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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by T3551ER

  1. FYI - Renoise updated to 3.2! Thread on Renoise forum here with more info/discussion. Major changes listed below:

    What’s new

    • HiDPI (Retina) support and custom GUI scaling options. See below for more information.
    • Rubberband 39 based native time-stretching options in the sampler.
    • Detachable mixer view. (Renoise only)
    • Custom exponential, per point scaling in all automation editors and the AHDSR modulation device.
    • Preview of sample editor selections with computer keyboard or MIDI.
    • A whole bunch of bug fixes 53.
    • Lua API changes: see here 15 Most Renoise 3.1 tools will auto-upgrade and work just fine in Renoise 3.2.



  2. Thanks Zef- just watched a bit of this. Never watched Joe Rogan's show (in my mind he has always kind of been "that dude from Fear Factor). He. . . actually seems like an intelligent and perceptive interviewer? Who knew? 

  3. On 8/4/2019 at 1:12 PM, mlon said:

    Hey all,


    i'm trying to find a movie i saw a trailer/review of on YouTube a few months ago but cannot remember the title.

    It's a pretty low budget horror movie about a knight in armor that fights monsters if i remember correctly.

    Pretty dark and atmospheric, i think there was only one actor.

    The reviewer was really positive about it.

    Maybe it did some festivals and  should be out by now i guess.

    So, someone??.





    This? https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6469548/?ref_=tt_urv


  4. Will the quote button no longer capture the entire post? Was going to quote Squee's  quoting amberbonk.. .

    Anyway, will be interested in anyone here has a PSVR and can give some impressions about No Man's Sky when the Beyond update drops. Frankly, by the time I have the time to even play this we will all probably have chips in our brains making the need for external VR-gear obsolete - but I'm still curious how well it functions.

    Actually, curious what people's thoughts about PSVR are in general (used be deep into VR and have always been a little suspect of PSVR actually communicating a legit VR experience)

  5. Doing a 2nd rewatch right now. Totally a different experience going 'round again. Knowing what is going to happen actually takes a lot of the (unnecessarily uncomfortable) tension out of things, as does being able to watch it at your own pace (e.g., the dougie jones stuff whips along and is MUCH more enjoyable when you aren't waiting a week for X to happen). 

    Assume everyone here has already watched but if not, read a theory the other day that has TOTALLY reconfigured the way I'm doing my rewatch and feel compelled to post here (particularly for those who have yet to start a rewatch). It's a good one:



    Mr. C. is in a loop, and knows he is in a loop. I don't agree w/ everything this poster posits, but I do think there is enough evidence in the first 7 episodes to really support this. Also, consider that someone else may ALSO be aware of multiple loops and actively is counterplanning (think about, just for example, how Mr. C. plans to have a gun in the glove box, to shoot Ray, but for whatever reason that gun ends up being unloaded when he goes to use it). 





  6. 42 minutes ago, zero said:

    Grim, it feels fucking grim. Just the fact that we even have to worry that he's going to get re-elected is troubling enough. Realistically, he should be polling closer to 0%. No one with a lick of goddamn sense should be voting for this guy. But nope, there's 40% or so of our 'merican brothers that have been tricked into thinking he's the answer to all their problems...

    Yah, pretty much this. My fear is two-sided:

    1) Trump loses the election, a Dem gets in office, is unable to really get anything done d/t makeup of Senate/House, but the economy starts to tank (d/t policies being implemented now) which causes massive distrust/a hard swing to the right in 2024 OR
    2) Trump wins the election, continues to implement policies damaging to our nation as a whole. We continue our slide into a fascist state. 

    Wife just drew my attention to the fact that the Trump administration quietly moved to roll back definitions of domestic violence to 1970's era definitions earlier this year. For no stated reason. They just did it. I don't even want to understand why you would do that because it seems like then I have to believe that some people are just fucking evil. 

    Think I mentioned it here earlier but there was a Trump rally in my town last month (this is where the "send them home" chant came from). The vehemence is frightening (particularly as a minority). What was more frightening was the atmosphere around here in the weeks following. It was like people were emboldened to be just a little more open about their feeling about "(fill in the blank)s". 

