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Everything posted by WeAreOceans

  1. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/04/us/politics/marijuana-legalization-justice-department-prosecutions.html Big govt. is bad, except when it's good
  2. Ah really? Might just be in contrast to the film, I watched the RLM review of it and they mentioned the book puts him in a worse light and I've seen comments about him being a megalomaniac on set... the film touches on it but makes it look more like a sort of eccentric mania than malicious intent. Kind of ties in to the slightly odd plot. But yeah he still tours around it seems, he's back at the Prince Charles with Greg in February.
  3. It's good, had the pleasure of seeing it at the Prince Charles Cinema at London. It's more of a fan homage to it than a gritty biopic. It definitely feels like Franco inviting all of his comedy buddies to make a movie about another movie they love. I haven't read the book but apparently Wiseau is painted really badly in it, in the film he's just a lovable weirdo for the most part, probably because he had to sign off on the script. Franco nails the role, which isn't easy, but the general plot is a bit weird and outside of the actual Room filming scenes the comedy is a bit hit and miss. Unless you're a super fan of the movie you probably won't get much out of it, but if you are, it's worth seeing.
  4. Can you go back and edit 'cuck' and 'soyboy' into this post please? I was playing /pol/ Bingo and I nearly got a full house lol
  5. Whoopsie, but yeah, the fun of Soulsbourne games is doing it again with a wildly different build. Getting the Milkweed rune reminded me I need to try a Kos Parasite build. Plus you need all three endings for platinum innit.
  6. Trump's administration thinks they can strongarm everything because they have the diplomatic skill of a teenager. I'm sure his die-hard fans loved Haley's speech but it's blown up in the US' face and they lost a vote they could have skillfully negotiated, at least at a much less harsher loss.
  7. It was just a bit too easy to see where it was going, though I wouldn't have called everything. Yeah I'm very curious to know where it goes. Brooker is obviously going to write something beyond an obvious Star Trek rip off. Some hellish VR simulation recorded as TV entertainment maybe?
  8. Finished Dark. Loved the cinematography and Ben Frost's soundtrack is on point as always. I thought the ending was a little predictable but looking forward to more. And don't worry, the 80s bits in it is only ever used as a setting rather than some fetishization of the past.
  9. The Metro games are fantastic. I keep meaning to replay through since upgrading my PC, the graphics are excellent. All the details and atmosphere make it, you can spend a while wandering the town areas, lovely warmth of people keeping it together in contrast to the hostile outside world. Having to clean gunk off your visor and checking your watch for time left on your mask filter are great touches. I seem to remember stealth being good too, if you make a small noise, human AI will coordinate sweeping the area together, I might be looking back with rose tinted glasses though.
  10. r/the_donald actually celebrating net neutrality vote going through A motion could be passed to execute every subscriber to the board and they'd give it a standing ovation
  11. Just realised Ludwig wields the Moonlight Sword and Ludwig van Beethoven wrote the Moonlight Sonata.
  12. For bloodtinge, C H I K A G E, hands down. Just keep high VIT as BT scaling only works when it's transformed and draining your HP. Simon's Bowblade and the Bloodletter are good too but they're not available until way into the DLC. Arcane can use a lot of stuff effectively depending on the build. I had an arcaney character that did most of the game with the Tonitrus. Like the Chikage though, keep in mind your buff scaling only comes into play when you 'activate' it. I think the Boom Hammer, Wheel, and Moonlight Sword are good arcane choices as well.
  13. The saw spear, and in particular the axe, are very decent weapons, no reason they can't take you to the end of the game. The Nightmare of Mensis is tough, don't feel down! Protip for the weird beasts that burst out worms - if the killing blow involves fire in some way, they won't spawn worms. I have actually been playing through BB recently with a bloodtinge build - weak as hell to start but you become a damage dealing monster as your BT stat gets to 50. Though currently getting my ass kicked by Ludwig, forgot how tough the DLC is.
  14. Bought Rimworld as a recommendation, hella addictive though only put a few hours in so far. Like a much more accessible (and albeit more shallow) Dwarf Fortress.
  15. Ben Frost's soundtrack for Dark is typically lovely (I think Apparat does the opening theme too). I'm watching with dub and it's horrible. Really takes away from the weird, dark tension.
  16. Now thats a hell of a tease... Yeah either gonna be Tenchu (Based off the Japanese looking writiing and drum sound) or some sort of reboot of their Shadow Tower game. The device is interesting though, some sort of prosthetic for a bare skeleton?
  17. New Death Stranding trailer, seven minutes long and fucking wild
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