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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. yes. highschool kids are pretty much being run over by hormones 24/7. but you'd think maybe at some point one of them would've heard his mom's voice in the back of his head somewhere and remembered to "know better" or something.. exploitation.. pretty much.. on every level. thankful there's music, weed, beer, wine, coffee, bicycles, art, etc.
  2. jesus.. that's fucking heartbreaking. Plus the headline is misleading. Still very disturbing :( the extra heartbreak for me is that she was a victim of human trafficking earlier in life and was still recovering from that so is likely not able to make very good choices in some situations or is perhaps not able to understand how consent works and what to do etc.. extra vulnerable people being taken advantage of is just kind of crushing
  3. maynard is currently touring w/Puscifer.. side project.. they've been on and off the road for the last several months. currently in europe. Paul Barker formerly of Ministry is playing bass w/them. he's posting a lot of tour pics of venues and such on instagram. https://www.instagram.com/leadintogold/ new tool record? no idea.
  4. sounds like a perfect opportunity to take xanax.
  5. you know those baboons that have an asshole turned inside out?
  6. i ate too much gourmet cheese/brie and cured meats at a birthday party
  7. it sure is a small world.... "Disclosure: Donald Trump is the father-in-law of Jared Kushner, the publisher of Observer Media."
  8. ignatius

    elseq 1-5

    well said.. pitchfork is horseshit anyways. always has been
  9. i think the blonde woman is cousin to Ms Teen USA contestant from South Carolina... with "the iraq and such"
  10. max also now has snapshots for the entire patch. so you can save the state of entire patches and recall that instantly. multiple snapshots.. like presets for every parameter saved together. bing bang boom.
  11. half the country voted for Bush with enthusiasm. i do know some religious conservatives who think Trump is a road to fascism and would never vote for him. so, that's encouraging. they'll probably stay home on voting day but there will be a ton of new people voting and if a bunch of Sanders' supporters get all cunty faced and vote for trump out of spite for him not getting the nomination then who the fuck knows...
  12. itunes sucks ass. they'll probably do away with downloads at some point and be streaming only. also, they removed the "right click -> make mp3 version" from the main window and it's only selectable via drop down menu. so annoying. i'm going to switch to something else soon.. probably this http://swinsian.com/ oh and i need to lose 30 pounds.
  13. ignatius

    elseq 1-5

    at some point people just close off to the idea of song structure being anything but what they already expect. people want it in a can. it's got to all resolve with some kind of bow tie on it or it's not a "song". i mean.. that's fine.. i like some straight forward grooves as much as anyone but i also want to be divorced from all of that just as often if not more so. a lot of people are passive listeners though. they don't want to really engage in a thing.
  14. the "intersects with white supremacy" bit is a..a bit much. but really.. in college, wtf do people write papers about anymore?? how many thesis papers can be written by the average student? i can imagine people sitting around brainstorming because fuck!!!.. gotta come up with any idea for a paper/presentation?? what should i do?? i got it! sizes of people!
  15. pizzaria autechre is back open. https://www.facebook.com/PizzeriaAutechre/
  16. ignatius

    elseq 1-5

    "There are no plans to release ‘elseq 1-5’ on physical formats." - says so right on the warp page and ae store on FB. didn't expect any for this really. can't wait to spend time w/headphones w/this stuff.
  17. ignatius

    elseq 1-5

    until you hear it in a NYC bar sing-a-long at 2am i start those bro do you start the billy joel sing-alongs too? if so i'm sorry for the intense argument we had when i tried to convince you that all his song's are about lonely squirrels considering their own deaths.
  18. ignatius

    elseq 1-5

    until you hear it in a NYC bar sing-a-long at 2am
  19. ignatius

    elseq 1-5

    acdwn2 damn.. some juicy stuff in there. the more i listen the more obvious it is that this stuff just had to happen and get released.
  20. ignatius

    elseq 1-5

    Yeah I was wondering the same thing. There's got to be some reason. Like maybe this well develop into something bigger somehow over the next few days? yeah, I somehow feel like this isn't all that's coming do any other artists have their own store page like autechre? the _______.bleepstores.com seems unique to autechre. i do wonder if a lot of this new release isn't just them ringing out their patches extra tight and getting some stuff out of their system so to speak before they hunker down for a while longer to make a "proper" release? really though.. the idea of direct to fans data dump of new stuff whenever they feel like it kind of does away with typical release cycle.. and 5 EPs make sense with the way these tracks are grouped. even as two long halves of an album it would be strange.. whatever is going on i'm stoked to have new AE to listen to. there's some amazing stuff in here. i'm all for it really. i'd rather go to bleepstores.com than soundcloud.
  21. ignatius

    elseq 1-5

    make sure you build in some pls
  22. ignatius

    elseq 1-5

    holy fuck balls. "Foldfree Casual" is about the most lush thing i've heard in ages
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