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Posts posted by T3551ER

  1. 16 hours ago, cyanobacteria said:

    This post is too generous to one side.  It's pretty clear that only one side has any actual legitimacy


    16 hours ago, Braintree said:

    ^ especially considering much of that disparity is because of one particular party ^

    See below

    16 hours ago, cichlisuite said:

    As far as I see it, the divide is manufactured (aka what was once marginalized is fueled and then exploited). The social architects have a wide smile on their face. People are able to coexist peacefully as long as you don't mention the war (politics). With social media shit is off the rails. It's a mind game, and the crowd loses its capacity for critical thinking proportionally to its size. As for the sport team rooting analogy, that's nothing new. It's all across the world in every country. The backdoor to this mass hysteria is the fact that none of the grown up white or blue collar workers really know what's going on; from his/her own life to domestic and global politics. All this confusion, broken dreams and promises and fear of unknown is teeming with desire for plausible answers. The backdoor: You can provide any "solution" to these questions and once it gets traction, all that existential angst is released. The larger the issue the more critical mass you acquire, and the more critical mass you acquire, the easier it is to manipulate.

    To what an end? Distribution of power. Behind a curtain new domestic and foreign policies are being ratified for a yet larger picture: USA is under threat. The Arsenal of Democracy (Roosevelt) is under threat, being outflanked by economic and technological rise of China. They already succeeded in stemming European Union (Brexit).

    As George Friedman once said:
    1. Control the seas leading to North America
    2. Prevent the rise of any power that could challenge that control. Namely any power that tries to unify Eurasia or East Asia.

    I think Trump got played like a violin. He never knew what he was doing, and he was put into place with a precise reason. Now the stage is a mess, and be observant how the pieces will be put back together.

    Yeah, I think you are on point here, particularly given the pervasiveness of the Friedman school of thought in our country/underpinning of neoliberlist economic theories. I was discussing this with the missus last night (her degree is in social movement theory/contentious politics) and she pointed out that we live in an oligarchy - and, furthermore, one of the greatest strategies in an oligarchy is to pit two underserved (or more) populations against one another. If people are too busy aiming their anger at poor circumstances at other people who are also in these circumstances, it greatly reduces the chance of either side realizing who is actually effing them in the A. 

    I suppose what I was saying above was less about those who are actually in power, and more about those who are not. I.e., yes, there is a particular party who I'm pretty much diametrically opposed to who legitimately uses tactics to disenfranchise and oppress people (here's a real world example - the hiring of neurolinguists to advise on modifications of language to sway the masses - e.g, starting to call social security an "entitlement" which makes it sound like some bad, self-important, unearned thing when in actuality it's something we've all been paying into for as long as we have paid taxes, and are owed). My wife thinks that they legitimately sit around and figure out ways to fuck people over in order to maintain power. I'm ... less certain. I think they do things according to their worldview which isn't always so clear as "i'm fucking person A to help person B" but is probably more nuanced, even to the point where they believe that "if I help person A, then it will trickle down and help person B." I'm in an MBA program and thank god I waited until I was older because the lens in which it views the world is so persuasive that I might have been swayed that this was the "truth" ... and, like, anything there are, I think, even some true things mixed in with the not so true... 

    Sorry, digressing. Anyway, I think what I was trying to get across is that those groups of people who are disenfranchised are that way because of what cichlisuite wrote above - partly because people who are in power are leading them towards a certain conclusion, in a way that causes them to take action that is ultimately against their self-interest, and in the interest of those who are already in power. And, furthermore, these people are suffering, and angry, and probably for legitimate reasons, it's just they don't necessarily realize what those reasons are. One of the dangerous things that liberals do (and I count myself pretty liberal) is to walk in to people on the right and say "God? what's wrong with you? You're so stupid, can't you see that these people are manipulating you?" And, of course, the reaction is going to be "who the fuck are you telling me I'm stupid?" 

    Bernie Sanders actually does a good job of NOT doing this. If you watch him interacting with people in Red states, he's very much "oh, shit, your life kind of sucks doesn't it? I'm sorry. Let's see if we can talk about why." The reason why someone like Trump was so successful is because, at least in part, he made people feel like they were heard. If we ever have any hope of progress, we really need to find a way to make everyone feel heard, but in a way that doesn't pander to violence, finger pointing, blame, and hatred. I don't know how we do that, but I do know that continuing to look towards those who are on the other side who are also suffering with nothing but hatred is only going to continue things as they stand. Calling someone stupid and utterly dismissing them as a person is not the way to figure anything out. 

