely down to society's neglected populations, you'd have a point but there are a mass of cunts, at least in Britain, who know exactly what they're doing and thats the issue, not that they didnt have enough love growing up
  14. the thousands of cunts in this cuntry who turn cool dogs into psycho death teeth machines fuckin ego-collapsed-respect-farting insecure cretins, how about you actually play with your furry friend instead of winding it up into a frenzy in public places these "owners" should all be killed in a mass cull of twat clearances
  15. just to say us Brits burned down the White House in 1814 and we'll do it again if you dont export & extend Cracker Barrell franchises pronto
  16. related but unrelated from Mark Fell..... interesting project he's done with an Oxford anthropologist on sounds/records that shape you through time boils down to a series of mixes that cover specific eras/years/genres, proper funny too at times: http://www.markfell.com/wiki/index.php?n=Mf.DawnOfMan
  17. 1 of my old man's favourite filems plus Yves Montand (sp?) is ex-police marksman Jansen in Le Cercle Rouge, 1 of the greatest crime films of all time:
  18. climbed Pen Y Fan yesterday, the highest peak in southern Britain, complete with calipers, crutches & baking heat temp @ 7pm was 29degrees and descending was infinite bone-brutality
  19. ^^^^ mint lp theres a stack of old Weatherall/Groovetech mixes uploaded as vids on u-tub... some superb selektrons as always from Lord Sabre
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