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Posts posted by bendish

  1. They would only go for the impeach because it's a big yellow rubber duck that all the disgruntled libs can see and understand...this person is bad...we are not bad....but it's not a meaningful pull factor for voters...dems need to offer something more than moderation platitudes and the fantasy of a return to civility...


    It's also an uphill battle that has literally been legally deemed mute by a 2 year investigation (yea yea barr 's partiality and muellers space for congress to act etc)


    How about the best of both worlds a) keep the financial investigations rolling, tax returns, dodgy dealings (but dont make it all about just this) b) invest in a coherent meaningful policy package asap


    Ou of that dem primary crowd, seriously there are maybe 2 or 3 that have a chance

  2. Barr mentioning trump campaign was spied on

    Dems will always claim redaction means they still need more transparency

    Trump claiming he’s exonerated

    Trump refusing to release tax returns

    Avenatti being charged for extortion

    Obama counsel indicted for false testimony

    Obama and Trumps immigration policies

    The Democrat Republican status quo is poisonous

    Dems are not as bad granted but they are hypocrites and have little moral high ground in this toxic political mess


    I have a question. Where do you guys get most of your news from? My favorite news source is "Secular Talk". I kinda iffy on The Young Turks.

    Those are opinion sites though, not actual news sources.


    It's all a spectrum of opinion


    Some just more 'objective' than others...or less 'subjective'...or more subtly ideological


    Here's my deep analysis...


    Wapo - nice app interface

    NYT - editorials often retch inducing

    Financial Times - straight to the point and luckily free...solid podcasts too

    Economist - felating the market since 1843....thorough


    Best of the left...



    Novara Media



    I suppose for 'News' you can't go wrong with Reuters or the AP

  4. Politics Theory Other is great as is the connected Red Hacks where the presenter interviews lefty journos. 


    That Kim Stanley one was great. Top dude. 





    Really want to get into older classic sci-fi and he's up there on my list. Really neat intro to him, glad I stumbled upon it. Coincidently he has the same voice timbre and pleasantly aloof and eccentric vibe as a local DJ I like in Austin, John Aielli. He'll do a great interview then stumble around and say "gosh darnit" and fuck up a song queue despite working there since the 70s. John's also prone to rant about something he's skimming on wikipedia "look at how many varieties of coffee there are" or for no apparent reason make an excuse to play the theme from Twin Peaks or Bauhaus.



    Sound like a good dj. 


    digging this one


    been screaming all day. wow she really clapbacked about antisemitism to a guy called "adam friedland"


    man, did not pay attention to that but did come across the recent absurd victimization of her post-Mosque shootings, in which opportunistic "supporters" of her cried antisemiticism toward a cartoonist who himself is actually Jewish American


    it's crazy how people will focus on some political heir's hurt feelings over a unflattering satire and confrontation with an activist over an actual ethnic massacre of 50 people




    crazy that you can stomach the subreddit. 



    It's incredible how much more I enjoy the actual podcast, I'm basically ok with centrism as a compromise (actually centrism, not the 'enlightened centrist" of false equivocaty some are holding on to in the media) but christ almighty I can only read so much cynical dark humor before I feel like the left tearing itself apart is actually a thing the right is succeeding at

    That Kim Stanley one was great. Top dude. 

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