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Posts posted by T3551ER

  1. 14 hours ago, sweepstakes said:

    Thanks for validating. My friends talk so much shit about this, but as even-keeled popcorn horror, it's pretty damn good. Maybe it's the happy ending that bothers people.

    Yeah, I mean there are so many amazing scenes in this (and it's kind of crazy that it's only PG-13, 'cause I'm pretty sure I remember Tom Cruise running (lol of course) while mf'ers are getting vaporized all around him and at some point stopping to realize he's covered in the ash of all these people that were killed). I dunno, I do hate the ending, but up until that point I'm, like 100% all in on this one. 

    Also - glad someone brought up Baraka and films of that ilk - Planet Earth on Blu-Ray HDR on a good set is amazeballs, visually unmatched but also something you can just kind of chill to. Good for the comedown...

    Also, GD, thank  ya'll - this thread totally delivers... going to be coming back to this one for years to come mining the good shit. WATMM massif FTW! 


    • Like 1
  2. EDIT this was to reference to Yakuza post-> ^ lol holy wtf. Love it. Also, agreed on the Guardians films. My wife and I watch the first one at least once a year, never disappoints. 

    @Braintree reminded me of how great Hero is. The falling leaves scene alone is just gahhhh, love it. OT but Ghosts of Tsushima def makes me feel at times as if I'm living in that realm...

    2nd EDIT: oh right! yeah, THX is so good - the remaster is also one of the few times where Lucas retouched his old stuff and it actually seemed to make it better .. 

    • Like 2
  3. Ohhhh, been meaning to watch Phase IV, forgot about that. Grats ya'll, lots of ones here I haven't seen yet (or partially seen - Mandy got vetoed by the missus but loved what I saw). Bladerunner 2049 also prob fits this in addition to OG Bladerunner. Visually redonkulous but yeah substance there too...

    EDIT: @drillkickerJust watched the trailer for Playtime ?

  4. I sort of hesitate to make a new thread for this, but not sure it really fits in the larger movies thread. Between school, work, baby and life in general, find myself being drawn to watching films that are not too substative (but not just dumb) and look amazing. Basically, things I could just smoke and veg out to. Any recommendations? Things that I think fall in this category are:

    • Jupiter Ascending - total fairy tale/fluff but great world building and visually awesome
    • Batman V Superman - I just rewatched the extended version and PM loved it. It's actually more thematically dense than I think people give it credit for, looks amazeballs, not too challenging on the brain piece. Most of Snyder's stuff probably fits in this category
    • Prometheus - as heady sci-fi it's terrible; as cheesy horror with interesting lofty ideas it's amazing. Looks triff
    • War of the Worlds (Spielberg version) - been a minute, but this one is just a joy to watch, no wasted scenes. Almost perfect expect for the last 2 minutes. Looks incredible. 
    • Mad Max: Fury Road - from beginning to end, str8 lushness. Amazeballs. 
    • EDIT: Star Wars Rise of Skywalker - lol what a fucking shitshow but man I love getting blazed and watching this. When you abandon any hope of trying to make this a cogent film and just take it as a series of scenes that are loosely strung together it's the tits


    • Like 1
  5. WandaVision. Glad I waited to watch up until this point, as I can imagine watching the first 2-3 episodes week by week would be maddeningly slow. Feels more like a long movie than a TV show in a lot of ways, pretty much in love at this point. 


    The Evan Peters Quicksilver shit just fucking awesome. Like, no idea where they are going to go with it, but as a way of introducing the fact that they now have access to the X-Mean universe was brilliant. Also, I love Evan Peters so any chance he'll be around for even one more episode is awesome. 


  6. 45 minutes ago, beerwolf said:

    Cool. Appreciate your insight because Season 2 was like an endurance test. I was sitting through it thinking to myself 'you will not defeat me' 'I will finish you' ?

    ? I feel you... I even felt that a little bit during S3 but nowhere near as often as S2... and, from hindsight, S4 is such a homerun (IMHOP) that I wished I'd started earlier/had S3 more fresh in my mind going in to it (all the seasons actually). You are in for a treat!

