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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. yep. "because you'd be in jail" is going to ring out for a week
  2. "no you should apologize" jeez. what a shit show. his supporters are going to love him for all this shit though. the clinton haters are reveling it really. fuck. he's nuts though.. isis pussy grab deleted emails
  3. the pentagon is actively making smaller nukes. battlefield nukes. and figuring out scenarios where it's acceptable to use them. there are hawks in the pentagon.. as well as reasonable people.. who basically just want to play with all the toys and teach "the enemy a lesson" etc. the stereotypes are real in some cases. couple of questions cause i don't believe everything i read who do they want to nuke? can't imagine a reason why they would want to nuke someone like russia, thats chaos, maybe they want to reset the middle east? is that what u are saying ? also .. sources? i want to know how the people that hold advance weapons think i've read about it in a couple places and i think there was a ViceHBO episode about it a while back with good interviews. if i can find it i'll post it here. the pentagon has plans for everything. the CIA does too. they have people who just make plans and do studies about what is feasible etc. possible results, possible blowback etc. there's a "committee to liberate iran" and probably north korea etc. not sure the viceHBO thing is viewable. i heard it's on thetorrents though. ;) http://www.hbo.com/vice/episodes/04/50-heroin-crisis-and-new-age-of-nukes/synopsis.html news articles http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/12/science/as-us-modernizes-nuclear-weapons-smaller-leaves-some-uneasy.html http://gizmodo.com/the-pentagons-effort-to-make-smaller-nukes-scares-me-1752442672 http://www.popularmechanics.com/military/weapons/news/a18946/us-nuclear-weapons-controversy-b61-12-missiles/ http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-08-25/nuke-miniaturization-threat-emerges-conveniently-pentagon-seeks-1-trillion
  4. the pentagon is actively making smaller nukes. battlefield nukes. and figuring out scenarios where it's acceptable to use them. there are hawks in the pentagon.. as well as reasonable people.. who basically just want to play with all the toys and teach "the enemy a lesson" etc. the stereotypes are real in some cases. a side note... remember when Bush was elected and his motorcade was egged on the way to the whitehouse that first time? he never got out of the car and walked up and shook hands with people and all that traditional stuff that usually happens... well.. imagine if trump gets elected what that first motorcade ride to the whitehouse will be like?
  5. Very good point. But to be blunt, McCain being such a Republican follower to have endorsed Trump at all after what Trump first said about McCain (personal insults aside, just the general tone of 'he got captured, so he's no hero'), then about the Khan family, and then there's the PTSD comments to a room full of veterans a week or so ago...just pathetic. McCain ain't what he used to be. I used to like him, before he ran for president. He drank the Kool-Aid then, though, and he's been spotty at best as a Republican spokesman since then. didn't trump say they should still be executed even though exonerated? cross post from the Dank Memes thread
  6. don't read the comments. https://www.facebook.com/DonaldTrump/videos/10157844642270725/?hc_location=ufi and some thoughts one "rape culture running for president" http://www.thestranger.com/slog/2016/10/07/24607280/rape-culture-is-running-for-president gonna be an interesting month.
  7. "i just start kissing them.. if you're a star you can do anything.. grab them by the pussy" is probably his normal way of trailer talking with his bros. he definitely rates himself by sexual conquests. there will be a lot of his supporters rationalizing it and thinking it's ok and thus normalizing rape culture essentially.
  8. or they'll say "but she's worse" or "bill clinton said and did worse" to make it OK.. or forgivable. except maybe some certain christians. but who knows.. they all hate the clintons pretty hard.
  9. next debate is sunday. he's arrogant enough to stay in and just blame and point fingers when he doesn't win. https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/56dqes/megathread_donald_trump_leaked_comments_from_2005/ sexual aggression score is high. http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/trump-hot-mic-when-you-re-star-you-can-do-n662116 this fucking guy..
  10. futurama? obviously, you mean Waterworld starring kevin costner
  11. many lols. that Narcos pic killed me. just watched season 2 recently. timing is everything.
  12. it's sad. watching the kid get forced into the other side of the car. happy ending? idk. it's more WTF than funny. but is kinda funny in a "oh look at the human tragedy all around us" kind of way
  13. the 1st world problems thread motivated me to try and fix my headphones. it was just a clogged/damaged filter. replaced it. all is well with my headphones. thank you watmm for saving me $349.00 for new headphones.
  14. one side of my 10 year old $300 etymotic er4 in ear headphones has died. not sure i can fix it myself and i'm lazy and will end up just buying new ones since they're supposed to be better and i'll tell myself they are and logic trick myself out of buyers remorse/guilt at not having fixed my broken pair somehow. "but i'm busy and don't have time" - then watches too many tv shows wtf. shoot me in the face.
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