    16 hours ago, dingformung said:

    I think that the narrative about the left behind lower classes that are disappointed with the establishment being the true reason for the right-shift is false. It's more a luxury problem. People don't know how politics work and what they have to lose. Poor education and a mostly privately owned media landscape do the rest. Moreover, the subtle mood of epochal change that is in the air makes people act weird. I know it well ?

    It indeed is a problem when one side has absolutely idiotic core beliefs and the other one pretty reasonable ones.

    See above - I don't disagree that one side is staunchly on the side of things that I would, personally, consider to be unreasonable, bordering on insane. But if that "side" is the one being led by those in power to believe this, then contempt and hatred is not going to solve anything. Again, I don't even know if it's possible for people who have gone so far down the rabbit hole that they genuinely believe that there is a cabal of cannabilistic pedophiles running the government to even approach the idea of setting aside their beliefs for a moment in order to engage in rationale discourse. I do know lumping people into the "your dumb/stupid/insane" ignores the fact that they are people who are suffering, whose suffering has caused them to reach out for something to believe in to alleviate that pain, and that it is both frightening and tragic that they have been led so far astray that there may be no path back. I also know that making someone into an "other" is exactly what leads people to internally justify all sorts of horrible things (see events of the past week or just the entirety of human existence). 

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  2. MMMph. I was listening to a program a few months ago and a commentator was talking about people's engagement with politics and he observed that, for many people, they aren't actually engaged in politics. Rather, most Americans seem to treat politics as if it is a sport. People have their "team" that they root for, they get together with other fans and repeat the talking points of the sports(news)caster from their favorite network. They cheer their candidates on, they boo their opponents. Everyone on the opposite team is just the worst, worthy of being hated, ridiculed, etc. In extending this metaphor you might even say that if your opposing team scored a touchdown that it's a terrible, horrible thing - the same is true of a victory on policy in politics (it seems like even if the opposing political party somehow passed a bill to bring food to every starving child in the world through benevolent magic, the immediate reaction would be outcry, suspicion and a denunciation of the (insert political party name here)'s use of non-sanctioned dark arts to do the will of the dark underlord Chtulu. 

    I'm fairly strong leaning in my political beliefs but think what I find sad is that, on both sides of the aisle, there is a vociferous, reactionary bent that informs almost all discussions on politics, to the point where it is almost impossible to have any rationale discourse on any political topic. The belief in each side being right and, furthermore, each side having a handle on the "truth" is hard to overcome. People have said we live in "post truth, post fact" times and, unfortunately, this seems to be accurate. If you can say to me that you have 10 sources you believe to be true that masks make your more susceptible to the COVID-19 coronovirus and I tell  you I have 10 sources that I believe to be true that says it is not, and neither one of us is willing to question whether or not our sources are valid then we are at a standstill. Furthermore, if neither of us are willing to question our core beliefs at all, then any discussion is not a discussion: it is an argument to be won or lost. 

    I think what's probably the one truth we can all agree on is this: we are a deeply divided nation, with people on both sides that are suffering greatly. We have people that are every color who are poor, unhealthy, and in need of help. 

    It is my sincere wish that, no matter who is in political office, those who are there will fulfill the duties of their office: to serve in the best interest of the people. Not to rule, but to serve. 

    I know this is farfetched. Perhaps we are just too broken as a people for there to be common ground to be found. I sincerely hope this is not the case, because if we continue down this path, it will only result in continued fear, anger, hatred, and violence. 



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  3. 50 minutes ago, Enthusiast said:

    I'm enjoying Tsushima too, it looks and feels great on ps5. I have been doing a lot of side missions so I am pretty overpowered now. I have not been in a rush to finish the story, but I think Hitman 3 is out next week...

    Nice! Yeah, I'm very early on, but sort of plan on just kind of wandering at some point - I mean, the game really is gorgeous. For some reason I get a little of the same feeling I got when playing Shadow of the Colossus... just sort of lost in this other, lovingly rendered world. .. 

    • Like 1
  4. Currently flipping back and forth between Spider Man: Miles Morales and Ghosts of Tsushima. The latter was one the reasons I was excited to grab a PS5, it hasn't disappointed so far - gorgeous game with an excellent storyline and some strong writing thusfar (though definitely some really odd dialogue portions sometimes - almost feels like two different teams were writing cut-scene and dialogue options sometimes). Loving it. 