    Trying hard to take a long view and realize that worst case scenario is still ok (we descend into a fascist state where millions toil away in a 1984-esque dystopian wasteland leading into an inevitable implosion as a species|it's fine, we weren't that important in the grand scheme of the universe anyway).

    In the moment tho, pretty, yeah, grim.

  7. 20 minutes ago, Tim_J said:

    the weird creature that appears inside this box:


    AHhh right. Ok, so that thing is referred to in that episode as the "Experiment Model" (the creature seen in E8 is called "The Experiment").  


    14 minutes ago, Tim_J said:

    is it really just a theory? cause, it makes perfect sense, you can edit the md and make a new cut just like one can do with memento and put the pieces together in a different order and all makes sense... i mean, not all, but lots of it...

    just saying this cause it´s the only mindfuck movie by lynch which i think i can fully grasp... there's no way i can get my head around lost highway, but who cares, it's trippy and dreadful as hell...

    Yah, trying to cover my bases. I would agree it's totally on point. . . I guess what I'm saying is, if there is some similar theory about TP, I don't mind if someone figures it out, because it'll still be amazeballs to me. 

    I've been trying to figure out Lost Highway for 20 fucking years (or however long it's been since it came out in the theater). It keeps me up at night. . .

    EDIT: GoDEL THANK YOU for those links. Shit it tight. Dude does a great job of focusing on analysis w/ support from the text and calling out when he might be going "out on a limb" love it. 

    Also, to fry your brains:


    • Thanks 1
    • Farnsworth 1
  8. 6 minutes ago, Tim_J said:

    am i the only one here that tries to avoid any theory spoilers? i feel dumb when all these theories are out there and i couldn't get there all by myself... don´t you guys? doesn't it spoil all the fun? now that someone mentioned that that weird womanly character in s03 is judy i can't go back to those episodes with a fresh head... ?

    I mean, I think it's good to take into account that all this stuff that's floating around out there really is just "theory" b/c most of the Return is (by design) sort of inscrutable. I think it's kind of fun to hear different interpretations, and kind of think part of the point/genius of S3 in particular is that it can be read so many ways (the one caveat is that I really wish Mark Frost would have not published the Final Dossier, as I think it tries to clarify some things Lynch probably would rather leave abstract). 

    That being said, I think there are still things that can actually be puzzled out by careful watching/thinking/puzzling and I find enjoyment in putting some of the pieces together - something I probably wouldn't be able to do w/out other people's thoughts/hard work. It's kinda like the theory that emerged about Mulholland Drive that helps explain what's going on there (I can dig it up if people don't know): knowing the reason why things look the way they do doesn't in the slightest diminish my enjoyment in it. 

    Oh, also, the weird womanly character being judy in S3? Do you mean the "bosomy woman" outside Jeffries' room? 



  9. 4 hours ago, Brisbot said:

    random fact, someone in my family who is majorly high up in that company, working there since the 80s, has.... the head I think... of the mac tonight guy. Now that I thought of it though said person might not have THAT one... guh. There were probably more than a few made.

    crazy.  . . I guess if I had access to it, I'd totally keep it around, just so I could put it on from time to time and scare the beejesus out of my neighborhood kids. Like, can you imagine coming to the door on Halloween to trick or treat and that popping out of the front door? Instant poopie pants. 

    You ever go to his/her house, totally grab a pic of yourself wearing and post in your latest pic thread! 

    • Like 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, zero said:

    ^ that shot of him around the 4 second mark...he looks like he's wearing a mask, like one of those characters from that primus video


    Christ. Nightmare fuel. I remember when this aesthetic seemed like it was everywhere. Wasn't there, like, a duracell commercial using the same type of makeup/masks/etc.? Creeps me the eff out (though Wynona's got a big brown Beaver is still some tops Primus).

    Oh, also, this fucker:

    Also, also, Trump was in my town yesterday. ... so, triple the nightmare fuel for this AM. . .

  11. 6 hours ago, Brisbot said:

    ya plz try to find it since I'm interested in the technology.

    I do think that for a while it'll be possible to tell when something is a deep fake or an audio fake due to 'inconsistencies and consistencies'. Like with that Jim Carrey Deep Fake, it looks great, but if you scrutinize, Jim has a different skin tone and type. And with audio, depending on the 'sample size' they're using, you should be able to find replicated bits. IT actually might be straightforward to detect audio fakes for a long time. Joe Rogan has done a million podcasts so there's tons to sample from him. And having a lead single in a box might be a while further off since there would have to be a way to isolate the vocals, and there would have to be many examples of it with consistent audio quality, etc etc.

