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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by T3551ER

  1. ^^ 

    yay! Yeah, @Tim_J too I think y'all will like it, particularly if you are into Stalenhag's stuff. It really does capture the vibe of it.

    @caze yeah, if you didn't like those aspects in the first two episodes.. . well, let's just say as far as I've watched, a recurrent theme seems to be what is not said, that likely should have been, and the regret and missed opportunities that arise because of that. I mean, it's still a very beautiful show, but the wonderment is always undercut by some level of heartache (but, ya know, that sorta appeals to my weltschmertz sensibilities so there ya go)

  2. Tales from the Loop. Based on the artwork of Simon Stalenhag (which is an odd qualifier, but think at least some folks here are a fan). About halfway through. It's spectacular. More of a study in humanity than sci-fi - somehow captures the sense of melancholic otherworldly nostalgia of the paintings.


    • Like 4
    • Thanks 2
  3. On 2/29/2020 at 6:05 PM, Tim_J said:

    i did before, he has it for a long time... we should all have it to commemorate twin peaks day, it was on the 24th...

    lol I just noticed this in another thread and had a momentary identity crisis when I didn't remember posting something you wrote... are you my doppleganger?!!! (jk)

    Agreed, should be a mass avatar switch for TP day. . . love that vid of Kale recreating his entrance. . . 

    BTW, good work grabbing that set. The S3 Blu Rays were a noticeable bump from the original stream. IIRC the OG series was essentially remastered w/ Lynch's input for the penultimate set, so you're getting, basically, the best possible look at these (plus all that extra material, and 4k of Ep 8 + pilot(s) which is amazeballs). Def think once you get you Bluray setup sussed out it'll pay dividends for years to come! ?

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  4. Finished Jedi: Fallen Order. Fantastic. Both surprising and a bit disappointing to hear that it sounds like they were forced to meet a deadline to release and would have preferred to let it cook longer. Surprising because what's there is a wonderful game on it's own, and an amazing Star Wars game to boot. Disappointing because there is a final layer of polish missing that would make it A+++ and one wonders how much more they could have done with a little extra time. Inevitable (one hopes) sequel = a must buy. 

    Continuing to procrastinate/put off studying and general adult responsibilities by playing: 



    So, basically, House of Leaves meets Remedy's gameplay formula. They totally nail the feel of the powers (which are, essentially, Force powers) in a way that I think gameplay videos don't actually do justice to. The look/feel/aesthetic are top notch. It's B+ because: although almost all of the story and aspects of the house are well done, there is some real ham-fisted shit in the main storyline. While the rest of the game does some fanstastic show don't tell, it's like they were afraid context wouldn't be enough in the main dialogue so a lot of it is unnecessarily forced exposition. And - technical shits: Long load times and infrequent but annoying stutters on Xbox One S. Remedy games always seems to have this issue so not unprepared, merely annoyed. Turning off motion blur made this 65% more playable. 

    Don't get me wrong, it's great. For those who like their game worlds hallucinogenic this game delivers and I'm constantly impressed by the decisions made to build a game that is constantly introducing new and interesting elements that feel both unique and in support of a greater framework. The pleasure of


    levitating into the air, force grabbing a chunk of concrete and slamming it into an enemy 

    literally never gets old. There is a weight and heft to everything that is palpable, buoyed by the responsiveness of the environment. 

    Ultimately, I can't wait to play this game as backwards compatible on Xbox Series X when the processing power of that box removes the technical niggles that prevent my ultimate enjoyment. They are planning multiple DLC's for the future, and plan to continue to extend the game in various ways, so I'm also stoked for the future of the franchise.



    • Like 1
  5. 4 hours ago, milkface said:

    Same here, the track has seriously grown on me recently, the vibe of the minimalist instrumental with the really nice vocal delivery really resonates well with me. Although I really like 2001-2006 Strokes, I totally understand them switching to a cleaner sound.

    Yeah, think bands that continue to evolve are the most rewarding (to me at any rate) - it's why Radiohead remains an enjoyment (again, to me). . . they never seem like they look back and go "oh, we should do more like THAT album" 

    This track feels . . . new and very present. And like it has something to say (and that something is heartfelt and true). Quite moving, really .. . 

    • Like 1
  6. On 2/11/2020 at 3:02 PM, milkface said:

    New Strokes single out today!