    Flipped over to No Man's Sky for a few minutes and, man, it's feels like the game that I wished it was when it launched. The Next-Gen touches (frame rate, resolution, density, etc.) really go a long way to making this feel more realized.  

    • Burger 1

    21 hours ago, Roo said:

    Yeah, his music videos are always a bit of an event. He has made guest appearances on Rage (and other ABC stuff) a couple times since around 2013-14, bit of a dean on retro kitsch and a very funky man. We've recently had a few similar artists who've walked that fine line between irony and genuine avidity, most notably the likes of Kirin J Callinan, Alex Cameron, Holiday Sidewinder, Sam Sparro, Jack Ladder, The Chats, etc.

    Konichiwa was possibly my favourite single of the 10s, and he gave me another SOTY here. Mr. Experience was his first album to fully work for me front-to-back.

    Nice! I'll have to check out those other folks - and yeah, he is right up to that line and somehow ends up being both incredibly funny but also creating bangin' tunes. I definitely was rocking Mr. Experience earlier this year in a completely joyous way for sure. 

    12 hours ago, Zephyr_Nova said:

    Damn, that Strokes song is REALLY good.  Haven't really listened listened to them before, and didn't realize they were still making music.  Will put them on my list.

    Right?! I really thought the whole album was pretty tight from beginning to end, though I don't think there's a song that quite reaches the emotional heights that this one hits. I'm not a huge Strokes fan but there are these tracks that have come along through the years that knock me on my ass with how good they are (check out Ize of the World - very different tone but equally as emotionally genuine and surprisingly cerebral and thought provoking)

  6. 1 hour ago, brian trageskin said:

    thanks for clearing that up 

    btw i wasn't shitposting with my selection, i genuinely like those tunes a lot. it's probably not to everone's taste but it's what i like

    no idea what trif means

    Cheers M8 - and apologies. Sometimes it's hard to tell (particularly around here) if people are on the nose or not (I know I've fallen prey to being pretty snarky myself). No offense intended, and I actually quite liked those tracks (I'm on a bit of a rock meets K/J-pop meets metal kick so these actually kind of slide in well alongside that) - I do think the great thing about this list is, whether it is in jest or sincere, there is such a wide array of different sounds that I absolutely would never have just come across on my own. 

    Trif means "terrific" - think it's British'ism that I stole but it might also be a valley girl thing I stole. 


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  7. 4 hours ago, brian trageskin said:

    just realized this is a song thread as in human voice singing. i didn't post songs, i see our mexican friend did the same mistake. language barrier innit

    here's some songs 



    Nah, songs don't need words. .. though this does bring up a philosophical question about what constitutes a "track" versus a "song." I think Aphex actually addressed this at some point making some sort of distinction between songs having a distinct structured format whereas track are a bit more meandering. I don't know. I could have just made that shit up. 

    Anyway, carry on. Some of these seem like they are dancing precipitously close to the edge of satire but, since this is the WATMM SOTY playlist, I'm keeping 'em on because, damn, isn't that such a WATMM thing to do? Also, that clowncore track is trif. 


  8. 17 hours ago, Soloman Tump said:


    Did you have to pay for it?  Just interested in how the US system for rollout is working.

    Looking how far down the priority list I am, and how much of a shit storm the UK is right now, Ill be lucky to get vaccinated before Summer is out.  The NHS is overwhelmed with patients.  Im guessing vaccinations will eventually become available in the private sector and you will be able to pay for it if you can afford it.

    Thanks friend! 

    No, didn't have to pay, but I work for a healthcare system so don't believe anyone within the system is going to have to pay (also, believe this is going to be the case with all first responders/frontline folks). Yeah, it's going to be ... interesting to see how it shakes out in the private sector. I think there has been some sort of vague promise in the US that "anyone who wants to get one will be able without it costing an arm and a leg" but... we'll see. US is pretty shitstormy too these days so who knows... 

    My wife's in the same boat - she's young, healthy, no comorbities, etc. It'll probably be Summer for her -plus our daughter is still breastfeeding so there's this added "should I?" factor. 

    Hope you don't have to wait that long - who knows, maybe our governments will get their shit together!*


    *always good to start the new year off w. a lol

  9. Got my first shot today. Never been so excited about having a needle shoved in my arm.

    Actually a little surprised I was able to get a spot, as I'm not technically a patient facing healthcare worker (though I do wander the clinics for work related stuffs). I actually wondered if it was from people refusing to be vaccinated and spots opening up, but I suspect it just because my hospital system actually has its shit together.

