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Everything posted by caze

  1. sorry, I laughed at his post and set it to -68. will undo.
  2. mobile looks awful, loads of wasted space and badly laid out. maybe you need to customise the skin to take advantage of better responsive design?
  3. tea and chocolate rich tea biscuits
  4. caze

    Brexit :(

    fucking immigrants coming over here, refurbishing our stonehenge
  5. caze

    Brexit :(

    bad news then, looks like can kicked down the road 'til October 31st (which just about leaves enough time for a referendum)
  6. caze

    Brexit :(

    delusional nonsense, so much wrong here it's hard to know where to start...
  7. caze

    Brexit :(

    you shouldn't be paying VAT on exports
  8. caze

    Brexit :(

    yeah, it's a dumb idea. why bother leaving at all in that case? no deal or other hard brexit options would have a terrible impact on the economy, this wouldn't, but it's hard to see a legitimate reason for wanting to do it in the first place, other than 'respecting the referendum result', which isn't a very good reason.
  9. I spent far too much time yesterday on her channel.
  10. caze

    Brexit :(

    looks like the DUP are considering shafting the brexiteers out of spite now, would be pretty funny if those cunts ended up being the reason brexit finally collapsed. they're all a bunch of paranoid morons, they could have had brexit if they wanted it, the idea that the EU was going to trap them in the backstop indefinitely is laughable.
  11. That was mostly pretty good, really highlighted the impact the soviet bureaucracy had on the disaster, but it also promoted now discredited data on the number of deaths (saying 8,000 people had died, and that many more would die). The current position from the UN is that there are only 49 attributable deaths from the accident, previous estimates were based on the increasingly discredited 'linear no-threshold' model of radiation induced cancer (see this, though even that has out of date info, the most recent UN report contradicts the earlier UNSCEAR report from 2000 they list in the 'support' section). The BBC did a better documentary on the current situation recently (In the Shadow of Chernobyl), they've removed it from iPlayer now unfortunately (though can be found through other means), but this article was based on it: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-47227767 Chernobyl was a bad disaster, but was a failure of communism more than anything else. People are still engaging in ignorant fear mongering about it today though, e.g: https://www.forbes.com/sites/michaelshellenberger/2019/03/13/mit-historian-alleges-united-nations-scientific-cover-up-of-death-disease-toll-from-chernobyl/#7e9e757f2626. Such people are a big part of the reason why we haven't made any serious impact on climate change.
  12. caze

    Brexit :(

    lol, the independent group are now officially a party, called Change UK ...or CUK the online petition website change.org is apparently thinking of suing them though, so maybe they'll be able to come up with a name that can't be readily mocked by right wing trolls.
  13. caze

    Brexit :(

    No a 3.5 million increase not as impressive when viewed alongside a 2.3 million increase from the Tories. Also, along with the Lib Dems vote total still being a third of what it was a couple of elections previous, the SNP dropped 22 seats and half a million votes (after a highly inflated and unlikely to repeat result for them in the previous election). Even if there are a bunch of disaffected Tories in the next election it's not likely to lead to major swings in Labours favor, Labour should hold their previous gains at least in most areas, though are under threat in others (in the metro areas in particular), SNP aren't going to drop any further and Labour will have greater competition than last time on their own turf. Depressed turnout across the board from brexit weariness, among other things, wouldn't be at all surprising either, expect lower vote totals for Labour too. May will not be leading the Tories in the next election btw, so there's that as well, it would be hard for them to do worse. The Lib Dems are the most likely to pick up a seat in my constituency for example, where they're currently 2nd place to a pro-brexit MP in a big-remain majority area. If they're lucky there might be another hung parliament, but I can't see Corbyn agreeing a program for government with anyone else. Corbyn did slightly better than Miliband, but was starting from a very poor position.
  14. caze

    Brexit :(

    Sounds like wishful thinking to me, despite May's terrible performance, the Tories not likely to drop a huge number of votes next time around, and Labour will have more competition than last time from the Independent Group and perhaps Lib Dems if their new leader turns out to be any good (presumably at a minimum with a voting pact in place, if not an outright merger).
  15. caze

    Brexit :(

    Blair won 418, 413 and 355 seats, Brown got 258, Miliband 232, Corbyn 262 (but is now down to 245 after various defections and forced expulsions for criminality and racism). Corbyn's swing in total number of votes has occurred alongside a similar increase for the Tories (who also increased their total votes in the last election, by over 2 million votes), the collapse of the Lib Dem vote is probably the biggest factor, along with a slight increase in turnout. It's not at all impressive.
  16. I put the chances of this being anything other than ignorant anti nuclear propaganda at 4%.
  17. caze

    Brexit :(

    May, a Corbyn government would massively increase poverty levels and homelessness in the country.
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