    Wow. I watched the video w/ sound on low and felt kind of meh ("where's the drums"?) then listened to this later on headphone + in the car at full tilt volume. Really fallen in love with this track, makes me pretty excited for what the full album will sound like, def the most I've been hyped for a rock album in some time. . .

    • Like 1
  7. 32 minutes ago, Soloman Tump said:

    I instantly thought "Canon" the first time I heard the track over the weekend.

    Which then reminds me of Green Day's Basket Case.


    lolol never realized that. . . just googled and came up w/ this (someone just needs to add Oberlove to the mix and it'd be mashup of the century)


  8. On 2/8/2020 at 7:54 PM, job said:


    Ok I finally figured out where I that Oberlove melody was sounding so familiar from... the opening orchestral bit from "I Am The Walrus". Sounds pretty close to me.



    If anything, Pachelbel's Canon


    • Like 2
  9. 16 hours ago, zero said:

    Since I wasn't able to make it through all 80 minutes, missed this state of the union nugget that we're gonna bring the MAGA lovin shit show to Mars...wouldn't surprise me if the Mars flag has donnie's signature scribbled all over it, or maybe a MAGA pin or Trump International logo tacked on.




    16 hours ago, zero said:



    "In reaffirming our heritage as a free nation, we must remember that America has always been a frontier nation. Now we must embrace the next frontier: America's manifest destiny in the stars," Trump said during last night's speech. "I am asking Congress to fully fund the Artemis program to ensure that the next man and first woman on the moon will be American astronauts, using this as a launching pad to ensure that America is the first nation to plant its flag on Mars."


    Wait, what? Did he actually use the term "manifest destiny"? FFS :facepalm:

    • Facepalm 1
  10. Browsing through the latter part of this thread, kinda crazy to think on just how many (arguably) good albums he's put out. Go Plastic def 10/10 for me and like Braintree said DYKS for title track alone, tho also have special love for F-train too. Lots of nostalgia for those releases. Then I start thinking about other albums and I'm like, yeah, Ultravisitor has some killer tracks (Tetra Sync is fucking amazeballs . .. when it drops out of the "live" performance into the chopped beat? jaw drop moment first time I heard it; also love the the classical guitar tracks), oh wait can't forget about Bid Loada (ffs Come on My Selectaaaaaa is on there), then HND, music is rotted, even Selection 16 . . .

    Anyway, guess what I'm saying is I'm grateful at the embarassment of riches that is the []< catalogue. Even recent releases I'm mostly come around to (took me several years w/ Damogen, but re listened to it recently and started to enjoy it for just a "fun" album). This one probably the most immediate and direct connection I've felt in a decade, which is exciting. . . Glad he's still putting music out. 



    • Like 1
  11. On 12/4/2019 at 9:59 PM, Rubin Farr said:

    Anyone playing SW Jedi Fallen Order?  It seems cool, like an updated Jedi Knight, or Force Unleashed.

    Searched this thread just to see if anyone else had an opinion on this. Impulse bought it over the weekend:

    Stuff to get out of the way (caveats/technical stuffs/etc.)

    Not like Force Unleashed, as that's much more a hack-n-slash god mode jedi experience and this is a much more souls style of combat or, perhaps, the Arkham Batman games. I'm playing on Jedi Master and routinely getting my ass handed to me - partly because I insist on trying to play it like FU and not focusing enough on parrying, dodging, and timing. I'm ok with it though, because it's not ultra punishing, and when I successfully ping back a laser beam or defeat a group of storm troopers, it feels earned. You can always switch down the difficulty - which widens the timing for parrying, enemy aggressiveness, etc. 

    This has all been said before in reviews but a very metroid-esque set up of labyrinthine levels, the meditating (campfires) restore health etc. at price of enemies respawning (more Souls-stuff). If you die, lose XP and unspent skill points, and have to find enemy that killed you and hit them to regain. Sets up an interesting if painfully OCD triggering rush to find the dude who kicked your ass, and then have it repeatedly kicked another 24 times. Again, not deal breakers, because you don't, like, lose EVERYTHING when you die and, again, one could (theoretically) just shift down the difficulty to "story mode" and just walk through an encounter. Will say the load times are horrible. . . I mean, talking like a full minute or something to reload after dying sometimes. . . though, falling to your death/dying in environmental shits is almost instant. I don't know why. It's the one thing I really have a hard time with (given I have, like 25 minutes a day to game, spending 5 of those reloading is shitty). Some of the platforming stuff is tougher than it should be (I mean, controls aren't precise enough in some very specific circumstances leading to frustration). Visuals on character models during cut scenes are lol AF on the Xbox One-S. 


