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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. Nah, you obviously need some authoritarianism from me. You will scream and struggle but in the end you will cum, like it or not
  2. Authoritarian left wingers are as bad as right wingers. Same use of slogans, the lot Actually you are the one using stale slogans here. The horseshoe theory (or rather horseshoe model, since theory is too big of a word for a simplistic graphical representation of a complex matter) has always been used by the moderate right to discredit the left (and positioning itself in the "center"). Left and right aren't the same, not even the more authoritarian part of the left (though I'd argue that authoritarianism makes you less left). And left populism unfortunately is necessary to reach some people and make them not vote agains their own interest. Some people can only be reached by simplified messages
  3. That'll be rather interesting. Left wing ideas are complex and very hard to wrap your head around whereas far right ideas are just slogans and the rage of the emotionally weak. That's what left populism is for. Simplify the message and put it into a Christian context. Jesus loves health insurance lol https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_left#Alliance_of_the_left_and_Christianity
  4. House usually isn't entirely my cuppa but this is fun. Great mix as well. Gets even better toward the end. In fact this might be some of the best I've heard from you so far
  5. It's why the American left has to find common ground with evangelicals & the like, otherwise these easy to manipulate people become/stay an instrument of the far right. Shouldn't be too hard, there is lots of social politics that you can read into the bible. Just don't ridicule them and treat them like human garbage ("white trash")
  6. All Canadians I've met in Europe were intelligent, super (almost disturbingly) friendly and chatty and you meet disproportionally many of them here, considering there are only ~40 million of them, you meet many more of them than US Americans for some reason, but of course only my personal impression. Used to have a Canadian neighbour for a while. Seems they like to travel and have the money and vacation to do that, US Americans unfortunately often have very little vacation, I think, maybe that's part of the reason. Lots of things make sense in Canada and I'm sure the world can learn a lot from this place. Where I live, even though it's a rather left liberal place, there are still all sorts of nutjobs. Maybe not the kind of hillbillies that protest against lockdowns and carry weapons, but definitely lots of right wingers or simply people that view politeness as fake & dishonest. The difference here is that they actually lived under a dictatorship (GDR) and know the difference. Usually when you talk to them like you understand and value them and don't view them as some sort of degenerates they are surprisingly willing think and to add nuance to their opinions and backpedal from their populist statements. Not all, of course, some people are lost unfortunately and I don't wanna downplay the new right-wing/neo-Nazi movement that has emerged and grown especially since the refugee waves of 2015, a problem Canada doesn't have to deal with. Lots of them just didn't grow up with people from other cultures and as a result are extremely fearful, something that can be overcome. A problem the US has is that the nation is basically held hostage by gangs of capitalist criminals that influence all sectors of public life including the education system and media environment which are basic requirements for a democratic discourse. I'm not saying that other countries are free from this, in fact most developing and threshold countries are victim of a similar situation to even greater extend (with lesser impact on the rest of the world, mind you) but in the US turbo predator capitalism (lol) definitely escalated, producing mobs of cosplay terrorists.
  7. Usually in places where one sort of social phenomenon is prevalent there is a counter phenomenon to it. The US is a fascinating place for sure. Lots of really weird stuff happening over there
  8. also helps that croatia isnt exactly the business capital of europe and its not the go-to tourist destination in europe either Wrong. Croatia is one of the tourism hotspots of Europe. Of course during the pandemic not so much.
  9. 3000 people die from Aspirin each year, not sure how much of them drowned because of it, though ? Of course, there are many pseudo gurus and esoteric charlatans around and admittedly this New Age-y aesthetic Wim Hof goes for doesn't make it seem trustworthy but he has been studied and researched and his method is proven to strengthen the immune system. I didn't claim that it cures Corona, but a strong immune system definitely makes it more likely that you belong to the group that doesn't die from it. If I understand it correctly the idea is to periodically over and under saturate the blood with oxygen and that way stimulate important body functions that are underdeveloped as a result of modern lifestyle (wearing clothes all the time, always being in heated environments, flat breathing etc.). Another part of it is cardio vascular training through gradually increased exposure to coldness. I'm sure there are more ways to improve the immune system, simply doing some sports, eating healthy and taking cold showers probably already helps a bit (truism).
  10. Yes, yes and yes!!!! I don't think that a large part of the WATMM demographic is acting irresponsibly, though. We are better than dem other pissers Problem is reactance, a psychological phenomenon often observed in little children, monkeys, toddlers and Trump supporters, that cause people to behave the exact opposite way they are told to
  11. No, we are discussing the necessity of using the right masks the right way
  12. Next time if wasps attack you just stay put and breathe, BREEEEATHE ? Nah, I would use my strong vascular system that I trained in preparation for a situation like this to make my body do the appropriate thing, in this case running away.
  13. ...four of thousands, and probably because they did it the wrong way and had preconditions. But scepticism is good, should encourage you to read into it more
  14. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wim_Hof#Immune_system_suppression
  15. True, but if you don't protect yourself and get infected you can spread the virus. So self protection is important. By the way I'm not promoting not wearing masks. I'm promoting using them the right way.
  16. You can actually breathe the virus away, using this Rude Dutchman™'s certified method (it absolutely sounds like bullshit but Wim Hof's method to improve the immune system has actually been scientifically proven to be effective):
  17. In which state do you live? Here in Thuringia it's been like that for a while. Not even sure if masks are that good of an idea, in any case, though. I've heard epidemiologists (including Lauterbach) explain that if used wrong these masks can actually heighten the infection risk.
  18. Watched The Irishman. It was slow paced, more than you'd expect from Scorsese. It reduced those gangster/mobster clichés to absurdum and showed how out of time and place they have been since the 50s at the latest, in contrast to the heroisation or at least de-trivialisation of gangsterism in most other films that address this era (which became a genre). It just doesn't fly to punch someone half dead in front of your daughter, it's not only wrong, it's just really weird, not cool or badass. It's banal and violent. It's what boomers think is cool but isn't. Nice film, like most Scorsese films.
  19. oh no if you only knew where it landed, you could pick it up and put it back in
  20. Okay, let's say there is pleasure in seeing him die. But there is absolutely no pleasure in seeing him die in an especially painful and humiliating way, let's say from extreme anal prolapse. Maybe a bit of pleasure, though
  21. I wouldn't find pleasure in seeing him die, but relief. And admittedly a bit of satisfaction
  22. The Trump is in our heads, he is the painting and the painter at the same time. The Trump isn't pre-eminently a physical being, he is a multi-dimensional virus that has befallen all of us. He is both the symptom and the disease. He is an object of our minds that tries to transform the subject of our minds, successfully.
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