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Lada Laika

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Lada Laika

  1. I feel like I remember seeing both of those on one of the late '00s list, maybe 2009 or 2010.
  2. Been watching that new Portuguese Netflix show, 3%. Pretty typical dystopian future/class disparity type stuff, but it's actually pretty well written and they're doing a lot of interesting things on what is obviously a very low budget. Very enjoyable, with good twists and great cinematography.
  3. Wow, Forma is awesome. Thanks for the tip!
  4. i hope they recount and find support was even greater than before :) That's what happened in Washington state IIRC. Initially polls said 52% yes, but after recounts it was like 57%.
  5. The one-two punch of this into "Thoughtless Motion" is one of the best 10-minute stretches of an album this year.
  6. Since apparently I live in an episode of fucking Black Mirror I've turned to my comfort TV. Star Trek, Frasier, and Buffy are in constant rotation. Still working through season 2 of Dark Matter as well, but losing interest.
  7. I was there, by the time the shooting happened downtown the protest march was easily 12-14 blocks away. It happened out front of the sketchiest 7-Eleven in downtown on one of the most drug-trafficked street corners of the city. Almost guaranteed it's unrelated.
  8. I am ashamed of my country and of humans in general. I am genuinely terrified for the future.
  9. Been plowing through favorites of Aphex Twin's discography since I found out I get to see him at Day for Night. So far: SAW1, RDJA, ICBYD, and Syro.
  10. Been enjoying this quite a bit. Loved Tragedy & Geometry, wasn't too hot on Sequitur, but this is just lovely.
  11. That new Khemmis album rips. Saw them play a couple of the new songs at Migration Fest, which was a treat for the ears.
  12. Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith - EARS Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith - Euclid M. Geddes Gengras - Test Leads Datach'i - System Found Euclid and Test Leads while browsing my local RSD, very nice score. EARS is probably my favorite album of the year so far. And as for System, it's right up there too. I can't get the chord progression of "Omni 2" out my head. Also: Hi. I didn't see an "introductions" thread anywhere, but I promise I read the rules.
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