    Quit a lot to love here, particularly in the early goings of the game. People have complained about the protagonist being somewhat flat, but I don't really feel that way at all, particularly given the back story of the character it makes sense that he's reticent. I actually feel like some solid dialogue and character building, in a genre that doesn't always do a good (or even decent) job of it.  I had concerns I was going to hate the "droid companion" but they nailed the "droids are basically dogs" feel with BB1, and he is 100% a helpful companion/good addition and not a detriment. The environments (on the three planets I've encountered) are gorgeous, with a real sense of scale, with changeability across the different planets. I mean, I spent some time last night on a cliff overlooking a massive oceanic just. . ..looking at it. Playing on the S so HDR is on, and I suspect that adds to the cinematic sense. 

    I actually have had several moments where I was reminded of, of all things, Shadow of the Colossus. Which I never thought I'd write about a Star Wars game, but there you go. A similar sense of wandering large landscape, places that have, perhaps, been abandoned and/or are alien and ancient. Pastoral mixed with magic mixed with man-made structures. Very cool shit. 

    And, of course, it's Star Wars. And, so far, a very well realized Star Wars playground. The sounds, visuals, etc. are on point, and expound on what's familiar in interesting ways. So glad that they went the route they did with the combat - although Force Unleashed was a lot of fun, there is something about the heft and weight of the combat here that is ultra-rewarding. 

    Minor technical quibbles aside, so far, it's awesome. Only lament I don't have more time to game, as trying to play this in 15 minute bursts isn't really (IMHOP) the best way to do it. You really need to spend like an hour sort of marinating in it (I think) to enjoy it, particularly when you factor in the potential for dying a fair amount (and the god awful load times).     





  12. yeah, yowsas this is really good. . . somehow both old and new, both precise and organic. . . probably the most I've connected w/ [ ] < in a while, and it's only been a few listens in.  . . can't wait for the lossless files. . . 

    • Like 1
  13. 4 hours ago, iococoi said:




    Watched Joker over the weekend, it was not exactly what I was expecting (in a good way). Phoenix was phenomenal, very much enjoyed the ambiguity of an unreliable narrator. Not sure why all the hate, it was exactly what is set out to be: an interesting character study, well acted, placing the framework of the comics in a much more real (if still slightly comic book-y) setting. Won't watch it again (why subject yourself to the horrors of this film when the real world already has it in spades?), but glad I watched it once. 

  14. 18 hours ago, Rubin Farr said:


    Legit question: Why the fuck is it that random people with a decently beefy PC and some slick prog skills (eg Cntrl Shift Face) can seemingly throw together a deepfake that looks, like, 99% legit in a few weeks but somehow young Luke and Leia and resurrected Tarkin look like absolute ass in the official movies w/ a billion $ budget and the most advanced technological equipment that exists? 

    • Haha 1
  15. On 12/28/2019 at 8:15 PM, TRiP said:

    That prog seems vvvery interesting -  thanks for sharing! 

    Also picked up a MKii recently and have been trying to get my head around it

    Saw some of that guys tutorials on youtube and thought he presented well, shall check more I think

    NP! Do a search on the elektron forums for "megabreak" and it'll give you some ideas on how to use that aspect of the prog. 

    I've been obsessively watching tutorials for this thing - here's a quick one that gives you something interesting to play with (a sort of granular playback thing using retrig and playback position):


    • Like 3
  16. lol I'm probably going to be really in the minority here but here goes anyway (EP 9 Spoiler Free Review):



    Going to preface this by saying I think one of the major detriments of the modern era is that it is almost impossible to go see a film of any pop culture visibility without having also been inundated with messages about it. There is a trailer everywhere you look, and if not that, then something across your feed with someone's take (even if it's only a headline - and in today's world, that headline is almost never a middle path: "Stay Wars 9! JJ Abrams Ruins Your Childhood!!!"  or "Star Wars!!! It will grow you dick by 10 inches!!!!"), or via the endless number of shitty tie-ins, force burgers, Kylo waifu's, Rey double sided flashlight dildo's or. . . wait, what was I talking about? Oh yeah, basically, it is almost impossible to go into a movie like this without being nudged or outright shoved to having some expectation before you even put your ass in the seat. It makes you watch a movie always questioning how you feel about a scene, whether or not it lines up with what you've read, with whatever opinion you've heard, or even your own opinion you've formed before you even got there. 

