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Everything posted by TubularCorporation

  1. It's kind of funny people bring up Miles Davis, because as much as I love a lot of his music he was notoriously skeptical about musical trends and tended to be a few years behind the curve on them. Part of the reason his music sounds so unique is that he would generally do things like adopting rock instrumentation AFTER ithad already been done for a few years, after it was no longer a novelty but before it became completely codified and safe. Artists who end up being seen as innovators are often actually the ones who are smart enough to neither worry about being on the cutting edge of musical fashion nor completely ignore it. They're the ones who keep an eye on fashion and eventually assimilate the stuff that's worth assimilating.
  2. I was thinking about bringing up Great Man Theory earlier, but then I decided to take a break instead so thanks for doing it.
  3. That's exactly what I said, they're counting them if people are hospitalized, but apparently if they aren't hospitalized they don't get publicly counted. Which is worrying if, like me, you have people close to you who are immunocompromised and can't be vaccinated. Either way it's pretty rare, but underreporting has been so bad across the board that it's frustrating to hear about another potential flavor of it.
  4. Apparently the US isn't counting breakthrough infections if the people who get them aren't sick enough to be hospitalized...
  5. It's $50 It can't charge rechargeable batteries It doesn't include any batteries. It's $50
  6. They were bought out by an investment firm a couple years ago, right? And a bunch of logn time employees left recently, citing disagreements over the direction the company was taking? It's only a matter of time until they reach the Rhythm Wolf phase. I think I really should put aside some money this summer and buy some backup parts for my MKI Octatrack while they're sill available. EDIT: the important thing here is that the promo video looks like a 20 year old Quizno's commercial.
  7. Yeah, there are two different common wirings for MIDI on TRS.
  8. Maybe it doesn't have deinterlace in your version (I remember the Linux version being a lot different from Windows; I've never used the Mac version), or maybe I'm misremembering. Decomb is just context-aware deinterlace, so it only deinterlaces the frames that need deinterlacing, so usually it's the best choice.
  9. handbrake has deinterlace and decomb (decomb is better usually) in the video tab.
  10. Mixing on good monitors is definitely better (as long as you don't obsess too much about the detail they reveal) but for me the qualities that make them good monitors make them unpleasant for general listening. For listening I usually like something that's a bit on the slow side, smooths the transients a little. Soft, paper woofers. Other than needing a recap, the 1970-ish AR2ax speakers I've been using since 2012 are still my favorite, and I've tried a lot of speakers over the years (I worked at a record shop for a long time so I had access to tons of them, old and new, cheap and high end). I used to mix on them before I could afford really decent monitors and they were better than the mid-level ported things I had before (first some variety of Fostex PMO, then after the amp on one of those burned out I used a pair of Event 20/20 for years - neither was that good in a less than ideal room, the ports hyped the low end up to much) but they weren't that good for it and everything I did in that period has too much high end and not enough below 60Hz or so; I actually got better results with the set of computer monitors that I had in the portastudio days, which were about like those $12 Ali Express speakers but with a sub). But for listening, the high end rolloff and extended but not boomy (and SLOW) bass response on the ARs is great for me. I want accurate transients when I'm mixing but for just listening to music they're like chewing on tinfoil. I guess my point is that what makes primary studio monitors good is (relatively) objective, but what makes speakers for regular listening good is almost entirely subjective.
  11. I got a small pile of Applewood facsimile edition Nancy Drew books free from work recently and I've been having a great time reading them, I'd buy the full set but most of the facsimile editions are in the $50-$200 range depending on condition, unfortunately. I've already got the titles that stayed in print longer and go for $3 or less on order.
  12. Good stereo speakers make everything sound good, good monitors are accurate and unforgiving and make most things sound kind of crap.
  13. Lately I've been checking all my mixes on these. I've had to hot glue a few of the wires to keep them from disconnecting after the insulation broke, but for $12 I can't complain. They've been really helpful. Can confirm tha tthey are, indeed, Willful and Beyond your imagination.
  14. Anyhow, we all need to step up our game, this is how you do a real music theory debate thread: https://www.researchgate.net/post/What-is-the-axiomatic-basis-for-music-theory
  15. do you have an example of this? Literally composed to specifically break the most fundamental rules of counterpoint as a reaction against the dogmatic adherance to theory in academic music at the time.
  16. Or while I'm doing quotes, there's that Bukowski one: "Great art is horse shit, buy tacos."
  17. It's not dogmatic, circular or an uncommon opinion. I don't know anything or have any opinions about him as a composer, musician or academic but this David Baker quote puts it pretty well: "I believe without exception that theory follows practice. Whenever there is a conflict between theory and practice, theory is wrong. As far as I'm concerned, we make theories for what people have done." I also think the Robbie Basho quote about technique applies pretty well to theory, too, and I've always liked it: "My philosophy is quite simple: soul first, technique later, or 'Better to drink wine from the hands than water from a pretty cup'; of course the ultimate is wine from a pretty cup. Amen." Or you could think of it this way: music is just fine without theory, but theory without music is meaningless.
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