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Posts posted by bendish


    she's gotta have it - spike's lee own remake of his older film for tv. it's really quite striking how skillful and imaginative he is as a director and how deft and light his touch is. great pacing, editing, montages, framing, photography, music and other stylistic choices working in tandem really make for a fun, brisk and engaging watch even if i don't really care for the topic much. other high-end tv outings just look like a fucking chore when compared to this.

    watmm administration - please remove the quoted post.


    Why? Changed your mind?

  2. Already started a new one about two hours ago. It's just hard for me to ignore shit like this sometimes.


    Just focus on good clean respectful debate to calm the nerves. Look, it's working all over the world right now. 


    The news (aka the horror scape that is actually happening rerouted through shiny bite size death boxes) makes my fucking blood boil. The daily disgust. 


  3. ^sick of reading and hearing about it all constantly with the amount of little shit that's been piling up for the past few months. Anything that comes out is near unprecedented for a sitting president while also being totally fucking accepted and (mostly) legal. Until something actually catches I'm just sick of discussing it. I'm still absorbing facts as they're happening for the most part but just...after that I'm done with it. Spending 5 minutes reading reactions or making my own is just too much, really.


    But no more Seth A for fuck's sake lol. Unless someone want to show a funny graph of things that he said that were definitely going to be the end of Trump (I'm exaggerating) that were forgotten about two weeks later.

    I feel ya

  4. Yeah, I thought hers was pretty good. My only grapes with the sarah huckabee thing was that she spent to long on sarah. At some point you have to acknowledge you're just shooting the messenger. Good to have a couple of shots. But it got a bit painful because of the amount of attention she got, imo. Other than that, she really had some good jokes in there. It was great.


    Loved the Minaj one as well, btw.


    Liked both of them better than the Norm one. But that one's got classic status. Imo a bit overrated. You had to be there, I guess. It's the novelty thing adding to that status.

    She is not a victim here at all...not a messenger either, a wilful participant in lie after lie as well as an apologist for repeated disgusting racism, misogyny and corruption as well as of course militarism and attacks on the poor while supporting the rich to the hilt...the comparison to Aunt Lydia is spot on. Huckabee deserves an hour all to herself.


    when Exai came out, I found it really tough to listen to the whole thing in one go - all the details seemed to blur together and I didn't know how to approach an album with that kind of running time. now, we already have twice the amount of material but it doesn't seem as menacing or inaccessible to me - quite the opposite actually. I've been listening to both sessions every day now in all kinds of scenarios and they seem to go by really fast. In terms of track2track flow, I think the NTS sessions are much better than elseq. Needless to say, I've also fallen in love with Exai since.

    still cant get into Exai it lies somewhere in a dark corner while the other records enjoy my sunny living room. sorry Exai


    Try again. Incredible hip hop tracks...like company flow 2099.

  6. Speaking of which: went for a drink with someone on Saturday in an area I don't normally hang out in. The route I headed home by took me along Regents Canal after dark. It was the absolute perfect setting for the 2nd half of NTSS2, particularly that last track.



    walked that route a number of times late at night (next to london zoo)...a bit on the scary side...im sure the nts made it even more surreal 

  7. btw where did all the autechre soundalikes go? how many albums ago did they stop bothering?


    pretty sure my earbuds arent doing this justice


    debris funk is current fav


    some of the distortion really reminds me of sqpshrs last album

  8. Atlanta is fucking awesome

    The Terror is okay, enjoyable, but a bit limited in potential

    Rewatching American Crime season 1 after 2 which are both excellent

    Silicon Valley has totally run out of a point....it needs to be faaaar more skewering of the whole culture rather than continuing to basically support the start up premise


    Handmaid Tale and W World back at the end of the month....tv overload

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