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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. recently watched this one. maybe some overlap. interesting talks
  2. the financial institutions issued a warning to israel that they will run out of money or something. "will cause their credit rating to drop". jfc. what reality are we in again? https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/moodys-warns-israel-gaza-war-could-cause-credit-rating-drop/ar-AA1i3mAd
  3. the blood lust is over the top. like USA post 9/11 if not more. also, dude just doesn't see the irony.. the hypocrisy. like.. doesn't get it at all. me: "look in the mirror dude" him: "what's a mirror?"
  4. i don't either but have seen a few in the endless news reporting and it sucks. also, should mention western journalists have many times made the point that people are trapped in gaza and cannot leave as the bombs fall.. that they have nowhere to go. so at least that narrative is making its way around. there's probably a bunch of sickos in america thinking that's a good thing. fuck. some of the comments on youtube videos are pretty rough as expected. al jazeera english stream below
  5. saw it on youtube too. more than one time. they showed a woman in a wheelchair holding a baby wrapped in a while cloth and she was saying good bye to the baby giving it a final kiss as two men took it away to prepare for burial. she lost it as they walked away and sobbed uncontrollably. saw more than one person carrying an unconscious or dead child away from rubble. locals distraught telling the press about the entire families that died in their beds when buildings collapsed or exploded. little bits are making it through in the mass media but overwhelmingly the focus is on how scared israelis are and how difficult it is for them to "live like this". they spent minutes interviewing a woman who hid with her children in a safe room in a kibutz and how "the army didn't come for us" and "i don't think i will be able to live this life in the kibutz anymore" and all that. so, heavily slanted to every day people in israel. which of course is going to get covered but it seems really one sided. USA mass media doesn't even have any reporters in Gaza or the westbank that i've seen. probably fearing they'll get bombed by israel. al jazeera has reporters inside gaza and democracy is interviewing reporters inside gaza. those are the only 2 sources i've seen from inside gaza."al jazeera live" has english speaking news 24 hour streaming on youtube. just search for it on youtube if you want to update from them.
  6. interesting read. seems reasonable. seems exhausted from it all. here's the whole thing copy pasta if anyone wants to read it here instead of twitler.
  7. i'll pay for a wetransfer account and put it all there for free DL and put a PDF in each release w/paypal and venmo addresses for anyone who wants to donate. should maybe do that anyways.. it's not like distrokid and streaming is working out. so far in my 2nd year of being on a bunch of streaming services my "bank" on distro kid has $5.79 in it.
  8. from 2002. edit: "how did hamas get put in charge?" Israel’s History of Assassinating Palestinian Leaders https://imeu.org/article/israels-history-of-assassinating-palestinian-leaders reporting coming out saying netanyahu is done once this is over https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/ The premier’s policy of treating the terror group as a partner, at the expense of Abbas and Palestinian statehood, has resulted in wounds that will take Israel years to heal from also, more reports saying that the israelis were warned by egypt that something big was coming. netanyahu denied it but apparently has done an about face on that.. so, he's going to be held accountable for all this.. eventually.. but the damage will be have been done.
  9. understand what you're saying but respectfully, not all streamers are the same. and he's well on top of his shit with this issue as far as i've seen and is saying the same things many other people are saying and have said for decades. regardless, i digest a wide range of sources when i'm interested in something. and yeah.. the evangelicals have all kinds of hard ons for "The Holy Land" and half of them are probably accelerationist "end of the world judgement day bring on the second coming of our lord and savior" type apocalyptic assholes. below images are making the rounds. meme outlets.
  10. lols. i had no idea the X sign flashed like that. i think if i lived across from it i'd be shooting BB guns at it all day.
