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Posts posted by bendish

  1. Star is Born


    Damn how cheesy and fantastical


    This is a U.S.A that the U.S.A wishes existed but in no way does.


    Nobody would deify this americana knock off for a second


    Rock is over bitches....transplant Lil Twerp for the Bradley character and you may have a movie.


    The more leather he wears the less I believe the mediocre songs would even dent the psyche of fucked up failed state U.S.A.


    Gaga is quality though....a talented one. 

  2. I like my music radical but my politics milk toast beige. I like second homes in France, city breaks in Europe but less immigrants changing my culture please.


    Reading Middle England by Johnathan Coe atm. A Brexit novel if you like. Some great moments. Not very complex but enjoyable enough. He seems to think all Corbyn supporters are truculent millennials with tendencies for anti-semitism and accusing others of micro aggressions.


    Middle Englanders will no doubt read the whole thing without irony.

  3. I also think she's terrible, but not because of any media representation, she's a far left loon who thinks Mao was great. Weird how anyone who made positive comments about Hitler would rightly see their political career come to an end, but if they were to gush about Stalin or Mao it's dismissed as harmless.

    I’ll agree with that. Left needs honest integrity and not rose tinted specs on devastating blows to humanity. I’ll also chime in on the whole private school thing. Yes it’s the height of hypocrisy to be on the left and sending your kid to one. Chakrabarty also did. Corbyn split with his wife cause she wanted to send their kid to a grammar school. Politics divorce trivia.

  4. 'The deal Treesa done with the Euros was shit. The Brexit crazies didn't like it, the Waitrose remainiacs didn't like it. The Prods from Norn Iron really fucking hated it coz it might have meant they had to be more Irish. Bare man resigned. May was gunna lose big. So rather than put it to a vote as promised, she's gunna go talk to the Eurotrash and ask for some concessions that they've already said they won't give, them come back in January with the deal all tarted up but basically the same, and ask MPs to vote on it.' 


    Yeah deutsche bank is pretty fucking shady, even for a bank.




    Yeah deutsche bank is pretty fucking shady, even for a bank.


    Yeah, I can't wait for banks to become obsolete



    I can't help but ask myself, even if Trump is indicted and leaves power, even if the GOP implodes, how much democratic progress will simply be roadblocked by the banks? 


    I thought of this when I heard the markets were already devaluing the Peso and projecting slowing growth simply because Mexico is about to inaugurate a left-wing populist. Makes me realize just how much the world economy will more than tolerate right-wing authoritarians so long as they play ball trade wise.


    See Bolsonaro especially for that

  6. I wanted the U.S to understand its soul and maybe that hasn't happened yet despite the wealth of opportunities Trump is creating. 


    True, the conflation of Obama, Clinton and the rest of the corporate imperial machine, to Trump is wildly exaggerated. I'd take them any day above this disgusting specimen. He's obviously much much worse while being partially a symptom of their hypocrisy. 

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