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Everything posted by WeAreOceans

  1. Yeah I'm not that much into cars so could never really get into the series GT Sport does look pretty though
  2. It's the piggy one, right? It's... not great. Tedious stealth, puzzles are find the thing and put the thing in the thing, it's basically just a lot of walking through set pieces and listening to voice snippets. The atmosphere and set pieces are really good, industrial revolution hellscape is captured pretty well. But it was pretty much the death knell for the "walking simulators" microgenre of games. I think it's both the original and a machine for pigs or whatever it's called. Download them and give it a shot? You already paid for them. Ah right. Dark Descent is pretty good! Piggies not so much - but yeah, if it's free, worth it alone for the industrial horror vibes. Speaking of horror vibes, started Darkest Dungeon - I really love the atmosphere, artwork, general tone of the game. Can't tell if I like the gameplay or not though, and if I suck at it real bad. Every time I take a level 1 party in for a mission they've all lost their minds by the end of it and I lose a party member or two. Judging by steam reviews end-game is grindy and RNG heavy too. Worth slogging on? Dark Descent was great! It has a sanity level like Eternal Darkness (one of my gamecube-era favorites) which causes auditory hallucinations and weird graphical morphing when it runs low. Very cool system. Machine for Pigs looked boring, I haven't played that one. I don't think it has the sanity system like DD. A lot of the things that made DD so interesting were gutted, hence walking simulator comparisons.
  3. It's the piggy one, right? It's... not great. Tedious stealth, puzzles are find the thing and put the thing in the thing, it's basically just a lot of walking through set pieces and listening to voice snippets. The atmosphere and set pieces are really good, industrial revolution hellscape is captured pretty well. But it was pretty much the death knell for the "walking simulators" microgenre of games. I think it's both the original and a machine for pigs or whatever it's called. Download them and give it a shot? You already paid for them. Ah right. Dark Descent is pretty good! Piggies not so much - but yeah, if it's free, worth it alone for the industrial horror vibes. Speaking of horror vibes, started Darkest Dungeon - I really love the atmosphere, artwork, general tone of the game. Can't tell if I like the gameplay or not though, and if I suck at it real bad. Every time I take a level 1 party in for a mission they've all lost their minds by the end of it and I lose a party member or two. Judging by steam reviews end-game is grindy and RNG heavy too. Worth slogging on?
  4. It's the piggy one, right? It's... not great. Tedious stealth, puzzles are find the thing and put the thing in the thing, it's basically just a lot of walking through set pieces and listening to voice snippets. The atmosphere and set pieces are really good, industrial revolution hellscape is captured pretty well. But it was pretty much the death knell for the "walking simulators" microgenre of games.
  5. fairly bland trailer also getting throwbacks to the prequels overly busy sequences with shit going on all over the place
  6. I would hesitate to confirm that. Have you ever been on /r/aphextwin? *shudders* Oh god, I hadn't even thought about that.... Now it's like Pandora's Box...I know about it...I'm tempted by it... oh no is it that bad? I've only visited the 2017 liveset threads, they seemed okay
  7. The only thing I remember from the OST was that loud ass horn that sounded like a motorcycle engine actually there were some big, cavernous drums that reminded me a lot of Haxan Cloak as well
  8. yeah unlocking more skills makes this game SIGNIFICANTLY easier. Having a much breezier time getting through now that I have a few things unlocked/upgraded.
  9. Looks great! I keep meaning to setup an rpi and just dump a load of old retro games on
  10. four me to the floor daddy

  11. I don't think it really knows what it wants to be. Survival horror? FPS? Puzzle game? The visuals are amazing but that's about it, style over substance (as opposed to Cuphead, the devs went for a standard action platformer but elevates it with the visuals).
  12. Nioh is a fantastic game let down by bland level design and repetitive enemies. They should have kept it as a boss rush or fighting/duel game, the combat is really deep and interesting. The best fights are the one-off dojo spars really (though I sold my copy before the pvp came out).
  13. christ that tweet footage is absolutely horrifying, sounds like a warzone
  14. every time I think "this'll be the straw that breaks the camel's back" he just gets worse, it's gone from comically embarrassing to outright wretched
  15. sorry to harp on with the "post-grime" stuff, I've been falling down this hole a lot more recently and dunno where else to post it I don't really know how to classify this stuff, like warped out grime elements with late capitalism/cyberpunk imagery. I'm really fascinated by it and trying to dig up more. Is this worth its own thread? Dont wanna get in the way of more conventional grime posts
  16. in lieu I'll post a track from the tail-end of the "twee indie rock" hype that nobody listens to anymore
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