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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. ignatius

    elseq 1-5

    wow. some amazing stuff here. bleep AE store DL was fast as fuck! going to be devouring this stuff for a long while
  2. ignatius

    elseq 1-5

    ha.. just got a royalty payment for sample library.. 24bit version here i come! downloading now.. i wonder how many times the DL will fail? last time i had to download 7 or 8 times. oh the suffering of the 1st world cannot be equaled. ;) stoked for many hours of ae to listen to..
  3. same here. my knees feel like they want to come apart and shake lose the tendons and stuff. part of the problem is i need to do all kinds of physical therapy to strengthen them. but who has time for that.. and "gotta work the core". oh the horror.
  4. oh that's right.. May 11th - 12th was summer for you people.
  5. You guys have a great President in office right now. Eloquent and empathetic, who concisely debates the good and bad merits of social issues and political games. Able to use reason and doesn't give black and white solutions to problems. And now you have Trump, a person who criticizes the way a man eats pancakes as a political argument, as a possible replacement. ^^this, in a nutshell, is america.
  6. this has certainly made the rounds.. it's well done and seems like should go on this page right here
  7. Definite commander-in-chief material. a real hoot at those diplomatic gatherings
  8. me Local and state is more important anyway. Im actaually skipping a local prop election regarding the city of austin versus uber/lyft (its over background check regulations) because neither side is really in the right 100% and im not wasting my time over something im indifferent over it's a fine line though and easy to point at recent US history of Gore Vs. Bush and see how the world might have been different if things went a different way.. sure probably lots of things would've stayed the same but perhaps we'd have jumped into some environmental changes a little sooner and maybe the EPA wouldn't be a toothless bag of shit.. and perhaps just maybe we'd not still be in afghanistan or invaded iraq at all. lot's of what ifs.. but w.o ralph nader and perhaps w/fewer vote fixing douchebags in florida we'd have not had to endure that nimrod Bush at all... which would mean no cheney.. no rumsfeld etc.. so, while in the big picture it's easy to say "voting doesn't matter".. and in some states it really doesn't when it comes to national election.. but in some it really really matters.. primaries are one thing though.. the election in november is when we'll have to choose between Douche and Turd for preisdent. local though.. yeah.. always vote local.
  9. the RNC is just going to throw ten pounds of shit in the air at the convention and see where it lands. if the convention is "contested" they can nominate whoever they want.
  10. Hodor's first name is Willis??? ok. Willis Hodor 2016 Make America Hodor again!
  11. i bet a presidential historian could split the hairs for us and tell us who is closest to that "awkward weirdo" with great ideas. there must be one in there... and probably some people who think it was Nixon! lol.
  12. ignatius

    Now Reading

    new Delillo.. gotta grab that one ASAP.. shit.. to read pile is gonna fall over and kill me in m sleep.
  13. this song is going to require a lot of editing. just became long term project. ok fine.
  14. I bought it first on vinyl without hearing it and was convinced it was supposed to be played at 45 rpm.. it was a long time before I learned it was supposed to be 33! i love it when that happens. see autechre we r are why/are y are we, yeesland (so much better at 33 imo). there's a bunch of vibert's stuff that is pretty happy at either speed as well.
  15. i've had the vinyl since release and a while ago i was in a record store and found an unopened copy of Brown Out on vinyl for $12 :) score. it's nice to be able to pitch up/down some of those tracks. if can get it on vinyl you should.
  16. nope. it was just leaked on soulseek. link shared via the IDM mailing list..
  17. most of trump voters think putin is a great powerful president.... it's true.. they see him as a strong leader because he doesn't get along w/obama on this or that. they hate obama so of course putin is admirable.
  18. the only corporation on his team is.. JESUS. screw that guy.. he's nuts.. wants christian sharia law. mike FUCKABEE. he's awful really. he's also full of shit. it's easy to sit an criticize when you get a big contract from Fox News to be a talking head. Of course he's not gonna run any more.. he's pretty comfortable. why would he risk that? they're all politicians. they all.. even bernie.. have some stuff in the closet. they all can play politics and have in their careers... some more than others.. i think bernie is more on the up and up at least for now. obama had a similar campaign in regards to raising money from lot's of small donors vs big money through slush funds of pacs etc but as soon as he got his foot in the door he didn't exactly shun banks etc. of course there was a financial crisis of massive proportions to deal with and he had ample opportunity to put his foot in someone's ass but we know how that turned out... edit: if you want to know huckabee go watch his comments on anything over the last 5 or 10 years. he's a fucking religious fascist.
  19. that's some deep nasty for sure. if the media grabs on to it and there's some shred of something then there's a ding in his orange.
  20. ^^^ jesus.. rush.. what a load of crap. the clintons have taken it on the chin since forever. how long did the lewinksy shit last? impeachment hearings? c'mon. he's an idiot. and wtf is trump going to 'expose' that people don't already know? $225,000 a speech? big deal.. ask how much reagan got.. more and that was many years ago. people have no memory of this stuff.. short memory if at all. blah.. rush.. what a fat tub of pig grease that guy is. but it may come down to "i both of them but i hate this one more! so i'll vote for the other one" which is awful really. american politics at its finest. trump. wtf. he's got plenty of skeletons in his financial closetbut he has plausible deniability etc. because he just licenses his name and uses subcontractors etc etc.. ugh. we're fucked.
  21. ignatius


    that's some grade A snark : Beyoncé Quickly Releases New Song About How Buying Tidal Subscription Most Empowering Thing A Woman Can Do
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