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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. Yeah that's why I was more afraid of Cruz winning the Trump to some degree. When someone Trump is full of shit it goes both ways, he comes from a backround as a apathetic rich guy, not a delusional religious nut. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk We also had a presidential candidate who wanted to outlaw masturbation...I think it was Santorum, but we've had so many fundamentalist nutjob candidates that they've kinda all blurred together in my head. far too many of them. religion is a bore.
  2. i'm unsure of buying a used/refrub 2010/2012 12 core mac pro from certain online retailer. i'm hoping to buy my last computer for a good 10 years.
  3. jamie fucking dimon.. rudy guliani as AG ugh.. fucking hell on earth.
  4. Pence is the fucking "Christian Sharia Law" lunatic. so, he's worse. if trump gets impeached or something i hope it's close to the next election so Pence has no time to fuck us all to death with jesus.
  5. this line of argument is probably going to catch on in some circles of the left if it hasn't already. makes some points but is somehow a bit off-puting too.
  6. i think he'd be terrible at either. he's said that the supreme court saying something is constitutional doesn't make it constitutional. His statement wasn't exactly wrong. Let's say Trump gets assassinated and Mike Pence runs the show. The year is 2019 and in front of the supreme court there is something that makes gay shock conversion therapy mandatory. Scalia's replacement is a fire and brimstone baptist who then votes in favor of it and says it's constitutional. Does his word make it constitutional? Of course not. but that's not the way it works. if the argument convinces enough justices to vote for it then the decision is upheld or overturned.. then it is or it isn't a law under the constitution. until they hear a case related again and anew arguments are made. or in the case of law suits it's pertaining to the law suit didn't mike pence have something to do w/a "pray the gay away" intervention place? can't recall just now.. anyway.. is rand paul even a lawyer? i thought he was an eye doctor? i think that a person has to be a sitting judge for a while before anyone is going to throw out the name for possible supreme court justice.
  7. i think he'd be terrible at either. he's said that the supreme court saying something is constitutional doesn't make it constitutional. maybe i'm out of line and he's not as dumb as i think he is.. he does sometimes make sense and once in a while does something kind of righteous but i think he'd be out of his depth on the supreme court.
  8. They might as well have been shooting themselves in the foot with an MG42. Even if they are being honest their PR is absolute shit. Also lol: "Thanks guys that was great. We need to get back to work now, but thank you for joining us." holy shit.. that gilded mega linked post just kinda shut that down. https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/5c8u9l/we_are_the_wikileaks_staff_despite_our_editor/d9umchd/
  9. would love to see him be out front as press secretar. that'd be pretty entertaining.
  10. day 1 in trumpistan https://twitter.com/i/moments/796417517157830656
  11. day 1 in trump's america https://twitter.com/i/moments/796417517157830656
  12. Hard to disagree with this. Considering his admin apparently has only started the hiring process for staffers, they'll be lucky if they pass any legislation in his first year. He won't be able to fulfill many of his promises. TPP will probably not get signed though. The Wall was always a pipe dream, and deporting immigrants is a multi-year project that no one knows how they're going to pay for it. Doublename: awesome. What do you teach? http://www.npr.org/2016/11/09/501451368/here-is-what-donald-trump-wants-to-do-in-his-first-100-days could be except his first 100 days looks downright malicious * THIRD, cancel all federal funding to Sanctuary Cities Los Angeles Washington, D.C. New York City Jersey City Berkeley, California Coachella, California Philadelphia San Francisco Santa Ana San Jose Oakland Salt Lake City Dallas Houston Detroit Chicago Salinas, California Minneapolis Miami Denver Baltimore Seattle New Haven Somerville Cambridge Portland, Maine Portland, OR
  13. true.. regarding problems.. but no one has any kind of sense of assurance just now..
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