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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. I think "be responsible" is often misunderstood as "be afraid". You don't help anyone by being afraid, it even raises the probability for you to act irrationally, go into denial or behave reactantly. Just think logically. What's more dangerous, overestimating the dangers of a pandemic or underestimating them? It really doesn't cut into our personal freedom to wash our hands. It makes me think of a little child who doesn't want to brush teeth or shower.
  2. cud have taken a prettier pic but whatever, shared these burgers today
  3. Can y'all please stop discussing politics here? this is a dedicated braindance space, no politics pls. also, ur brains are clearly 2small
  4. theyd adapt to it, Saudi and US finance economy are entangled 2 much 2 give a shit. The Saud family probably despises Trump, too, or anyone who isn't them, but they're the 51st state, so no complaints
  5. Honestly, we should ban all Americans from this thread asap
  6. no no everyone we need to discuss it here and explain it all in detail, work out the kinks. WATMM's job is to fix the planet now. smartest collection of minds on the planet, right here. roll those sleeves up and let's hash this out. no one gets out until everything is fixed. we should rather all retreat into the private sphere and shut up, drink beer and watch some show or something, or, even better, make it our mission to stop people from discussing politics online because that's obviously pointless and leads nowhere so wasting time and energy to stop them is the right thing to do
  7. they know exactly what they are doing, don't interrupt
  8. Ever done anything? The economy is structured in a way that most money streams eventually lead to the top, no matter what you do. Maybe you could avoid this by becoming a wood gnome
  9. So beautiful sounding. The side chain compression is gorgeous. Maybe has some Gold Panda vibes to it
  10. primates... always horny
  11. Nothing better to do that to ask this shit? ?
  12. I just think that actual psychologists probably chuckle at models like this. But agree, might still be useful to make a point. Apologies for my pointless brain yoga
  13. You're saying the opposite of what the model stereotypically says, I think. If you're (objectively) mediocre, you tend to overestimate your own competence. Which is another way of saying you're overconfident, right? Seems like you misread the model for a bit, imo. Seems you misread me. With "mediocre" I don't mean low in competence, I mean having some but not much competence. Here's the model: Someone in the "Valley of Despair" (lol) / some1 with mediocre competence should if you believe this model be low in confidence, which is BS, imvho. So let's not use it, it's polemic (even tho admittedly there is some limited truf innit) Sorry for derailing the thread,
  14. Is it really relative, though? If I'm able to climb a tree it has nothing to do with others having or not having that competence. Maybe confidence itself is a competence. Maybe this Dunning-Kruger model is only part of the truth because wouldn't it basically mean that people with objectively mediocre competence are never overly confident or lacking in confidence? Which clearly isn't the case, at least in my observations.
  15. How can I objectively know if I'm victim to the phenomenon that popular science calls Dunning-Kruger effect and that probably also has a scientific term? By never being over confident? The tragic is that confidence is often falsly associated with competence and helps asserting oneself, naturally giving the non-intelligent and unsensitive an advantage in the struggle of ideas (and fists).
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