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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by T3551ER

  1. MMM La Jetee. What an amazeballs film. . . the eye opening scene is probably in my top 3 most terror inducing moments in cinema ever. . .
  2. I definitely think Charles Laughton was going for an over-the-top tone in the film, consciously. Interviews with him also indicated as much. Also to note, Laughton was English and was self-aware about trying to present a "Southern Gothic" film. The cultural filter therein also adds to the surreal and comical nature of it. If those damn kids were just a little smarter and less obnoxious... For a revisit, maybe try a double-feature with Badlands. I have no proof to this, but have always speculated that Malick wanted Martin Sheen to play Charlie Starkweather as a contrast to the Robert Mitchum character in The Night of the Hunter. It's interesting to compare the characters (even if Starkweather is loosely based off a real person) and performances. On Fritz Lang, I agree that M is better than Metropolis (and The Testament of Dr. Mabuse is better than both), but would be quick to point out that Lang's work ultimately suffered without Thea Von Harbou. DOPE. Absolutely fascinating too. I've been meaning to get around watching Badlands so this is a nice "next free Sunday" double-feature plan. Maybe try and triple play it w/M. On the topic of interesting older directors - John Frankenheimer's "Seconds" is particularly good.
  3. T3551ER

    Now Reading

    Damn. I should get this, always dug his work.You're right, it's something coming straight from what I imagined as a kid when reading synopses of sci fi films I wasn't allowed to watch in TV guides. I also saw that there's some video game to be released soon that basically steals his style. Sad. Yeah, heard the same thing (about the video game). Which is shitty shit shit - dude's stuff is so very unique/particular. . . and incredibly well done. Already decided that I'm going to ask for this for my birthday, pretty stoked. . . Thanks for this recommendation. This is phenomenal.
  4. I like the Tennesse Williams comment - that actually helps frame things better (in my mind). Ok, interesting - I adore some T. Williams and most of the films I love are of an earlier era (e.g., Streetcar Name Desire w/ skinny Brando). Set design photos are dope. Question: If I were to give this another try, can to you recommend anything to keep in mind going in to help keep myself open? I know when I first watched it the pitch was so heavy handed on the "terrifying film" that, particularly in a modern context, it just ended up being laughable.
  5. My urge to punch a kid has never been stronger than when I watched Where the Wild Things Are. The Night of the Hunter, for me. My goodness those kids are idiots. I'm glad someone brought this up. Was told by someone that Night of the Hunter was supposed to be a taut, edge of your seat terrifying masterpiece of cinema and I spent the entire time wanting to punch everyone in the film (at various points in time), the director and, ultimately, myself for watching it. For it's time, I'm sure it was amazeballs but shit has not aged well at ALL. Tho do like the reference to it in Do The Right Thing.. .
  6. Interesting. I watched The Endless over the break. Found it good, but enjoyed it much less than Spring. Think it's 'cause I'm really a 16 yo girl at heart so the love story of Spring cut me to the quick. *shrugs* opinions n whatnot. Of course, I hated both the lead characters so I'm not even sure I made it to the end to be honest, perhaps makes my opinion invalid anyway. Oh, nah man, everyone's got their own opinion (it's what makes life interesting!) I once heard a review discussion of Spring amd the opinions on the movie differed drastically dependent on their like/dislike of the main character. Some people found him really whiny/unsympathetic, and it killed the movie for them (I get it - I think if I were in a dif headspace it might not have "worked" for me)
  7. Interesting. I watched The Endless over the break. Found it good, but enjoyed it much less than Spring. Think it's 'cause I'm really a 16 yo girl at heart so the love story of Spring cut me to the quick. *shrugs* opinions n whatnot.
  8. I basically thought the same thing after watching it... My daughter saw it more metaphorical... And during our after movie chat, I started to appreciate what it could mean to others... While still wishing it was done differently. Seems I remember how much I've forgotten about childhood whenever I have those after movie conversations with her. =P I really try to keep in mind that most horror films are directed towards teens/early 20 year olds. Now... I... Don't think it was terrible. I'd never recommend it, and will never watch it again... But I don't feel like I wasted time watching it. <shrug> She wants us to watch The Nun next... =X <sigh> My hopes are not high. =P Whatever... After that is Drainiac, and I'm psyched. =P Ya'll might want to check out: It's prob one of my favorite horror films/films I've seen in the past few years. It's an odd mix of horror/romance* - the horror is more on the Lovecraftian side. Not particularly gory, more body-horror but earns its place in the context of the themes of the film. Seems like it would be a very interesting movie to have a conversation with my daughter about after watching (as it raises some very good questions about the nature of love v physical desire and the meaning of sacrifice). *I use that word tentatively - I mean it more in, perhaps, an antiquated sense, not in a "rom-com" sense.
  9. Is Steep any good? I flirted w/ getting it as a way to play a "totally chill" game as a counterpoint to the FPS intensity of COD and the Red Dead Redemptionness of RDR2 but stayed on the fence. It's not Cool Boarders or SSX unfortunately, it's a bit dull. Currently free on PS+. Wouldn't buy it otherwise. mm - k. Good to know - SSX was so flippin' awesome (no pun intended). . . Is Steep any good? I flirted w/ getting it as a way to play a "totally chill" game as a counterpoint to the FPS intensity of COD and the Red Dead Redemptionness of RDR2 but stayed on the fence. It definitely quenches that "totally chill" fix for a little while. I was hoping it would fill the gap the Skate series left behind for me, but that was pipe dreams. thnx! Ok, some diff of opinions here - sounds like something to look in to, but maybe once a price drop occurs. Skate was dope - I have . . .I'll have to check but Skate 2 I think is back compatible on Xbox and I snagged that a while ago. . .keep forgetting to go back. It was sort of the perfect "chill" game - particularly because you can pick up your board and walk around/totally ignore any challenges if u want to.
  10. T3551ER