  11. just saw a NY Post headline about hamas decapitating babies at a kibutz. 40 bodies inside. hands bound, heads off. lot's of children and babies. reporters in shock etc. if that report is accurate... this is all going to further feed the blood lust gaining steam in israel. hamas really are a bunch of psychos.. and are going to find their level of atrocity matched but i'm sure someone there made that calculation. endlessly sad that ordinary people always pay the price and i guess always have.. especially in settler colonialism situations. endless. egypt already saying "don't come this way" to palestinians.. they're going to be hemmed in as usual. nowhere to go and bombs falling all around.. ground invasion of Gaza likely. 300,000 troops are massing.. at last report i read. fuck. i have an MRI scheduled for tonight at 9pm so will take 2 valium and hopefully zone out to the MRI techno sounds. perhaps the MRI will erase my brain while i'm in there.
  12. yeah. i know. but he's consistently got the right take on this. but yeah.. i over did it. i saw that BBC interview. .there's another one similar with another BBC reporter who seems clueless to all the history and tries to grill the palestinian spokesperson. he handles it similarly. i'm kind of amazed the BBC is even getting these people on air. they aren't getting on air in america best i can tell. in usa some of the news anchors are getting on their kahki wear and giving reports from the middle east. full on war porn like they do.. like w/iraq and all that. same vibe. relative for who though? not for the people living in gaza or the west bank. hasn't been that long either. these relative peace situations are only a matter of weeks or months. we just don't hear about it over here edit: not hasan.. here's democracy now with reporting from inside Gaza
  13. i'm sure there's more to the story than we're seeing/know. also, there's leftover policies from previous generation i think.. to some extent. but there are jewish voting blocks in different parts of the USA that always vote... same way Cuban people always vote in south florida so they always got a lot of lip service about castro and the embargo and all that. "tough on cuba" rhetoric. i haven't read a lot about the history around palestine and creation of israel.. just the broad strokes really. so, it's hard to say what was going in the minds of the USA then. i'm sure there's a wide range of opinions and many closed door ugly discussions. there's probably a few shelves full of books that take this all apart from a thousand angles. i haven't read any of it. worth mentioning that israel has an estimated 300 nuclear weapons stock piled and thats tech from the USA. no one else in the region has nukes do they? ally in the region.. global politics.. give and take etc. some of the biggest fubars in modern history took place in the middle east thanks to western meddling and map making.. creating countries etc. people get PHDs in this kind of history/culture and go on to be consultants or whatever. edit: it's like whispering into the digital ether and the questions get (sort of) addressed.. "why britain, US, australia support israel so hard"
  14. allies in the middle east, votes in the USA. lip service to jewish americans for votes and campaign donations. Gaza is mostly young people. average age is 18 or something.. and like 40% of the population is 14 or under. another thing brought up today is that western journos or any journalists.. won't go into Gaza to get the story from there because they're mostly worried about being killed by Israeli bombs/missiles/bullets. they've killed tons of journalists over the years and many who've been in there in less dangerous times have interviewed Hamas people and locals etc etc but won't go there now because the word is that regardless of hostages and all that.. israel is going to blow everything up anyways.. hostages be damned.
  15. shit's all fucked. there's no way any of this ends. isreal hitting the genocide button. 300,000 troops. bombing, missiles, USA sending carriers to the area, no water/food/electricity to Gaza. it's insane. this shit is bananas. all the time. day after day year after year for a hundred years.. slow burn ethnic cleansing.
  16. it's not saying russia did it.. just that intelligence changed hands and mostly it's trying to take a shit on trump for being a buffoon or perhaps intentionally sharing info with russia for whatever reasons... russia and iran have had dealings lately apparently due to the russian invasion of ukraine. they bought some drones or something.. so who knows.. maybe russia sweetened the deal with some intelligence it happened to have. russia is happy to do whatever they can if it complicates things for the USA administration and/or makes someone look bad who they want to target. it's how shit works right? edit: also, more hasan. "gaza is an open air prison"
  17. found a good deal on casio VZ10m and UPS is sending it on tour around its facilities in MI and IL for 4 fucking days.
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