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Everything posted by caze

  1. looks good, always wanted them to show more of the real world, looks like this will mostly be set there.
  2. standard windows 10 edge also only asks once also.
  3. the new microsoft edge beta (which is based off chromium, different to the standard windows 10 edge) only shows you the certificate warning once, unlike chrome which shows the warning for every page you visit. just checked firefox too, and it only warns you once as well. so use firefox or the new edge until joyrex updates the cert.
  4. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-48199915
  5. I assumed she was long dead
  6. caze

    Brexit :(

    Change UK seem to be pretty incompetent, have never been impressed by Umunna, seems like an empty suit. The million or so who marched seem to be well represented in the recent polling, seeing as the majority has steadily shifted to remain now (61% remain vs current deal in last yougov poll; or 44% remain, 28% no deal, 10% current deal in a three-way poll). Even in the MEP polls remain is in the lead.
  7. Episode 5 of Barry was nuts, one of the best bits of comic telly I've seen in years.
  8. no it's not, they show one guy who's probably dead (presumably the one who died because he was right by the explosion, though in real life that guy was actually vapourised, they never found his body, another guy died from falling debris, he wouldn't have looked anything like that guy with all the burns all over him). they also show another guy (the one who held the door open) resigned to certain death, in real life this guy is still alive (and still pro-nuclear), so will be interesting to see what happens to him in ep 2. they show lots of people coughing up blood and getting immediate radiation burns (plant workers and fire fighters), which didn't happen - radiation burns take a week or two to appear; the only accurate thing was vomiting which can happen an hour or two after exposure. The two in the pump room looked like their faces were melting off, nonsense. There was also lots of ominous shots of babies and children and the dying bird, which indicates to me they're going to go full on with the bullshit in the coming episodes, but we'll see.
  9. Most password rules are generally considered bad-practice in security circles, as are rotating passwords (which Microsoft is disabling as default from Active Directory now). The only good password rules are minimum length, make sure you don't use your name or email address, and more recently checking against password breach lists.
  10. Dark theme needs a bit of work, contrast is too high, not comfortable on the eye at all, you should probably make it a bit more gray in places. E.g:
  11. Not surprisingly that Chernobyl thing was nonsense, it had people dying and bleeding from radiation exposure immediately, which didn't happen - exposure to radiation like that, even pretty high levels, won't cause immediate bleeding. Only two people actually died in the immediate aftermath of the explosion, one from falling debris, and another from regular thermal burns. It was only about two weeks later that some of the first responders started to die, 28 in total, from a combination of regular burns and radiation sickness (not everyone who got radiation sickness died, it helped if they didn't also suffer burns). No doubt subsequent episodes will continue to spread similar falsehoods, like thousands of people dying in the aftermath, or the accident causing birth defects.
  12. probably depended which mode you were in, we only have the WYSIWYG editor now, but before there was the bbcode source editor too.
  13. use shift+enter for a single line break. see? enter gives you a paragraph. I think it was always thus?
  14. utter bilge, we had dominated, just without scoring. we had created about 5 clear cut chances (from milner, mane, a couple from salah, and henderson), we opened them up with ease a few times, and had a few more half chances before their late flurry of counter attacks; barca on the other hand only created one good chance in the first half, scored a jammy 2nd and then scored from a fk. aside from that they managed to get into the box a few times, but we crowded them out with ease. it only opened up after their 3rd went in. barca also have an average possession at home of 60%, we had 53% on the night. barca rode their luck, but they also scored two great goals. they deserved to win, were just fortunate we didn't have our shooting boots on. also Ramos definitely did that deliberately, you can see him jerk his arm the opposite direction after they get tangled up.
  15. I make my popcorn by popping on stove, melting some butter (lots) in the microwave with 1/2 tsp salt, 1/4 tsp cumin, 1/4 tsp cinnamon, 1/4 tsp chilli powder, 1/4 tsp garam masala, 1/4 tsp smoked paprika (until it's bubbling a lot, then pour over and shake. makes enough for a large batch. amazing. cheese popcorn I don't get, but sweet popcorn is an abomination.
  16. Liverpool created enough chances to be in front, was just poor finishing, Barca had about 3 counter attacks they should've scored from in the last 10 mins, but that was only because we were pushing everyone forward, if we'd have put away even one of our chances before that we wouldn't have been taking those risks. 1st goal was against the run of play, but it was a good goal to be fair, 2nd was also against the run of play, and was pretty flukey with the ball ricocheting around the place, and lol @ blaming the keeper for the messi fk.
  17. only listened a couple times so far, definitely very good, his most musical release to date.
  18. neither of you watched the game then? or read any of the match reports which said the same thing? not looking good for tomorrow now, with both salah and bobby out, would have been a mountain to climb already.
  19. was an odd game, we were by far the better side, you don't see that too often at their ground. if you don't finish your chances you don't deserve to win though.
  20. made a lamb curry tonight, was good, though used inferior supermarket pre-packaged lamb pieces because the butcher was shut, were a too bitty and gristly. was too hungover to do a whole spread so nipped down to the local curry shop to get some bajis, samosas and naans to go with it.
  21. I think they're trying to go to another solar system, then something bad happens, which is why they're going to crash into jupiter, so this guy tries to shoot jupiter:
  22. I dunno, lost my shit laughing several times in the first episode. mostly at hank, but also the bit where he's reliving his first kill, the difference between the recreation from the actors and what actually happened.
  23. the more ridiculous the plots get the better. it's quite shit, but in a very good way.
  24. none of it made any sense, people really need to stop making time travel stories, they never make any sense.
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