    Now Reading

    Damn. I should get this, always dug his work. You're right, it's something coming straight from what I imagined as a kid when reading synopses of sci fi films I wasn't allowed to watch in TV guides. I also saw that there's some video game to be released soon that basically steals his style. Sad. Yeah, heard the same thing (about the video game). Which is shitty shit shit - dude's stuff is so very unique/particular. . . and incredibly well done. Already decided that I'm going to ask for this for my birthday, pretty stoked. . .
  11. Is Steep any good? I flirted w/ getting it as a way to play a "totally chill" game as a counterpoint to the FPS intensity of COD and the Red Dead Redemptionness of RDR2 but stayed on the fence.
  12. I just saw a video on Facebook of Buckethead playing bass and thought: what if Buckethead removed his mask and it was Tom Jenkinson underneath?
  13. It’s the best Marvel thing in a visual medium, period. Funny, wife and I are blazing through the series right now after comic guy at the gas station recommended it a couple of weeks ago. It's fucking great. EDIT: Lol funny, mental dyslexia. I was thinking of "Lucifer" - and was wondering why everyone was talking about Marvel when Lucifer is a Vertigo/DC Anyway, Lucifer is great. Legion is also great in a totally different way and, yes, amazeballs.
  14. T3551ER

    Now Reading

    I'm not reading this (yet) but I will probably have to at some point. Always been intrigued by this guy's art, and it sounds like this book is, basically, something pulled out of my dreamworld.
  15. This is scary. At first I was like, "well, duh, it's clearly that dude's knee - he just has one knee up and one down" but then I started looking at it and the more I look at it the less I can make sense of it. It's like reverse pareidolia. Also, can someone photoshop Mortal Kombat onto the screen? Also (also): Got Mortal Kombat XL during the M$ sale. One of the best 5$ I've ever spent. Really surprised at how much they focused on tweaking the combat - now it's kind of like the MK I always wanted but didn't know I did - i.e., fairly tight kombat kontrols but with the same brutal, visceral violence that always defined the series.
  16. Donated. Wasn't much but hope it helps. My best and truest hopes for their speedy return home, unharmed, and in good health. :-)
  17. Yeah, I've been trying to give some benefit of the doubt even after the creator shafted Guillemo Del Toro et al but. . . this just looks kind of stupid. Ron Pearlman owns this role and seeing someone else in it also feels off - no offense to David Harbour but. . .don't know, this gives me all the mehs. . .
  18. This weekend watched a pair of films I'd put in the "surprisingly good" horror/sci-fi category: Stephanie Whenever I see the name "Akiva Goldsman" I tend to vomit in my mouth a little but . . . totally competent directing here. This movie wouldn't work without the spectacular acting of the three (just realized, it legit is only three) actors. Standout is the actress playing the titular Stephanie who fucking OWNS this shit and who probably should be getting 15 movie deals based on the performance here alone. Anna Torv (of Fringe fame) appears. There is a scene where she walks into a room and takes off her nightgown to change in to something else which provides the director the opportunity to ogle her ass and show some sideboob. I'm not complaining, but it's, like, a petty moment in an otherwise completely non-petty film. A excellent example of restraint. The mystery of what's going on is meted out slowly, and gained via inference rather than direct exposition. The "thing" is never really seen directly (there is a moment late in the film when a potential reveal cuts directly to the next scene instead. Any lesser film would have used it as an excuse to show the monster, thus cheapening it. Again, I can't believe Goldsman directed this). Whoever wrote these characters lends an air of realism to both the parents and the kid (again, who owns this role - but credit to the writers for writing a completely believable character). The best horror/sci-fi uses the supernatural to help draw out themes of the natural. As a parent to be, this film has an added weight (I'm speaking vaguely on purpose here - best to go into this one knowing as little as possible). Subtle. That's the word that'd been evading me. This film is subtle, and rewards your attention. Less of a "slow burn" than a tight, well crafted, well-written, well acted piece that ultimately ends up being a meditation on family, sacrifice, love, darkness, and the end of the world. 