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Everything posted by caze

  1. I don't remember her having braces, the 'VHS' is faked most likely.
  2. caze

    Brexit :(

    the referendum option got more votes than I expected (got more votes than any other option in fact), makes me think there's more of a chance of one now. if it ends up as a choice between that and no deal then it's probably quite likely. it was also good to see the hard brexit options doing even worse than just straight up revoking article 50.
  3. caze

    Brexit :(

    yeah, Boris will be licking his lips and so will vote for the deal now, as will a bunch more of them. I doubt that'll be enough for the DUP though, and a core group of the more deluded brexiteers. In order to get it through they'll still need Labour votes, and I can't see them getting enough of them.
  4. what a strange film it was. over long, full of clunky dialog (like the bit where Vaughn laments the intolerance of the modern media, or Gibson's wife telling us how she's really liberal but hates the blacks, because they want to rape her daughter, or that steakout scene that went on forever...). but for all that it was still really enjoyable, reminded me of Southland Tales in a way, a director who doesn't give a fuck about the normal conventions of film making. filled with sudden bursts of horrible violence (that unexpected head explosion was amazing) and really well choreographed action sequences, it was really well made in many ways. oh, and the music, oh my god. all the lyrics were written by the director, and performed by the O'Jays. sounded like an alien doing an impression of what soul music is supposed to sound like, uncanny valley vibes. totally unique film. must check out his previous two next.
  5. caze

    Brexit :(

    Luckily we don't need that many, just 300-odd MPs.
  6. caze

    Brexit :(

    Corbyn has stormed out of a cross-party meeting in a strop because Chuka Umunna was invited, what a fucking child.
  7. caze

    Brexit :(

    probably depends a lot where you are. london prices less likely to take a nosedive.
  8. caze

    Brexit :(

    Paul Dacre used to be the editor of the Daily Mail, he's a hard-brexiteer (and a massive cunt). They've toned it down a bit since he left late last year, but they're still very much pro-brexit.
  9. caze

    Brexit :(

    Needing unanimous voting doesn't put vast pressure on smaller countries at all, it does the opposite, it gives them far more power than they would otherwise have. It prevents the likes of France and Germany imposing their will on the rest of the EU. Austerity was only applied when countries required bailing out, it's never been used as a means of political control, nor could it be. For example, Ireland doesn't want to harmonise it's tax rates in the EU, and it's tough shit to France there's nothing they can do about it, and even though Ireland had to have budgetary oversight from the EU after the bailout, it was not able to use this to pressure Ireland to changing its position on anything. If a country doesn't want to be forced to apply strict budgetary oversight it shouldn't run it's economy into the ground, and even if it does it still doesn't have to request a bailout, the EU only has any power to do anything if the country gives it to them.
  10. caze

    Brexit :(

    looks like May has asked for an extension and won't be trying to force through a 3rd vote now. that hasn't completely closed the door on another vote on her deal, as it's possible the extension she asks for might include a 'get out' clause to allow for an early exit by June, allowing her time to try and get another vote. how long the delay will be if it's longer than June is up for debate though, rumours the Tories may implode if she tries to get one that's too long (2 years was one suggestion), might bring down their own govt to force May out, something closer to 9 months is probably more likely. we haven't left yet.
  11. caze

    Brexit :(

  12. caze

    Brexit :(

    No, you're right for a change. In fact, Corbyn didn't even run the last election on a pro-brexit manifesto, it was more of a 'pretend brexit isn't a thing' manifesto (not wanting to show his true colours to the great majority of labour voters who are remainers); and what brexit policies they did have were in stark contrast to the Tories', focusing on remaining in the single market (or as close as possible) and customs union - hardly what you'd call pro-brexit positions. He also "campaigned" for remain during the referendum, though it's hard to tell whether that lame effort was down to his personal pro-brexit stance, or more due to his general fecklessness (probably a bit of both, he actually decided it would be a good idea to go on holiday in the middle of the campaign), but regardless, it was hardly a position which would have endeared the party to hardline brexiteers. Taken as whole it's pretty obvious he was just trying to walk the line and not piss off anyone too much, but the longer it's gone on the more he's managed to piss off both extremes.
  13. caze

    Brexit :(

    So you can't back it up then, fine. Those vote numbers say nothing about brexit, and nearly 1 million of the difference predates brexit anyway.
  14. caze

    Brexit :(

    also, lol at the idea Corbyn has a good chance of winning a GE now.
  15. caze

    Brexit :(

    You haven't explained where you got the 4 million from, those differences could have a dozen different causes. The majority of labour voters are not pro-brexit.
  16. caze

    Brexit :(

    Where did you get 4 million? ...and he won't lose votes by going against the 2nd referendum? Labour's base is the large metropolitan centres, which overwhelmingly voted remain. There are far more remain Labour supporters than there are brexiteers, even if there might have been enough traditional Labour working class support in northern towns to help swing the vote in leave's favor.
  17. caze

    Brexit :(

    If the EU don't agree to an extension it will leave three options, vote for May's deal, revoke article 50, or do nothing (i.e. no deal brexit). That might actually be the best chance for a new referendum, because there doesn't seem to be enough support in parliament to actively vote for one, but if another vote on May's deal fails it might force enough of them to vote for revoking article 50 (followed by who knows what, general election? citizens assembly? 2nd referendum?). If article 50 does get revoked there will surely be another referendum, they can't just forget the first one happened, but who knows how it would actually all shake out (I think a citizens assembly - to determine the referendum question - followed by a proper legally binding referendum would be the best idea, with a general election after it finally gets put to bed).
  18. I have a couple of his albums actually, this one is good:
  19. Luke Kelly was a force of nature. Here's some more: https://youtu.be/WosTgIBgzf4
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