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Posts posted by bendish

  1. So I started reading Fahrenheit 451 having never gotten around to it as a teenager or college student, and I feel like one of those clinging onto find meaning and truth to no avail in real life but more as a private act of rebellion. I can't even fathom being an academic or intellectual under a full-fledged regime as people are and have been elsewhere. 


    I think I might just bow out altogether, this thread included. The futility of it all. Desire to move offline into the middle of nowhere is high. 


    AKA trolling.

    It's trolling on a national scale. 


    sharp objects veers from this "the girl with the dragon tattoo" kinda bullshit (a kind of a frankenstein monster of a protagonist, both unrealistically intelligent and unrealistically troubled, who can only communicate by constantly outsmarting the person she's conversing with) to some pretty decent psych-drama when it comes to that mother-daughter-sister dynamic (some great acting by the sister). most of the last episode had something else going for it which quite impressed me - an expertly made exposition and characterization of the whole town made possible by some terrific editing. each episode before that had a close-to-critical amount of the aforementioned bullshit to make get close to removing the show from my automatic illegal tv show torrent downloading software and ditch it for good, but it would be a shame to miss an episode of similar craftsmanship as the last one if there's one in the future.

    such a dry fucking spell tv-wise after americans ended, there's really nothing wholly satisfying and so you have to go sniffing for those rare nuggets of excellence like some truffle pig. hope better call saul fixes that problem tomorrow.


    this man eugene give up life in 2006 when discover the torrent service oink pink palace. he spend all his time living off israeli welfare in condo made of palestinian child bone, downloading thousand of movie and tv show and write review on obscure internet forum. he bottom feeder like my child, never satisfy by endless content. he remind me that fat vampire "pearl" in blade movie who allergic to uv light and sit all day on bank of computer, listen to grouper and drone music.


    I'll simplify: sharp objects is shite. 

  3. i feel that its a better series if you have a conversation about the episodes afterwards


    tends to articulate some of the philosophical themes


    memory, consciousness, rights blah blah


    its quite a slow show surprisingly 


    it's not impressive to meet

    any president could have done it

    they just didn't

    thank moon for ant actual peace process

    trump is a out opportunist

    the US holds the peninsula to ransom and uses it for it's military needs

    US is never a fucking dove



    so, you're saying the USA is a bully that pushes other countries around using the World Bank, IMF, its military and intelligence services in order to advance its economic interests and maintain hegemony in the region if not the world even if that means meddling in elections, deposing/assassinating democratically elected leaders to make sure US corporations can have their way in foreign countries?


    yea sorry i know its controversial

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