8.5 Anna Torv sideboobs/10 Seven in Heaven Probably good to go into this one knowing that it's PG-13 and set your expectations accordingly. I.e., don't expect Anna Torv sideboob in this one, and no gore. However, there is violence here (and not just of the physical kind). The main characters are all high school aged (again, PG-13 rating so aiming for a younger audience here) - don't let that deter you. The characters are well rounded, and the film (thankfully) doesn't paint teenagers as mono-minded idiots who can't intuit/logic out complex situations. Oh, right, for American Vandal fans, the lead is the same guy who plays Kevin McClain in S2. This movie plays out sort of like a compacted season of Channel Zero. Some similar themes involved, including a particular species of dream logic that asks the viewer to maybe not try and pay attention to figuring out the rules too much and just "go with it." Not to say it's bad or that it doesn't make sense - it's more that it's not ever really exactly spelled out, and allowing your mind to accept that what your seeing isn't necessarily "real" is a good rule of thumb. Think more on the Lynch side of things. Basically, I'm saying you should smoke out before this one. There are some things that I'm not sure I am ok with (under spoilers below) but I really kind of loved this one. All the characters felt very believable, it brought back some weirdly nostalgic feelings about being young, confused, adrift, hopefully romantic, and terrified about the world. It's a tight film, that has excellent pacing, tension, some moments of genuine levity, interesting and believable characters. 7/10 Heavens
  19. I know it sort of defeats the original purpose, but it might be nice to have the Analords available in WAV/FLAC. Just sayin'. . .
  20. like all hi res formats it's completely pointless and simply a waste of space. lel. K. that wasn't a lel post btw, it's comepltey true. hi res audio is indistinguishable from regular cd format and is simply a new(ish) marketing shtick.this a good writeup on the topic from one of the makers of FLAC: https://people.xiph.org/~xiphmont/demo/neil-young.html I couldn't care less about audio quality tbh, I just detest streaming. edit: Ta. WAV's for aphex and shitty MP3 for everything else. DONE. EDIT: said fuck it. Ordered FIIO M3K using 60$ giftcard option w/ Amazon credit card. Basically ended up paying 15$ for player + memory card. STOKED. enjoy man, glad I could help :) ^_^! @Eugene - ahhh, ok, understood. For some reason I was conflagrating "hi-res" with "lossless" (that's a great article btw). And, if I'm being brutally honest, I can only tell the difference between lossless and a 320 KBPS MP3 with specific equipment, and specific music.
  21. like all hi res formats it's completely pointless and simply a waste of space. lel. K. Ta. WAV's for aphex and shitty MP3 for everything else. DONE. EDIT: said fuck it. Ordered FIIO M3K using 60$ giftcard option w/ Amazon credit card. Basically ended up paying 15$ for player + memory card. STOKED.
  22. Do you have any feedback on the UI? I've been looking at replacing my ipod with an x5 3rd gen but I've read complaints about the UI. I'll be putting around 60k tracks on the thing and I've read it's hard to find songs or something? Any complaints at all on it? I'm also considering an x7 with A5 headphone amp. None of the ones mentioned here have a search function as far as i have researched. Altough I recall reading somewhere that Hidizs AP80 is looking to implement it in a future firmware update. I chose the m3k because it works really well with my old foobar playlists which kinda compensates for not being able to search for me.. edit2: streaming is for incels This is AWESOME. THANK YOU for posting this (I've been considering getting a dedicated audio player for ages - used have a COWON that I loved but crapped out years ago). Lots to ponder here. Can anyone give me their take on the DSD format? I honestly hadn't even heard of it before the reviews linked here. Is it a lossless format akin to FLAC or something? Totally out of the loop. . .
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