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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. it succeeds in its ideas and kitsch discombobulation edit: Excalibur is in a similar vein & that's mint
  2. anyone who knows anything knows WWII was an Anglo-Saxon family feud & US corporations were knee deep in oiling the gears soft power my ass
  3. Zardoz is a stone cold early 70's classic..... John Boorman directing.......+ Shir Connery killing everything in sight..... proper midnight cinema. yeah its a bit clunky (not aged the best), but i'd be a bit more generous....... Re-watched The Shout (again recently): ........fuckin IMMENSE madness, great story, surreal creepy moods (think Wicker Man meets Straw Dogs), cast are flawless (full of some Britain's best known actors from that period). Has John Hurt as some electroacoustic sound engineer & Alan Bates out-mentalisting just about every other psycho in screen history. Can not recommend highly enough. Banks & Rutherford from Genesis did the audio/soundtrack too (<-- hard sell insert). Ken Park - wtffff/10 ..... ok so parents through the ages have got things wrong from time to time, but this just goes so far off the edge it managed to go full circle and slap me across the back of the head with uncomfortableness after uncomfortableness after uncomfortableness, and not in a good way. I knew it was almost Kids pt2, but there's a lot of elements here i wasnt too sure about. Yes its a morality tale, obviously, but god damn its hard to watch. That kid out the Wire, with his grandparent's plaque-y teefs, lord have mercy LOL. Felt tired n grossed out as the final credits rolled and thats not always a bad thing, but,,,,,,,,
  4. dusted this off out the crates this afternoon...... 1 of Cymru's finest https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEd6KsbhkTk
  5. http://www.radikaliai.lt/media/m_1/body//files/microbionic_coil_rebuild_2012.pdf
  6. round my old man's earlier, for stroganoff w/Oscar Peterson,,,,,,,,,,,,,, noice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeP3LGY3jaI
  7. I'm not alone? may the gods rejoice in rickety headbanging!
  8. been to enough Teknivals across Europe to understand that if you've taken a certain cocktail of drugs, have a hormonal spike and ADHD then gabber is probably for you it cant be justified in any other context, because its complete and utter wank for children lost on chemicals as for Russian gabber "pyramids", it's like some re-adjusted Tartar/Cossack cultural process unifying individuals & social norms (on huge amounts of god knows what druqks)
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYZ2mDEvE_M
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wOE7mWZXpg
  11. familial Jack Russell staying @ my manor while folks are away - there's a reason why Terriers are named as such get home early, let the fucker out to do his creaturing creature ways, 5mins later a massive hole's been dug out and soil strewn all around the back garden like some maniac archaeologist gone berzerk cheers bwlad
  12. check the slightly psychedelicized (sp??) country of the Grateful Dead's 'Workingman's Dead', New Riders of the Purple Sage did some gems (The Last Lonely Eagle especially), Gram Parsons is well worth a sift and The Allman's bridged country & southern rock better than anyone.
  13. Ta for that link, i've been picking my way through Musicophilia (sp?) for aeons, which is a crackin read too. I could never, in a sober state, readily ingest blotter acid again for similar reasons. Not without about 30mg of diazepam at hand anyway, to nibble on along the journey and smooth out the edges a bit lol. It's as if the gods have steered me through enough moments of hocus pocus insania without tempting fate any further. They know it & as long as i know too it we're all cool n the gang. I've seen & experienced far more mind-bending things & situations through a combination of ptsd & fresh air than any drug has ever thrown at me. Shadow cats on the patio in the corner of my eye, lights/shadows flickering through the cracks in doorways, or walking into rooms where you get the distinct feeling something (rather than someone) has metaphorically just left, auditory whispering......("Everything is progressing,,,,,not far from Level-7,,,,,," and ",,,,time is a processor,,,,,"). Flashbacks that dont *FLASH*, rather audio-visual vague instances that you have to "birth" out over 2-3 weeks (thank god for weed there) and then reprocess. Unfuckinrealness personified. None of that American Sniper high pitched tone/dog barking bollix, something far more otherworldly. Its ironic that after studying pre-science/prehistoric cultures, shaman, altered states and ideologies for so long, that fate handed me a unique take on all that, as any pre-scientific interpretation of ptsd (without insight into brain function/cognition) would lead any1 in their right (or wronged) mind to think of possession.
  14. reading thread while DK's Kill The Poor plays in background appropriate
  15. Bristol's finest https://soundcloud.com/ninja-tune/solid-steel-radio-show-2952015-hour-1-dj-nature
  16. somewhere a bunch of food-tech boffins high-5'd that concept, its marketing & eventual implementation truth is i'd prob give 1 a bash, be disgusted, then be doubly disgusted at myself for expecting anything more from a pizza with a hot-dog crust,,,,,,,,, (with a free mustard dribble too of course)
  17. The Chapman Brothers (or 1 of them) have a new series on Sky Arts this week. Cymru's own Rhys Ifans plays some kind of Mekon-headed lothario stealing the bird of a character who he also plays......borrowed from sunday papers blurb Lets be honest, The Chapman Brothers & TV were made for each other.
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