    • Like 2
  7. On 1/30/2021 at 10:51 AM, beerwolf said:

    Watched season 1 of Mr Robot thought it was fucking excellent. Watched second season of Mr Robot thought it was okay but ridiculously hard work to wade through. Had a break and now going to start season 3. Hopefully it will be better than 2....

    Season 3 is great, some say that it brings some needed context to Season 2. Season 4 is fucking amazing, a total payoff for watchers of the series and somehow manages to still surprise - though I think that's secondary to the absolutely wonderful resolution of these characters, most of whom are finding ways to emerge from being broken by life in interesting and truly moving ways. 

    • Like 2
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  8. I still have random dreams where I'm running around the basement - license to kill in basement was always a fave, as well as any match in the complex. 

    I got this up and running last night in single player, played through a bit of the Dam level. A couple of minor hitches on my aging gaming laptop, but otherwise smooth as butter. The best thing I can say is that it feels like Goldeneye you remember. .. just at a higher rez and higher FPS. 

    Multiplayer on Xbox software emulators is not working (yet) - looks like people who are online playing are using modded xbox's... just a matter of time though...

  9. I know some people will say "this should go in the video games thread" but . HOLY CRAP THIS IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING


    Some extra tidbits from trawling the interwebs:

    - The online multiplayer is not working in the basic download, but people have already figured out a way to make it work (if i understand correctly, this is running on an XBox360 emulator and there are ways to essentially make the "Xbox Link" work across the interwebs

    - I'm going to get tons of shit for this from anyone except Goldeneye purists but omfg apparently there is an option for remote splitscreen multiplayer...!!!!!!!!! This is basically a critical piece of the Goldeneye OG multiplayer experience and thanks the gods that whoever was originally working on the remaster realized this. 

    • Like 2
  10. 21 hours ago, Tim_J said:


    20 hours ago, Tim_J said:

    he also did paranoia agent which is pretty good...

    Cheers! That Black Swan analysis is pretty fascinating - it's clear that Aronofsky must be a fan (the bathtub scene in PB almost had me jump out of my seat b/c of the nod to it in Requiem). Sad confession of the year is I haven't seen Black Swan (or Mother!) yet.... 

    Oh, also, still have synchronic on my "to watch" list... I keep seeing it only for "buy" not rent and the part of me that knows I might legit hate is like ...."is is worth 9 bucks and 2 hrs of your life?" 

    20 hours ago, zero said:

    from what I recall (it's been so long since I saw either), Perfect Blue is far more of a straight forward story than Paprika, which requires multiple viewings to understand everything since it's just so dense with plot info. and even with that, I remember not being entirely satisfied with how it all unraveled. 

    K good to know. I love Twin Peaks S3 so fine with convoluted, multi-viewings stuff... but it's good to know that going in. Sometimes you wanna watch Mulholland, sometimes ya wanna watch Batman V Superman (which, incidentally) I watched again over the weekend because I needed a break from studying. Extended cut is dope, but I'm also a bit of Snyder apologist)


  11. On 1/22/2021 at 11:32 AM, J3FF3R00 said:





    btw... Congrats @T3551ER ??? 

    No, YOU are! ^0^  Ok, just did a hallway consult w/ Chief of Heme/Onc and she confirmed pm what I said above: recommended 4 day window b/c it's believed that you need to allow the body to be primed to provide a robust immune response to the 2nd dose. Believed, b/c (again as above) there is just so much we don't know for sure. One thing she brought up is that taking bamlanivimab (tx for COVID) might be a vector that affects the vaccine so there is some guidance to hold vaccine's for a certain period (not set in stone, this is just anecdotal). 

    So, there you go - my sense from talking w/her is kind of what I alluded to earlier: these are recommendations based on what we know about vaccines and how the trials were conducted, but we can't be 100% sure on the "right" thing - just the things that make the most sense w/in the context of what we do know. 

