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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. seen The Piano Teacher? Huppert is immense in that too, deeply disturbing but in a good way http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0254686/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_48
  2. arizer solos are pretty tidy, you just pop the flower in the stem, set the thingy to 4 or 5, wait 30secs = voila no house smells, efficient, makes your herbage go much further (and i love a pure 1 skin), 120£ atm I find it highly, highly, highly depends on the strain. I had two puffs of one kind (recently, cotton candy kush) and I was paranoid, I could hear people knocking at my front door, had lots of bad thoughts, slightly schizo actually.... Smoked a joint to myself of another strain (green crack) and I'm fine, no problems whatsoever. yer both right which just goes to show its a lot to do with the individual & the strain some strains will flood you with chaos, others far less so, but identifying what poisons you prefer & are agreeable to you is all part of the process of life in 1 way or another it can inspire & destroy
  3. Aaaaaaaaaah (2015) absurd, dont know if it can be finished yet the Boosh crew + the bloke from Sightseers & Toyah Wilcox do a non verbal ape-human hybrid comedy it gets props for the tits out Nigella spoof
  4. getting forwarded emails of absurd Donald Trump promo vids yes he's a prize plum, but dont go onnabart it
  5. Rashomon if you got a kick out of the framing, the samurai epics like Ran are a feast, but its a rare instance of watch everything you might like Kwaidan by Kobayashi (1964), its a mixture of ghost stories and perfect for winter, a bit like Fellini's Juliet of the Spirits for colour explosion (plus check the section with the eyes in the snowy skies): http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0058279/
  6. any1 caught Knight of Cups yet? only really enjoyed Badlands and havent really been seduced by other projects in recent years
  7. Limmy's short sketches are usually funnier, but this is worthy of any1's time (subtitles might be useful for non British residents)
  8. god damn tree-hugging communist ;) and, shocker, i see Trump is all over this 2nd Amendment bs being written in stone, even if amendment infers a previous constitutional alteration from my humble experience there are far too many privileged white Americans happy being in the middle & upper tiers of the US pyramid to be getting all soft n socialist for this to work, Mesh "why should my tax dollars pay for *x, y & z?" - "errrrr cos of the collective interest?" "fuck off you limp wristed Euro-pinko saving yer ass in multiple wars....." the amount of times i heard this form of rhetoric from these demographics was metaphorically endless and, unfortunately, i think the dream of a cohesive left-wing agenda died with Henry Wallace getting fucked over by Truman (nevermind the later resurgence in the 60's)
  9. def worth a rewatch it has an ethereal, shimmering quality that almost goes against the extreme heat of the location, one of my favourite psychological dramas/horrors recommended is another crackin Oz-fest from Down Under.... "Wake in Fright",,,,, Donald Pleasence (sp?) does weirdness/the power of odd as only he could: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0067541/
  10. you been sniffing n getting high on Giggsy's chest hair again Chen?
  11. thread should be renamed "worst things about America" Old Bay seasoning counters Trump, every fuckin time
  12. can this be put as banner on the site's front-page as a proven scientific fact? (not that its science or a fact, just cos, thats all)
  13. pretty fuckin accurate Usagi & all underpinned by fear - things like fear of loss of job-based health insurance, fear of racial tension, a weary heritage (already), just throw in housing 'zones' based on specific educational privileges, which maintains social structures, a lust for global jurisdiction to exert national interest that makes even British colonial history look like a polite prelude of pillaging compared with certain things today. And guns. What an opportunity wasted. Rampant consumerism was the most blatant aspect imho, mostly due to the low cost of living (best pair of Nikes i've owned were $12 in a Nordstrom sale, so contagious too). And while i still think its a great place to visit, its not necessarily an ideal place to live if you fall outside of some of these entrenched boundaries. "The Empire never ended" - Horselove Fat in VALIS
  14. Kate Dickie (the mother in this) is usually a sign of summat quality
  15. Twilight Earth - Second International Soirée: http://www.discogs.com/Various-Twilight-Earth-Second-International-Soir%C3%A9e/release/260057 1 of those rare moments where a track you've been hunting forever (20+ years) turns up in a random mix WITH the info; "Anna Homler & Temps Perdu? - Sa'Yo Ye Ah'Ye"....... a compilation of ambient bits n bobs, no idea about the rest of the lp yet as the above tune has been on repeat for the last half hour at least, truly evocative female vocals with the most subtle and melt away melodies these ears have heard in a while
  16. could the Pentagon be levitated again? Hoffman and Ginsberg would fuckin love that
  17. gonna watch War & Peace ep1 wiv me Ma tonight, cos Ma's are gold and sometimes you just gotta say "ok then, more bonnet porn it is!"
