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Posts posted by bendish


    Love, Death + Robots. 


    I've just finished the first 'episode' - have high hopes for the other 17. 

    I'll probably be lost in these various worlds for the rest of the night. 


    yeah watched the first 3 and i really liked it, some more than others obviously but tight shit nonetheless...


    The 'adult' anime thing on Netflix is easily the best series they've put out so far. This is where movies are going imo. Actors will not longer be required.

    what are u talking about? i don't have netflix... is it any exclusive content?


    Love Death and Robots

  2. After Life is a twee rip off of Detectorists where Malcolm from The Thick of It is transplanted to some fantasy England where local newspaper journalists can no problem afford nice houses in idyl countryside towns...and everything is hazy mat finish comfy cozy Britain circa 1955 but with Alexa and a Vitamix.


    This is Notting Hill for the Netflix gen. 


    Some funny moments though no doubt. 

  3. The absurd smears of Ilan Omar are a sight to behold.


    She was spot on speaking 100% truth. CNN makes me sick to my stomach. The NYT opinion column is similarly vomit inducing bar a couple of outliers like Michelle Alexander and Jamelle Bouie. 




    Blame the black female Muslim refugee and not the swathe of racist bigotry inherent to U.S foreign policy, domestic policing... all the way to Trumps MAGA goons and the alt-right nerds. 


    Pathetic America. You have to be willfully stupid to buy any of the nonsense about American exceptionalism. 


    I’m not hearing enough praise for Burning in this thread.

    thought it's another one of those over the top korean crime thrillers with stupid twists that you like. turns out it's a pretty good polanski-feeling mystery that is fueled by contemporary social issues and youth's modern despair rather than mystery for its own sake/entertainment. solid stuff.


    kim ki duk lite

  5. widows was really bad, and very disappointing too considering his previous 12 years a slave. it's severely over-scripted and overloaded so that nothing resembles anything relatable and realistic. it seems like it was designed to address and to tick every hot button, contemporary issue in current discourse and to link all of them into some kind of a wholesome statement about the state of things, and all of that under the genre of a heist film that's supposed to provide entertainment as well. even on paper that just couldn't succeed. predictably it all ends up shallow, full of bad telegraphy dialogue and nonexistent characterization besides some tags (for example, a pretty white girl who was abused by a now dead husband and had a shitty mother, and she can shoot well.). the heist elements are basic and uninspired with all kinds of lame twists. really feels like the shit netflix manufactures all the time with the help of its ai that probably crawls the web to analyze what people are talking about to later put those issues in the scripts, and then it was shoved into the most banal heist stricture. completely devoid of any artistry.

    And despite the above probably being true, it was also really enjoyable. 

  6. One of the most depressing things I’ve seen recently. Teaching high school I’ve noticed more and more that boys in particular have this propensity to entitled arrogance and ignorant contrarianism. And that there is literally no way to change their minds despite the fact that their mums still pack their lunches and iron their boxers.

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