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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. adorable little bird ? maybe ask the nurse?
  2. I've read a lot of differing opinions on them including the one you expressed. I can't confirm, they sound good enough and build quality is fine. Maybe Hifiman has problems to maintain a constant product quality and there were bad batches. I have lots of experience with the Sennheiser HD 650 (the ones chim posted a pic of above) and they can compete. The Sennheiser has warmer low mids, thicker body but is not as good in the high end. I feel you. Also audiophiles are a pest. So many people offering opinions as if they really knew what they are talking about, but it's all esoteric bullshit
  3. The transient response is very good. Very neutral sounding overall
  4. I've had these for a while, they aren't too shabby:
  5. There are illnesses that have long term effects that kick in much later after you think it's cured, sometimes 20 years later. And Covid-19 isn't researched properly, so it might be one of those diseases. All the people who had no symptoms might have symptoms at a later point in their life or might just die say 5 years earlier than they normally would have. So let's not underestimate it.
  6. Let's hope that if he's actually dead it will somehow lead to a less disastrous situation in that country. Doubtful, though
  7. that's clearly not enough birds
  8. law makers should make it an obligation for platforms like facebook to be mutually compatible, not unlike the various phone service providers. that way there could be alternatives to facebook but you could still communicate with facebook users
  9. You mean "The Sleepwalkers"? I started reading this not long ago ?
  10. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/21/us/politics/coronavirus-protests-trump.html https://www.salon.com/2020/04/20/astroturf-gun-rights-activists-and-prominent-gop-donors-push-protests-of-coronavirus-restrictions/ https://www.salon.com/2020/04/16/trumps-tea-party-are-right-wing-open-the-country-protests-an-astroturf-operation/
  11. Don’t talk about things you know nothing about, you inhabitant of a nation that at the height of its power had colonized no more than a handful of rocks in the Pacific, some barely habitable slivers of the coast of Africa and the swampiest and most unpleasant bits of the island of New Guinea. IPA is bitter to make the quinine colonial administrators had to drink to ward off malaria seem sweet in comparison. Please. My glorious nation has committed the first genocide of the 20th century against the Herero and Nama in Namibia under Emperor Wilhelm II, whose descendants, the former royal family of Prussia, are currently demanding compensation in the millions of Euros for "their" castles and museum inventory, after having helped Hitler to get into power. Best beer:
  12. Indian Pale Ale tastes like power, tastes like the tears of the colonised. It obviously tastes very soapy but that's not the point.
  13. Thank you. Cancer has been a problem for a while so I was mostly worried about Covid. She's already back home and fine (so far). It was probably unjustified worries based on media coverage. Seen videos of hospitals and was very worried, also hearing about the high death rate in the US got me pretty worried. I'm sure they are especially careful in NYC hospitals these days, though.
  14. I'm 4 tracks in, this is brilliant. Is it OK to say it sounds slightly AE?
  15. The problem is, a lot of those require a very specific climate to grow. Like our fig tree in Vancouver wouldn't work at all here in Ottawa. Yes, of course, it depends on the climate you live in. Google said northern kiwis and Saskatoons fit Ottawa climate, but no clue ?. Probably would require a specific type of earth as well https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amelanchier_alnifolia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Actinidia_arguta
  16. I'm 100% on your side that austerity measures are the wrong way and I agree that Germany's (and probably most Northern country's) behaviour during the Greece crisis was entitled and driven by neoliberal ideology. The recovery funds have to be socially responsible, otherwise they will lead to the effect that you described. I hope that this pandemic is a good training for worse pandemics of the future.
  17. I'd probably go for old/obscure sorts of fruits that you can't buy at store. Wild apples, sloes, yellow raspberries, checkers tree, apple quince, etc. Not gonna claim I know a lot about this stuff.
  18. But it can actually damage the basis for further EU integration related debates, the same way the Greece crisis and the way it was dealt with still reflects badly on current discussions. Even though Macron might use this scenario as part of his negotiation strategy the danger is real and can't be ignored as the consequences would be serious.
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