    It's funny, even a few months ago I was like "well, I'm ok waiting a few months anyway, just to see what the side effects shake out." This AM:



    • Like 4
  10. Awesome. Loving this shit. Went ahead and replaced w/ Youtube links (agreed Spotify is shit for those w/out an account). Added link to Youtube playlist in first post, will continue to add vids as they come across here. Cheers WATMM!

  11. UPDATED: Youtube Playlist here: 


    Happy 2021!  Last year I got a lot of mileage out of the WATMM SOTY thread - helped provide a lot of light in a dark year, so figure it's high time to continue the tradition in 2021! 

    Realize there may be more than one SOTY for you, please feel free to post several. If people (you don't have to) would be kind enough to post Spotify links, I'll also create a WATMM SOTY playlist and post it here for everyone to enjoy. Here's mine, in no particular order:

    1.  Poppy - Concrete     I would actually probably choose "Don't Go Outside" but you really have to have listened to (and enjoyed) the full album to get the full effect there. Anyway, Concrete sort of distills what's best about this album, alternating between thrash metal, japanese bublegum pop and then straight up pop rock at the outro. 

    2. The Strokes - At the Door   Something immensely crushing but also uplifting about this track. It made me cry when I first listened to it. Still gives me the sniffles. 

    3. Busta Rhymes (w Kendrick Lamaar) - Everything from the chopped Michael Jackson sample to a killer verse by Kenrick and a hot as fire verse by Busta, can't beat this track. 
    4. Spillage Village - Ea'alah (Family) - This whole record is amazeballs, hard to pick just one track, but this one is a pretty great summation of everything good about this record - gospel tinged melodies and guitars mixed with street mentality. 


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  12. Before I post, wanted to ask - did anyone do a Song of the Year thread yet? I remember last year someone did that and I ended up making a WATMM SOTY playlist that has helped carry me through this year...

    Anyway, here's my picks: 

    The Strokes - The New Abnormal  - Never been a massive Strokes fan but when they dropped At The Door I was supremely moved and then the whole album totally bowled me over. Timely title. Christ

    Melted Self - Spectral Disorder - A bit hard to choose between this and One.Line. I think One.Line is probably the more immediately accessible, but SD rewards great dividends on repeat listening. Go buy it

    Spillage Village - Spilligion 

     I gotta link this one because holy FUCK did this album come out of nowhere (and I imagine it may not be on most people's radar here) and just totally rock my world. A totally strange mix of gospel, rap, shades of Fuggees, Pharcyde, I hear some Arrested Development in there, maybe some Eryka Baduh (sp?), some Kendrick... Anyway, if you are a hip hop fan (or just a music fan) check this one out.  

    Gorillaz - Song Machine Volume 1 - While somewhat uneven, a great, bubbling, sunshine drenched cesspool of creativity. A good reminder in a shit year that there is still joy out there. 

    [ ]< = BUAH. Duh.

    Busta Rhymes - ELE2 - Good timing bro. Though this sat on the shelf since ~2014 as the stories go, the release this year was perfect. A rock solid album with a few filler-ish tracks, but a good general flow and Busta performing at the top of his game, shitting all over other MC's. Look Over your Shoulder w/ Kendrick is a standout, but a ton of good content here (Slow Flow with Old Dirty Bastard, also amazing). 

    Eminem - Music to be Murdered By. With the caveat that Em should probably sing less on his own tracks and cut out at least 2/3 of the tracks talking about his problems with women, this is a stellar record, proving (like the Busta Rhymes album) that some things just get better with age. I love that he's still honing his craft, still improving, still fire. 

    Honorable Mention: Billie Eyelash When We All Fall Asleep Do We Fart and if We Do Does it Smell Bad - It's not a 2020 album but I discovered it earlier this year and played it to death. Unabashedly love it. 

    • Like 1
  13. @ignatius cheers, bought ?

    @sheatheman yeah, the Soundtoys bundle looks great, wish I had a little more cash. Particularly like that Jamie Lidell vid. Miter saw ftw! (Sample that shit!)

