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Everything posted by Raktorn

  1. Most annoying post of the year? Top 10 surely
  2. "okay guys so get this: what if we arranged a deal with one guy that lives an approximate four hour drive away from the town our establishment is actually in to pick up international releases?"
  3. does anyone here ever actually click on the links that we post here i mean honestly well anyway
  4. Tried asking my manager if I could get transferred to working weekends as my job and I was too late to ask him so he already has to people being interviewed for the position. nobody here question why i would ever want to work weekends
  5. kid cudi - speedin' bullet 2 heaven ha just kidding
  6. Oh, heeeeeeeere's the jungle thread. anyway here have some 4hero
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plJezB8uZis
  8. Suddenly I just remembered "The Mouse Outfit", like, ten seconds ago. Can't go wrong with the production they have going on here
  9. *weeps as i shamefully listen to doctor p*
  10. i'm going to listen to everything delet has linked just because i admire their dedication to this thread
  11. It's hard to believe that the vocals are merely just a sample and not recorded specifically for the track.
  12. While we're still on the topic of DOS games: I remember somehow being allowed to play "Wolfenstein 3D" when I was 4 years old, yet could not watch shows rated 14+ without incurring the wrath of my mother when I was 10. now look how bitter and jaded i have become ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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