    On a semi related note I can't wait until they can 100% replicate instruments digitally. Imagine having a "synth piano" where you were able to change any parameter of a 'synthetic acoustic instrument' like the size of individual strings, or material of the string, how heavy the keys are, etc. and it sound as if it were like it's acoustic counterpart. Or being able to piece together made up or physically impossible  acoustic instruments that wouldn't be say cheap to create IRL. Or practical. Like a massive piano the size of a building or something. Kinda sounds silly.

    Yeah, like looking at pixels in photoshopped images to see if something has been replaced. . . agreed, we're far away from "Thom Yorke sings the Taylor Swift Songbook" but who knows what the future holds. Christ, pop music is about 2 steps away from being completely computer generated as it is. 

    Nah, I don't think it sounds silly - it's pretty incredible what sort of things computers have been able to contribute to music already (DSP's, ability to create sounds that literally wouldn't exist any other way). Reaktor actually has some pretty interesting instrumentation models (will look that up when I go home) where you can do things like use the modwheel to "bow" a string. . . not 100% but fairly convincing.  I'd love to hear a ten ton piano prefectly modeled! (but probably we're ages away from that sort of ability in a box that's smaller than an actual 10 ton piano). .. 

    EDIT: here's that example of physical modeling was thinking of (bit old by now, but still pretty aces): https://www.native-instruments.com/en/reaktor-community/reaktor-user-library/entry/show/7463/


    • Like 1
  12. 13 minutes ago, Brisbot said:

    Yeah. I really do wonder if we will see actors who have passed away "come back" to star in lead roles in future movies or if audiences will find it disrespectful in some way. It will be doubly mindblowing when they can replicate voices as well as the deepfakes map faces. Well actually I think they're already close to it. Not quite to the level of deepfakes but in a decade we'll have so many fake things people won't be able to trust any media.

     Lol I bet I'll be able to have a ai 'lead singer' for making electronic music. I will be able to use Thom Yorke's vocals in my music. Or anyone really.



    That's crazy. There was some guy (will see if I can find it) who did a demo where he had cloned Michael Jackson's voice, and was able to pretty much pitch perfect make it say anything. What was crazy was, it was being done essentially realtime. So, he would have someone talking and the software almost immediately could recognize/"translate" it. . . then it sort of disappeared off the face of the earth, all the dude's pages went dormant, etc. 

    lol christ it would be amazeballs to have a TY in a box - also seriously a bit terrifying that we are approaching an age were you REALLY can't trust what you see/hear . . . 

    • Like 1
  13. Just now, Brisbot said:

    I think the technology is impressive. I'm not sure how much effort goes into actually doing them though. He seems to be able to churn these out in a day or two and gets millions of views for it and probably a nice wad of $$$. Might be a good time to jump on the bandwagon since deep fakes seem easyish to make and will probably be popular for a long while.

    Yah, interesting. Suspect you'd have to have a pretty serious rig to knock something like this out. . . if it's just the tech/software, it's come a long way in a pretty short amount of time. . . nuts. . .

  14. On 7/10/2019 at 11:46 PM, Brisbot said:


    That is pretty friggin' impressive. . . whoever this guy is he is highly talented (most deepfakes still have a high uncanney valley aspect, particularly in profile views). Also, apparently an Aphex fan:



  15. 1 hour ago, Joyrex said:

    Yeah - if we did a format like a Digipak rather than just a slipcover like the original, I'd like to feature other WATMM talents in the design - maybe even have a sub-contest to design the cover art?

    Totally! Could do a vote and choose tops for cover art and then maybe a collage of other stuffs for inset? 

    Also (this probs obvious): Voting (blind or not) is good but would recommend allowing people to rank their, say, top 10 or whatever. Otherwise you run the risk of like 4-5 tracks getting all the votes and then it's just an EP or what have you.  

  16. or wax cylinder


    Holy shit lol but that poor bastard. 

