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Everything posted by caze

  1. I watched Gemini Man for some reason, it's another de-aged thing, with Will Smith vs an 18 year old clone of Will Smith. It's really terrible. Why did Ang Lee direct this? Clone Smith looks decent in some respects, look at any individual frame and it's hard to tell there's anything weird going on, but in motion it still looks very weird, which is exacerbated by the fact that they increase the clone's speed and reaction times by about 100%, he moves faster than any human possibly could, the action scenes with him in look absolutely ridiculous as a consequence. Maybe this was an attempt to make up for the effect described by a few other people with the de-aged fogeys in the Irishman still moving around like people their age move, but if so they completely over compensated. Not seen the Irishman yet though, so don't know if they did a better job or not.
  2. No it didn't. Most of the polling was accurate, within the margin of error. The polling was weakest in the rust belt where Trump did surprisingly well, mostly because they didn't do an awful lot of it. The national level polling was spot on.
  3. For All Mankind is pretty good, visuals on the last episode were great. Would love to binge it but have to wait another week now. ugh.
  4. It had been in the fridge for 48 hours after I made it, still tasted good though, the avocado was a bit under-ripe which probably helped there.
  5. I made some Chicken Tinga the other day, used the leftovers to make Quesadillas, that's guacamole on the side.
  6. I did some triple cooked chips with my steak last night, were great.
  7. I was at that gig, was just after I finished my leaving cert. I nearly missed it too, though I had no excuse as I'd been there since the Thursday (it was on in the Avalon tent IIRC, which was a small one I hadn't been to before so it took a while to find it). I think it was the one where his brother joined him on stage for a duelling 303 acid-off (don't think he'd released anything at that point), was great. It's funny you say there was nothing else good there that year, and that you've been listening to Bob Dylan, because he played that year and it was great! I remember it had been pissing rain and the clouds parted and the sun came out just for his set, played mostly the early electric stuff. One of the best things I ever saw there. No longer listen to his stuff much, but still love Nashville Skyline. Like the jams, 3rd one definitely sounds the best, but I'm not completely lost on the first couple either, I think if the backing was a bit more sparse a cleaner jazzy guitar part would sit with them nicely. If you've not heard Pat Metheny's Offramp album definitely check that out (it's really great), some really good integration of guitar with cheesy 80s electronic sounds. Album version of this is slightly different (and better), but not on the youtube. Another lovely tune from that album, this one isn't at all electronic sounding, but still very nice: Also agreed on that JJ Cale album, the following one is great too, Really. Not heard much else after that.
  8. latest watchmen episode was pretty shit, worst one so far. the whole phone booth 'joke' thing was some truly appalling writing. pacing of the show isn't good either, too slow.
  9. caze

    Brexit :(

    It would be a start if most of them even voted once.
  10. caze

    Brexit :(

    he did have a point in fairness, would add time to extend the electoral poll, would be hard to get it all done in a month. amendment not been selected anyway.
  11. people run 3rd party in the US to make money, they can pay themselves and their staff a salary, pay for travel and accommodation, etc. after they inevitably lose they're left with a big wad of cash which they can do with as they please. if these people were really intent on breaking up the political duopoly in the US they would funnel all their cash into local politics, which would be the only way to make any inroads, try for a senate or house seat first, after you've created a local infrastructure capable of winning state senate or whatever.
  12. if she's anything like Jill Stein then the answer is money, she's just a grifter.
  13. yeah that Enterprise finale was total garbage. Sirtis and Frakes really phoned it in too, and Sirtis decided to just use her normal London accent for some reason, maybe she had forgot how to do her Troi, hopefully they don't fuck up their scenes in Picard.
  14. Extinction Rebellion are filled with utter mongs, she's not even the worst of them
  15. I don't think so, this was all kicked off by Turkey announcing they were planning on moving on Syria a few days before Trump made his announcement. He's tried to do this before, both in Syria and similarly in Afghanistan. I'm sure he's happy to have the distraction, but he hasn't orchestrated it.
  16. videos or music? for music you can obviously have bad results with shitty tags. for shows and movies the filenames and folder structure can be a problem. what client are you browsing with? (check if it works on the web app if you're using a TV app) have you tried browsing in folder mode instead of the default metadata mode?
  17. Nope, it didn't happen with The Dark Knight. Holmes was not inspired by the Joker, and the only reason he went to that movie was because he knew there would be a load of people there. https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2019/10/joker-aurora-shooting-rumor
  18. there's nothing to suggest the planet couldn't easily handle 10 times it's current population in theory, even though that's unlikely to happen in the near future as population growth is slowing and will probably go into reverse by the end of the century.
  19. that's some genocidal ecofascism right there.
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