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Everything posted by koolkeyZ865

  1. koolkeyZ865

    elseq 1-5

    my digital vinyl needs more trax! This is truly incredible.
  2. I was really hoping it wasn't going to simply be called Star Trek.
  3. I honestly don't care where it's being sold, I would just love to have the dump in 24/96 and have the money given to RDJ.
  4. Are you being serious? Why are you trying to make this personal? But to answer your question, I'm not sure. It's not even about them making anything "great". One of my past family members was Cotton Mather. I wouldn't necessarily he made America great by encouraging witch trials, but that isn't my point. I'm saying that history is an amazing thing and I don't think that it should be looked down upon. EDIT: Why did you feel the need to add the word "white"? It's unnecessary.
  5. Surprise, the whole soundcloud dump will end up on bandcamp in 24/96 along with six new albums and the entire Rephlex catalog
  6. I never said anything about playing a role. It's not about past or current governments, It's only about history. Mainly because my family was apart of it. I don't get what's wrong with a personal belief that someone may hold.
  7. Why? "your country" is an accident of birth. What a ridiculous thing to be proud of. There's nothing wrong with being proud of something that you were just born into. Every country has had an impact on history and it should be celebrated that you are apart of that.
  8. Everyone should be proud of their country, but their country should stay within its own borders. The United States leads a very poor example of this and it's shameful.
  9. after eating out at wendys today i noticed that i had human hair inside of my mouth
  10. I'm curious, what part of Texas are you in? I've never seen a truly "white" Texas. The plains are pretty diverse.
  11. Shit like this really upsets me. The election IS rigged and it is rigged for Hillary's winning. Bernie is real and it'd be something to see him as nominee. He has the popular vote already. She just sweeps up his delegates.
  12. Calling most Trump supporters racist is incredibly closed minded and misguided.
  13. Doom Beta is basically Halo 6 They kept talking about making it all "retro" and shit but it would be nice if everyone at least scrambled for weapons on the map instead of there being loadouts
  14. Excellent!!!! Are you one of the Autechre guys?
  15. Does anyone have the upload dates for the Syrobonkers interview trax? I'd like to number each one in my archive. EDIT: By upload dates I mean the location of the tracks in the playlist. When it was available on Soundcloud was it listed alphabetically like in the archives that are around today?
  16. I know that I can't just tell you to feel a certain way about your tracks, that just isn't how it works. The truth is, though, with such a depressed and bad outlook on your work, then you won't make a good track. If you hate your work and you are thinking about how shit the track is while you make it, it will be shit. Coming in with a blank mind and just going with the flow will produce your best tracks.
  17. Revisiting Battlefront II today made me remember about how poor EA's new one is. It's seriously one of the most bare bones games that I've ever played.
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