    BTW, if it gives you comfort, I'm part of a voluntary study for COVID screening and behaviors. Part of it is an at-home serology test for antibodies - I did one yesterday (only a few days post 2nd dose, and I took that one 3 days earlier) - I tested positive for both antibodies so, again just an N=1, it looks like I already have antibodies. As an aside: this was the first line test I've ever gotten the results of where I was like "please let there be a 2nd line, please let there be a 2nd line". 

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  12. On 1/21/2021 at 9:28 AM, J3FF3R00 said:

    Many thanks! Good tip! I'm surprised at how little info there is about this out there.

    I think, in general, mom could actually use a bit more hi-pass to bring some sparkle out in her 100-200 Hz range.

    lel. BTW, I legit have been trying to catch our Heme/Onc Chief here to ask her your question but haven't had a chance to connect (she would know). I do think the answer is probably: we just don't know. I did a little digging and, as Xox noted above, the research is evolving and suggesting that later than scheduled 2nd doses might still be effective. It does look like conventional wisdom is that multistep dosing regimens with a second dose given earlier than scheduled may not confer the same effectiveness, as the immune system is not fully primed to provide the type of lasting and complete response the 2nd dose brings. 

    But, really? I think we just don't know for sure/ The +/- 4 day window is probably based on conventional vaccine scheduling, but there just isn't data to know (yet) how far this can be stretched - partly b/c anyone in the trials would have had to adhere strictly to this regimen, so we're not going to really know for a while if people who deviated from this had some negative effect. I mean, we don't even know how long the vaccine is effective for, or even (for sure) if people who are successfully vaccinated might be carriers or not. 

    Anyway, still on my radar to ask, will report back w/ what I hear... 


    EDIT: Also, got my 2nd shot today. Got my eyes on you ibuprofen bottle...

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  13. 11 minutes ago, Tim_J said:

    The endless is a bit difficult because of the atrocious acting and weak directing... It didn't really grabbed me the 1st time but after watching resolution for the 2nd time I got back to the endless and it was a much better experience... I'd like to hear your thoughts on synchronic though... Make me feel less of an hater... 

    haha k, I'll give it a whirl, will report back. Yeah, the acting in the endless and direction def took me out of it... but I really did like the ideas, the execution just seemed a bit janky... actually, think it'd be fun to do one-day movie marathon of all these guys' flicks but, like: smoke, watch spring, smoke more, watch resolution, smoke tons watch endless, smoke quantities watch synchronic. Seems like blurring the lines a bit might help w/ their stuffs....

    • Like 1
  14. On 1/15/2021 at 5:09 PM, Tim_J said:

    i'm sad to say but this movie was really bad... like, really really bad... had such high hopes for it...

    spring was my least favorite of them... have you seen resolution? if you do you might enjoy the endless a bit more... both movies plots are intertwined...

    Oof... yeah, the trailers made me really worried, though had a glimmer of hope. 

    Haven't seen resolution (yet) know about some of the connective tissue - I feel like their films really require the right headspace. Like, I suspect I'd have enjoyed the Endless more if I was in a different mood - also think I could have easily hated spring a lot but it just hit me at the right time in my life to love it. I actually have hesitated to re-watch because I'm afraid I'll mar the experience. Will give resolution a go though, avoid Synchronic cheers TJ

  15. On 1/12/2021 at 9:27 PM, Tim_J said:



    What did you think? I love love love Spring but wasn't as keen on the Endless- have been slightly worried this one would be a similar melange of interesting ideas that don't quite gel...

    EDIT: Holy crap! These guys are going to be directing Moon Knight? I'm sold (I know very little about MK but could see a miniseries really lending itself to these guys' talents)

  16. 1 hour ago, cyanobacteria said:

    So you think the Republican party is anything more than the explicit arm of vulgar capitalist desires?

    N..no? I... apologies, it's sometimes hard to read intent on the internet. Your initial response seemed like you understood the perspective I was proposing and were being jocular in an ironic way. But I wasn't sure, so, like "lol?" I'm clearer now, carry on. 

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