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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. @Enthusiast But why do you think coronabonds are better than more extensive bailout funds? The latter wouldn't fuel right wing populism, neither in the North nor in the South, hopefully, or shouldn't. Just double it or something. I'm tired of right-wing populism, I want them to go hide away and shut up like they used to. Isn't that the media's job to explain these things? Why does the media blame politicians instead of itself for bad information culture?
  2. Everyone knows that the plural of cactus is cactiditae
  3. so very good to see that there finally is a thread to type posts about gardening activities in. my overall experience in gardening is admittedly comparatively small, I am not someone you would naturally consider a man of the garden, yet I do have a flower tub on my balcony that has a flower in it, it's a very robust plant, it can survive hail and snow. moreover, I have a flower box with chives, thyme and peppermint. it's hardly a garden, I know, but I am happy with what I got. I am currently trying to gather gardening knowledge for when civilisation ends and the status of a male depends on the amount of groceries he can grow. thanks
  4. That other shit helps with the benjamins, tho the question basically was why the US is wealthy & powerful. And yeah, I agree that it's wealthy because it has money how did it get there, though? not through cultural hegemony, or at least not mostly
  5. axuien literally made the point that the US is wealthy and powerful because of the attention it gets (cultural hegemony) and "attitude and bluster" which I disagree with, it's only a small part. If Hitler had won the war Kraftwerk probably would have ended up in a concentration camp.
  6. Seems we occupy the two last positions in WATMM's debate club, but I am only second last.
  7. No, it relies on secret services, military power, extensive surveillance and economic influence, especially through finance economy. Cultural hegemony is just a byproduct
  8. Can we please pin all posts that reflect Joyrex' opinion?
  9. In Holland it's a couple of loud nut jobs. In the USA they make up a good deal of the electorate. It's a difference.
  10. Seems you guys don't only have a political problem but a societal one. Please fix your society, thanks
  11. Nice! You live in Spain, right? I'm envy of your drug laws
  12. The more cheese the more holes. The more holes the less cheese. Therefore the more cheese the less cheese.
  13. Yeah, I need the feeling in my lungs. Love smoking bongs for that feeling, also for the sudden kick. I like vaporisers but end up smoking a joint or a bong after vaping When smoking pure joints or blunts key is not to use a grinder and not to pulverise the weed. Use scissors and make it chunky as your booty, will have more volume and burn more evenly.
  14. ^they would make good techno album artworks
  15. Still, let's not forget that psychology has always been abused as an instrument of power. Emotional manipulation has turned out to be cheaper than more direct forms of violence as a method to bring people in line with the ideology of the authorities and to ultimately make them work in the service of power. "Softpowers" have saved the elites lots of money so far
  16. Probably both isn't healthy, the combustion and the tobacco itself, and I occasionally smoke cigs without weed, I really don't know. Smoking is pretty silly. Vaping is what sane people in 2020 should do. Or eating edibles. But I'm not one of those sane ones apparently, lol
  17. It's the privilege of (former) empires if not to write history then at least to dictate the narrative & interpretation, and to decide what to talk about and focus on and what's rather be swept under the carpet.
  18. I always wondered why British English is taught at schools and not American English. I guessed it was because BE is somehow considered "more proper" but the actual reason is simple: There simply are more British people available in Europe to teach our teachers English. Sorry, off da topic
  19. I love mixing weed and tobacco but knowing that tobacco can kill me, and that even if I stopped smoking the long term effects can kick in 20 years later and kill me, spoils the fun
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