    Ok, so, here's the deal. JJ Abrams is about the same age as I am, and clearly Star Wars hit at the same time and in the same way. It's clear that this is a fan made movie for fans of Star Wars and, I'd argue, probably fans of Star Wars that were probably affected by it in the same way at the same time in their lives. I loved it. I laughed and I cried and the more I think about it, the more I want to go back and watch it again. I think about the feeling I got when I watched the original trilogy as a kid, and it so was not about how much the plot made sense as it was about the rush of the experience. It was about how I felt about these characters, who were flawed, and larger than life and who went through the hero's journey over and over (without, I might add, me questioning why the films would do this). I was thinking about ROTJ this AM - in that film, Lei goes to save Han in the middle of Jabbas palace, gets him out of the carbonite, and then pauses to take off her mask and tell him she loves him. Why are you not booking TF out of there? Where was your plan to take weak-ass Han out of there without making a ton of noise? So, after that, Luke rolls up and then.  . . intends to get captured? And, wait, did they also intend for Leia to be captured? Was it all done so that Lando (who is also somehow there) and everyone else on the team (who has been placed into extreme danger by this whole plan by allowing themselves to be captured - what if Jabba was like "oh, hey, maybe you should search that droid for weapons, like a lightsaber" or just straight up wacked them all) can kick some ass and he can do a cool flip off the diving board and grab his lightsaber in mid air and the team can fight off the enter pleasure barge, and we can see that scary pit in the desert with all the teeth, and Han can blind-shoot Bobba, also so Leia can be in a hot bikini?

    Yes. That's exactly why that shit happened, because most of the shit in Star Wars doesn't make a ton of sense if you spend more than 2 minutes actually thinking about it. It's a bunch of machinations to allow our heroes to have adventures and look cool AF while also tying in to some archetypes of light/dark and presenting the heroes journey while also giving us characters who we care about (with some side doses of humor periodically to lighten the mood). Also, badass lightsaber battles. And force lightning and shit. 

    I've now read a lot of reviews post facto, and the critical ones seemed hell bent on picking out what "doesn't make any sense" and decrying the film as fan service. They also seem to make a big deal of JJ jettisoning Rian Johnson's TLJ wholesale, when, in fact, he does a ton to build off of what is in that film. What they don't seem interesting in is examining the many, many ways that this film does interesting things with the world of Star Wars, how it builds off of everything that came before, providing echoes, interesting bits that actually are fascinating when you take some time to think about them afterwards. I suspect that, when the furor has calmed down, it will be revealing to get people's takes when they watch all the films together, with this as the capstone.  

    I guess my feelings on this film come down to this: This is a fan film providing fan service to fans of Star Wars (and particularly, I think, fans that probably had a similar experience as JJ did growing up). If you didn't want that, then you probably won't like this film, and if you don't like Star Wars then you won't like this Star Wars, which Stars Wars'es harder than any Star Wars has ever Star Warred before. If you did want that, then it's here for you in spades - stop worrying about whether or not you are supposed to enjoy it and just let yourself go into it. It'll be a hell of a ride. You'll laugh, you'll cry, and maybe, just maybe, you'll spend a couple of hours free from thinking about what someone else thinks you should be thinking about something (including yourself). 




    • Like 1
  17. Ta m8 ? Yeah, so, part of the plan is to do just that - send via audio interface out and capture live samples. Right now, just spending some time wrapping my head around the workflow of the device. Part of that work is dumping a metric ass ton of samples I have onto the CF card and fucking around with that... which is such a pleasure. Waiting for appropriate patch cables for routing audio and such to arrive. . .

    It's a very flexible machine innit? I actually have been considering how I'd like to use it - one thing I'm going to do is take some old tracks and bounce audio of individual tracks down to samples, and then remix in the machine. . . another is to slave it to renoise via midi and use it as a performance device for various sounds in to add to existing tracks (maybe even do live remixing). Possibilities seem endless...

    Anyway, extremely satisfied with it - takes me back to early days working w/ a Boss sampler and the joys of working within the limits of a "box" - something that seems to encourage experimentation and "play" (at least for me) - though, this particular box seems like it can do almost anything w/ exception of, maybe, extensive synthesis + polyphony per track. . .

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