    Back OT - also like the interludes idea. Artwork could include user created stuffs. E.g., I know there are quite a few artists around here from the "post your most recent artwork" and "photo" threads that are pretty amazeballs, might be nice to showcase their work (as that's as part of the fabric of WATMM as poop and fart jokes). 

    Also: some sort of wang activation device as a "stretch" goal

  17. 54 minutes ago, lickneonlights said:

    as far as I know, the Duffer brothers mentioned somewhere they always envisioned Stranger Things as a 4-season story, so season 4 is definitely happening.

    What bugged me as a russian is that a lot of russians spoke russian with an accent, which is lame. They couldn't even hire proper russians ffs. The main scientist guy's accent (Alexei) was constantly bugging me as if he was not a native speaker... lo and behold, he is some British bloke that was born in Russia but moved to the UK at a young age. And if you look through the cast on imdb you'll find lots of people like him. half-russians or whatever. Not authentic

    Fascinating. Sort of sad too. I mean, they obs have a redonkulous budget, seems like something they could have nailed down. . . 

    51 minutes ago, Brisbot said:

    It was a decent season. Though I'd say the last... oh.. 2 or 3 episodes were fun to watch. The first half is the season is kinda boring. And since almost everything was predictable it felt like 100% filler until the story finally took off.

    One issue I do find with Stranger Things is the fact that a few of the kids are mostly just passengers along for the ride. Lucus for example in seasons 1 and 2. Will this season as all he was good for was saying when he felt the presence of the mind flayer, which they already kinda knew much of the time. Mike was kinda uselsss too along with, again, Lucus, though he did do 2 or 3 things.

    Mmmm. Yeah, I hear you. It was something good to put on and let wash over me while intermittently tending to a newborn, ya know? Like, I wasn't expecting high cinema so was pleased w/ what was there.

    Watching Strange Things is sort of like going to McDonald's: It's overly processed, saccharine, and unreal, but it fires off enough dopamine receptors in the brain that have been trained to respond to its ingredients that you feel somewhat satisfied at the end of it (but then maybe regret it a few hours later, and wish you had chosen something else instead with more nutritional value). If it's what you're expecting you'll be pleased. If you want filet mignon you will be sorely disappointed

    S3 was (for me) like the above, but I haven't felt the urge to painfully defecate (or whatever the mental equivalent of it is) since then. So I'd call it a win/win. 

  18. Yah, probably old age setting in but I really enjoyed S3. A lot. Feel like they actually corrected issues w/ pacing that plagued S1 + S2. (Of course, Twin Peaks S3 is prob my favorite thing ever so, in comparison, Stranger Things zips by like a balls to the wall non-stop action extravaganza). Ending was:


    kind of a kick to the chest, in the best way possible. For a show which is (knowingly) playing on nostalgia, it's extra meaningful that Hopper's letter is as much a goodbye to nostalgia as it is to the character itself. As much as I'd like to see more, I kind of hope they end it here, as it was a perfect send off for the series as a whole.  


  19. Fascinating (had no idea). Sort of makes it all even more ironic, as the hospital I work in is in the ultra deep south right wing evangelical area where you would probably be lynched for being gay much less flaunting said gaiety in a drag show. . . 

    Irony can be pretty ironic I guess. . . 

  20. 40 minutes ago, Joyrex said:

    Did you copy the link, or the image? From the previous post, it looks like you copied the link and not the image.

    Yeah, probs - I could have sworn it was rt click - copy image - paste. Anyway, all sussed now. 

    7 minutes ago, Joyrex said:


    Also. flol. ^o^

  21. Image result for rwd movie

    Surprisingly entertaining low-budget horror/time-loop found footage-y flick (I'm not spoiling things for you by writing that btw - you'll know something is up, but not how, 10 minutes in). Two bro-dude youtubers who have a paranormal show go to investigate a haunted location and weird shit happens. 

    What makes this unique is the near constant self-narration/banter between the two leads which is friggin' ridiculous. You absolutely buy that these guys are total asshats which makes it all the more interesting that they wrote, directed, and shot this piece (which does some legitimately interesting things with the genre, particularly towards the end. Some things one might even call "cerebral"). It takes smart to play dumb. 

    Probably best to go in expecting very little and be pleasantly surprised. I legit lol'd multiple times throughout this, which I did NOT expect from what I would typically call a "Shitty Sunday Matinee Feature." 

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