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Everything posted by TubularCorporation

  1. I think your only chace is to go pantsless for about half a week until it heals. SOURCE: back in 2012 I spent 3 days camping in the desert with only one pair of underwear and it was bad.
  2. Anyhow, on the GAS front I just ordered myself a couple sets of Monel alloy guitar strings (Pyramid). I haven't been happy with a set of strings since Snake Oil Brand imploded about a decade ago and have been stuck with DR Pure nickel strings since they're good enough and inexpensive. Hopefully these will finally fill the really-good-pre-1967-style strings void for me. If they sound as good and last as long as they're supposed to, maybe I can justify some flatwound 12 string sets some day (even in regular steel, a decent flat wound 12 string set is like $25)
  3. I honestly haven't even tried to make typical chiptune sounds or sequences on it yet. I'm using it for mostly for drones and running an early 90s Yamaha drum brain through its input because I was out of inputs on the Octatrack. It would be great to be able to use the looper to sample the Yamaha but I haven't tried it because the way I'm set up I can't easily reach one from the other.
  4. Dropped the last bite of my last pickle on the fuckign floor fucking fuck fuck
  5. How is it? I've been really enjoying the 8bit Warps (even though I've mostly used it for the surprisingly lifelike tanpura sounds that I wasn't trying expecting to get out of it).
  6. It's interesting, as popular as analog is right now I have a feeling there's a vintage digital boom on the way (already starting, really), if only because cloning analog gear is pretty doable in most cases, but cloning digital is generally a lot harder if it's possible at all, and popular interest in old gear is as much about exclusivity as it is about the actual quality of the gear, especially in the social media era. We're not going to be seeing a VL-1 or K2500 clone any time soon, Behringer or otherwise.
  7. As accurate and historically correct as the originals?
  8. Got up to about 60% of the way through Wily's castle in Mega Man II after work before I got tired of it. Also slowly chipping my way through Gremlins 2, maybe 20 minutes a week. Up to 4-2 so far.
  9. Why not use MAX or a MIDIpal or something to polychain 16 different polychains of Behringer 303s and play 256 note chords?
  10. If I had unlimited funds I would definitely waste some of it polychaining 16 Bass Station Racks, though (or 8, I forget what the limit for polychaining them is).
  11. The good thing about Behringer making all of these clones is that they're reverse engineering a lot of proprietary components, which is good for people who are tryin to maintain originals or design new things based on them. I don't have too much hope for them to make new Juno 6/60 chips since the 106 so much easier to clone and similar enough that doing a 6/60 based design probably wouldn't make business sense, but you never know. Same with some of the later, less prestigious CEM chips like the stuff in the Oberheim Matrix series (a Behringer Matrix 12 I might seriously consider).
  12. I used to play inn a band with a guy who shared a warehouse space with a couple friends (back in the 2000s when that was actually a cheap way to live instead of an overpriced condo). The walls of his room were made out of big, old PA speakers, and his bed was a sheet of plywood laid on top of the first tier of speakers, with another sheet across the next tier (about 4 feet above the bed) for instrument storage. So he was basically sleeping in a small hole. But three people were splitting about 2500 square feet for $700 a month total so there was plenty of space for everyone, he just liked sleeping that way. That spot in that neighborhood would be at least $3k a month now, but I doubt you could rent anything there anymore at all.
  13. I won't be able to test that because the computer I run OBS on doesn't have enough CPU to run any more video capture than it already does. Actually what might be even more useful (but also a lot more work and more expensive) would be to use a Raspberry Pi 3 or 4 with four cheap HDMI capture dongles and some short range proximity sensors (maybe 12") connected via Bluetooth. Make a PD patch to monitor the proximity sensors and when something moved in range of one, switch to the associated HDMI input. Set it all up to run headless and display the currently active input fullscreen so you could patch the DMI output to a capture device on a separate computer for composition and endcoding. Standalone, 1040p, lossless, automatic video switcher for probably around $50-$200 depending on which Pi version you needed (a 3b+ might be enough). Good-enough HDMI capture dongles are about $10 each, proximity sensors are 4 or 5, but I don't know yet what and how expensive the best option for wirelessly connecting the sensors to the Pi would be. Maybe some day I'll try putting something together, I can't afford to do it any time soon.
  14. I imagined some kind of cross between the music from the Myanmar coup workout clip and early Nitzer Ebb. Honestly, even just playing those two tracks at the same time without any attempt to match the beats or tempo makes me think I might be on to something.
  15. I've been using my first-gen Kinect almost exclusively for deliberately low quality 3d scanning (swapping in a different object for one or two images in the stack can be interesting), but this made me think that it should be fairly simple to use TouchDesigner or PD to make a small patch that divides the image into sectors and sends OSC or MIDI to OBS according to which sector has motion in it, for automated camera switching.
  16. I've never been, but someone I knew in college studied in Cardiff for a while and while they was there they found a 1970s, emerald green, crushed velvet tuxedo for 80 pounds and almost bought it, but then didn't at the last minute because they weren't sure it would fit me. Keep your eyes open for one of those, don't miss out on it like I did.
  17. Looks a little like an open source version of Usine, which is pretty cool.
  18. Don't get rid of it, you'll regret it later. I learned that lesson hard. Right now the only thing I want is a cabinet for the tube amp I finished building last weekend.
  19. I used to have a Mesa Boogie Studio 22 but I traded it because i sounded too modern. Would be really useful to have now that I do a lot more home recording than live shows. Not me, but a friend of mine did. about 5 years ago.
  20. Back in 2011 or 2012 I built most of a Fender Deluxe clone, but I didn't have the skill to wire up the power transformer correctly back then so I ended up leaving it in a box with the transformers and tube socket wirings unfinished for years. Anyhow, I finally finished it last week. Took about 5 hours today to track down all the mistakes I made with the input and volume/tone control wiring but once that was sorted it worked great. Only problem is I have no cabinet to put it in (and no money for one), plus it's so loud that there's no way I can use it at home without building an attenuator (and using it at a friend's practice space isn't too practical when it's just a bare chassis). But the 2 minutes I could get away with playing it at full volume sounded AMAZING. Hopefully my shitty old solder joints won't fall apart too quickly once I start using it.
  21. A long time ago I traded my DR-660, which was the first piece of non-guitar gear I ever owned, first thing I ever sequenced on, and generally had a lot of nostalgia value on top of being a great drum machine, for a really clean Commodore 64c in the box with a floppy drive and manuals. Good trade, but I always regretted losing the 660 (the guy would have taken $50 instead of trading but at the time $50 was a LOT for me), so eventually I bought another one a few years back, for about $80 on eBay. And it's in great shape except that sensors for the snare, hi hat and one or two other pads have lost some of their sensitivity, so they work fine except the velocity/aftertouch range bottoms out around 70. I have no idea where I could get replacements. MPC sensors? No problem. But who's going to bother manufacturing/selling DR-660 sensors? I should have never gotten rid of the first one.
  22. Oh I'm not saying I don't completely understand why it's cool to have whether it's working or not!
  23. It's possible, but then it's also possible for them to start losing data in a few months, same as CR-Rs. I've had pretty good luck with CD-R though, it was my main archival format from about 1998 to the late 2000s and I'd estimate less than 10% of them got corrupted in storage (and the one that did usually lasted at least 5 years before they started to develop problems, and even when they did most of the files were recoverable). Which is pretty decent for CD-R. There is no such thing as an archival digital medium yet, and it's a huge problem.
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