  18. The Lobster - doesnt it fuck with you on some level? uncomfortable viewing & funny and fuckin strange, even after a few days it stays with you. Quality. Olivia Peep Show does cold & cruel better than she does chipmunk cute Hateful Eight - looks good, Jennifer whathserface is fun, but preferred Django, the 1 room dialog doesnt really carry enough heft Where Eagles Dare - "Broadsword calling Danny Boy.....", Richard Burton & Clint go at it with half the 3rd Reich in 1 of the best war movies of all time. Its like a snowy Zulu in lots of ways and still rocks. Nazis getting slaughtered every 5-10mins, whats not to like
  19. thats the thing, once yer metaphorically belted into the experience, it could conjure things that no mind can effectively handle. i only referenced the tranqs as a last resort, cos they offer your mind a way back into some kind of malleable entity, or at least reform the "map", not to take them as & of themselves..... had as full a spectrum of experiences as most folks, but some were def more beneficial than others and thats where rolling the dice can come into the equation, same as walking out the front door every day has its own inherent risks, but bad trips could & do stay with a person forever. That much i have seen. As a result, the glory i used to associate with these chemicals has subsequently tailed off a bit, but low doses of shrooms have provided some great times, no question. Its just the mega-brews of 3000+ wet shrooms shared among 6-10 people had a shelf-life. I just dont have the mental resilience to undertake these missions any more, but dont let that put you off your own agenda. With some of the substances outlined here there are clearly far more choices available than an urban Brit had 28+yrs ago, so the standard fair has gotten even wider in terms of choice.
  20. If you HAVE to, try & source dried shrooms, start with small numbers, maybe have a few valium/diazepam at hand if its stronger than you expected. Cannabis might only intensify the experience a la "smoke a j maaaaan and it'll take the edge off". Errrm, not always/exactly. And yer right about alcohol. 1 of my oldest n dearest friends gets thru 15pints of Special Brew a day, no exaggeration, a legal drug killing someone i love dearly, but addiction is an insidious process. No experience with a lot of the examples listed in this thread other than shrooms, blotter acid and DMT many many moons ago. 1 of those trips cost another friend 5yrs of his life thru drug induced psychosis. Not pretty. In my humble experience, DMT leaves the other 2 in the shade by miles for sheer force of intensity and far out-ness, never experienced anything like it even on multiple Micro-dots, completely inter-dimensional but v quick too. Wouldnt touch salvia. Either that or meet up with Audioberserker and get an experienced Captain Trips at the wheel, cos hallucinogens can show you the mind of God AND the face of the Devil, but sometime you'll only remember the latter. Not trying to scare you off having fun, but its not all fluffy wuffy. Take yer time and make informed choices, if u do a small batch only increase incrementally once you're well into the experience and have found your feet and even then it might be you already hit your own personal sweet spot. Stay safe and good luck!
  21. nothing personal, but since when has social media actually changed anything of substance? i've been around the US & among certain areas of white privileged society that whole Ayn Rand/Objectivist bs has become a secular bible. Their position could be boiled down to 1 statement i heard during sunday dinner 1 afternoon in DC - "Would you pay your neighbour's mortgage?" Try explaining the NHS to folks WITH degrees, Masters degrees, ex army officers of pretty high rank etc, PLUS folks who work for non-profit organizations, without it all heading south (pun intended)
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