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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. N.C. man told police he went to D.C. pizzeria with assault rifle to ‘self-investigate’ election-related conspiracy theory https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/local/wp/2016/12/04/d-c-police-respond-to-report-of-a-man-with-a-gun-at-comet-ping-pong-restaurant/?utm_term=.c0134cf79dc0 grrreeeeeaaaatttt
  2. this lady giving trump the business on twitter made me feel good - she goes on for like 20 tweets. http://news.groopspeak.com/a-woman-just-stood-up-to-trumps-latest-outburst-on-twitter-and-america-is-cheering-her-on/
  3. i forget where i saw it but there's a series of around 25 photos from this. it's bizarre.
  4. a lot of people realize it already but plenty are just saying things like "he's just getting the right person for the job.. to do a good job for us!" etc. it's high degree of cognitive dissonance. also, the sports aspect of it is what a lot have focused on. "my team won" and that's all they care about.. they're moving on already and will disengage from paying attention to politics and just expect things to get better.. then the place they work at will outsource or close or whatever and they'll tune in and figure out who to blame. meanwhile america will just keep happening.
  5. drain the swamp am i right? sure. richest cabinet in modern history https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2016/11/30/donald-trump-is-assembling-the-richest-administration-in-modern-american-history/?utm_term=.7d3127583bb4
  6. obamacare is such a watered down version of what was intended. a single payer system is the only thing that will save USA healthcare system.. medicare for everyone. obamacare didn't work because all the young healthy people mostly passed on it. there's a handful of millions who could've tipped the balance. most people who have healthcare get it form their private sector/government job. a young self employed healthy person has no motivation tog et healthcare. why bother? they can pay a couple hundred dollars a year fine instead of $3500 a year.. unless they get sick or break a leg etc.. obamacare would've worked better had everyone gotten on board. but it needs some real fixing. at first it was pretty good. i could afford it, the deductible was low, i had a lot of provider options. it got worse over time. higher deductibles, higher premiums, less choice of providers. so that's that. i went for the cheapest plan i could get. i actually need insurance. prior to obamacare i could not get health insurance. i have pre-existing conditions. EVERY provider i applied to turned me down. period. but at this point it's too expensive, the deductible is $6500 and the premium was going up from $305 to $390. that's $4680 a year for shitty coverage. fuck that. but somehow it was a step in the right direction. but with these clowns coming into office.. they want to privatize everything under the sun. so, i doubt medicare will be there for me when i'm 65. social security is hanging int he balance too. they want to get rid of that entirely. give it an end date. bare knuckle capitalism, late stage capitalism is what's coming. be rich or healthy of fuck you.
  7. well that's fucking great. we're arm in arm w/the UK now except we still get all the porn (for now)
  8. damn, you should be on their marketing team. I want to go for a long bike ride now through the type of country that has a nice river and an inn that overlooks it. It's too dry here for for nice rivers and too hot for bike rides. it's also nice when already drunk at a house party and picking through the fridge because "need another beer..." and finding a can of PBR still in a 6 pack ring.. the party goes on... next stop.. late night mexican food. the river story is actually true. went on a bike packing/camping trip a couple years ago. old railroad corridor in columbia river gorge along a river. it was hot.. we found camp.. i had managed to stick a 6 pack in my pack. we hung it in a net so it floated in the river and would stay cold-ish. then kept riding. my friend went through all his water.. on the continued ride.. when we got back to camp i immediately went for the pbrs.. had two... my friend had one.. 30 seconds after he puked it all up while pumping river water through his water filter into bottles. he was dehydrated and probably had a touch of heat stroke.. i kept drinking the pbrs and doubled down on the water. having one of those military spec water filters/pumps is great. filters out microbes and stuff. my friend was thankfully ok after drinking lot's of water and eating and a reasonable night's sleep. there's a couple cheap beers i can stand.. well not anymore since i was diagnosed with celiac and can't drink any beers at all.. unless gluten free and really what's the point. i stick to ciders and wine and potato vodka. i almost did go into marketing/communications but changed majors in college because that shit is awful.
  9. every country has some mass market beer that's over marketed and promoted. australia has a few and then they have some they only market to USA and don't sell in Australia.. like fosters.. lol.. that stuff is shit. but so is VB! anyway.. there's tons of amazing beer in USA but it's not available everywhere. california, the pacific northwest.. austin.. chicago etc.. bigger cities and places with a beer 'scene' have a lot to offer when it comes to beer. that being said.. everyone has a favorite cheap beer. PBR is like an ice cold loaf of bread in a can. an ice cold pbr is pretty nice next to a river after cycling 30 miles.
  10. ignatius

    elseq 1-5

    i want the live stuff but i want albums too. i'm greedy. all of the it please.
  11. a few states vote by mail. is best method for voters. i love it. i wish the entire country did it.
  12. his apples were not of an edible variety and could be used only for cider: "Really, what Johnny Appleseed was doing and the reason he was welcome in every cabin in Ohio and Indiana was he was bringing the gift of alcohol to the frontier. He was our American Dionysus."[
  13. this is great. lot's of really good data and a 'big picture' painting of the world, economies etc. lot's of sharp analysis
  14. yep.. and i think one of the first things trump is going to do is change the rule on overtime that obama made. so all those people making $47k or less will get stiffed. i read about it in a few places but i forget all the details.
  15. all the people he's appointing are terrible. all of them will be working hard to push the privatization of education, further sapping power from EPA, chipping away at social security and medicare in attempts to privatize it or just get rid of it for future generations. reasonable people will have to band together to fight off the attacks.
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