    @Berk totally! Their labs stuff always seems to have a high degree of quality and/or something unique about the sounds. Only recently discovered the company, really enjoy their obvious love of sound 

    and, yeah, sort of a GAS thread but really more of a what kind of deals are out there for this particular period of time. Not trying to disturb the balance of the force so happy if mods want to merge (though it will assuredly die on its own in t-minus 5 days)

    • Thanks 1
  14. Ignore the fancy title. Mainly just thinking about how easy it is to drops loads of cash on VST's and software where, if you had to put it against a physical object, you might think twice. 

    Question here is: Is there anything you're picking up for Black Friday that's a super steal (or that you already have, but you've noticed is a key piece of software other people should take advantage of)?

    I picked up NI Noire for their 50% discount sale - I had, ahem, tried it out beforehand and feel like it's my perfect piano VST - the feel of it is exactly what I want and the added bonus of the particles engine makes for some very excellent ambience. Highly recommended. 

    Also, while I really can't justify spending any more, would note that Spitfire Audio is having their black weekend sale and pretty much all their stuff is excellent. In particular, the Olafur Arnalds instruments are great sounding w/ an interesting, sort of modular sequencer. 



  15. Just finished Katana Zero last night. Fucking awesome. Word is that this was programmed by one guy which, if so, is pretty nuts. 

    People seemed to slag the story as being too short/simple ... or something. I don't get that at all as, besides the excellent gameplay and inventive level design, the story actually moved me. 

    A great 4-5 hour little indie, hoping for DLC to resolve the ending. 


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  16. 2 hours ago, Cryptowen said:

    The problem is that I feel like there are shitloads of ppl on the right who would echo that exact sentiment, except replace "fascism" with "globalism/the NWO" and "Trump" with "Biden/Harris". Increasingly it feels like both sides are inhabiting distinct realities in which their side is the voice of the people & the other side represents a demonic force that wants to instill tyranny (not advocating for horseshoe theory here or suggesting that some vague "every side has its flaws" stance is the way to go here, just noting that there does seem to increasingly be a total breakdown of communication between the poles)

    Yah, 2nd this. I play this game in my head where I go read an article on the "other" side, then read the comments but replace the names of the people with the other person/do a similar substitution. Do the same for articles and comments for the positions I support. It's basically exactly the same, and very disheartening. Generally a mix of uncontaminated vitriol, name calling, and some slightly more sophisticated thinking that, upon examination, usually only reflects a prepackaged talking point that itself is questionable. 

    It kind of hurts my heart, mostly bc of what you're talking about: this extreme view that the other side is pure evil and wants embrace tyranny. And then, once this belief is there, the complete inability to step back and find common ground. Like, fuck you you're dead to me forever and ever amen. Very sad. We live during such a trying time, where we really need to be looking out for other. I think people desperately need kindness, understanding and love but everywhere you turn it seems like all you see is hate, distrust, and selfishness. 



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  17. On 10/24/2020 at 11:49 AM, Cryptowen said:

    When I first put this on I thought "this sounds like something the DJ would drop around 2AM in his club mix, after seeing his mate get totally blown off by a pretty girl on the dancefloor. It's gonna start off kinda sad & then crank up the energy". And then SURE ENOUGH the dnb drops near about halfway in. Good work, manages two distinct moods & energy levels in the space of 3.5 minutes without feeling jarring. Also did not listen to the original yet so this is with ears going in unbiased

    Awesome. This makes me so happy because it's totally the vibe I was going for but I couldn't have articulated nearly as well. Yeah, the original is ...  yeah, no face melting going on there. ?

    On 11/10/2020 at 1:03 AM, Acedia said:

    Yo that break kicks ass, love how it comes outta left field. Also that deeeep distorted bass at the end is super cool. I would maybe turn the hats down a bit so they're not so prominent throughout the track. Otherwise, sweet track dude.

    Thnx! It's this amazing (and free) synth called Pendulate https://www.eventideaudio.com/products/third-party-plug-ins/chaotic-generator/pendulate

    Designed by one of the guys from the original Eventide team. There's also a paid synth thats the big brother w polyphony that's worth looking in to. 

    Agreed on the hi hats and thnx for feedback (ofc left this to the last minute so didn't do a particularly thorough job mixing) 

  18. Its so funny. Last night I spent like a good 15 mins starting to program the midi scales for each key into the piano roll (basically you shunt all the notes to the left of the grid, push the start point after, then fold and bam everything is in that scale). Being able to fold to scales plus comping is enough to justify this for me. Spectral device *drools*

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